Bold lines are the files you need to edit or run, followed by settings and suggested values. File paths are relative to your PR install or Documents folders.
- aiSettings.setMaxNBots 64 is the total number of bots. Maximum is 96.
- aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0 leave at 0 to make math easier.
mods\pr\settings\serversettings.con for dedicated (or ProjectReality\Profiles\XXXX\ServerSettings.con for in-game server)
- sv.serverPort 16567 forward this port in your router if you want to play with friends. Another option is Radmin VPN.
- sv.maxPlayers 16 is the number of human slots on the server. Don't go over 16 on COOP.
- sv.coopBotCount 48 is the base number for bot calculations. Max is 48.
- sv.coopBotRatio 100 is the % of sv.coopBotCount bots in the team 1. Max is 100.
- For example, with aiSettings.setMaxNBots 96
- sv.coopBotCount 48 & sv.coopBotRatio 100 = 48v48teams.
- sv.coopBotCount 40 & sv.coopBotRatio 100 = 56v40 teams.
- sv.coopBotCount 40 & sv.coopBotRatio 50 = 76v20 teams.
- sv.coopBotCount 20 & sv.coopBotRatio 100 = 76v20 teams.
- Or aiSettings.setMaxNBots 64
- sv.coopBotCount 32 & sv.coopBotRatio 100 = 32v32 teams.
- Or aiSettings.setMaxNBots 32
- sv.coopBotCount 32 & sv.coopBotRatio 50 = 16v16 teams. Etc.
- Team with over 40 bots can't have human squad leaders.
- In order to play COOP, you must put COOP maps on the list.
- Remove all non-COOP/non-wanted maps, and all rem, beginrem and endrem lines.
- C['PRDEBUG_ALL'] = 1 allow/deny debugging. Set to 0 to deny.
- Search PR forums for rcon commands.
- Double click.
- Don't resize the window.
- Google for BF2 server commands.