Local RCON Commands

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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by sweedensniiperr »

No they can be destroyed
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by DogACTUAL »

sweedensniiperr wrote:No they can be destroyed
Wrong. I tested it, they can be collapsed by explosives like regular emplacements, but no amount of explosives will remove their 'base', it will remain indefinitely.

Now my question is, what is their purpose?
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by sweedensniiperr »

Well that's what I meant of course

duh ;)
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by Suchar »

DogACTUAL wrote:Wrong. I tested it, they can be collapsed by explosives like regular emplacements, but no amount of explosives will remove their 'base', it will remain indefinitely.

Now my question is, what is their purpose?
One of these ones was here on Vadso, it is no longer there I guess

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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by DogACTUAL »

So i guess they are used for when there is to be a fixed spawn point that can be disabled but not removed completely and can also be rebuild indefinitely. Or those preplaced AA emplacements on falklands near GB main that can be shoveled up. Falklands seems to have quite a few of these, i guess the CLOS missile emplacements and 20mm AA guns are of a similar nature.
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by WeeGeez »


I have done the following and get the above image result.
enabled said option in global options
loaded a map in coop
typed rcon debug in chat
typed rcon prbot (and rcon camera) in chat.

Neither work.

What am i doing wrong?

Edit: nvm firgured it out, you have to walk forward and press enter
Last edited by WeeGeez on 2019-01-19 19:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by Arab »

WeeGeez wrote:Image

I have done the following and get the above image result.
enabled said option in global options
loaded a map in coop
typed rcon debug in chat
typed rcon prbot (and rcon camera) in chat.

Neither work.

What am i doing wrong?

Edit: nvm firgured it out, you have to walk forward and press enter
As far as I know for the prbots, there's only prbot3 and prbot4 since the other 2 may be inactive in the game.

prbot3: Quick, has flares, has no GUI camera weapon and can shoot a camera attached to a projectile which follows until it lands (and can switch camera views with C while it's fired).

prbot4: Slow, but has 6 projectiles from Single Fire, Auto Fire, Grenade, APC, Artillery and Napalms with Black and White thermal vision.
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by sweedensniiperr »

no they are there but invisible. you go forward a bit and enter the vehicle
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by Cheerio »

Doesn't work in local coop with bots for some reason
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by Nate. »

Cheerio wrote:Doesn't work in local coop with bots for some reason
1-) open with notepad++ the file "realityconfig_coop.py"
2-) scroll down to the last line, where is says: C['PRDEBUG_ALL'] = 0
3-) change the 0 to 1
4-) save file
5-) enjoy rcon in coop
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by Cheerio »

Nate. wrote:1-) open with notepad++ the file "realityconfig_coop.py"
2-) scroll down to the last line, where is says: C['PRDEBUG_ALL'] = 0
3-) change the 0 to 1
4-) save file
5-) enjoy rcon in coop
thanks mate!
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by ShrapGnoll »

updated list
rcon health # rcon health playername 123 (heal player) rcon health 100 (repair vehicle)
rcon size # print map size dbg message
rcon destroyables # list destroyables ?
rcon fastcap # allow a signle player to quickly cap a flag
rcon localization
rcon profiler # enable profiler
rcon points
rcon spawner # rcon spawner templateName (spawns an object of templateName)
rcon vehicles
rcon exit # toggle exit vehicle damage system
rcon damage
rcon oneman # disable vehicle crew requirements
rcon start # warmup vehicle
rcon light
rcon heavy
rcon prbot # spawn a prbot, each prbot can do different things
rcon prbot2
rcon prbot3
rcon prbot4
rcon prbot_alt
rcon ninja # spawn a kit with a grapple crossbow
rcon kits # spawn all faction kits on the ground in a row
rcon onefaction # disable kit faction requirments
rcon teleport # teleport n meters in the direction the player is facing
rcon ready # disable vehicle warmup
rcon arty
rcon idkfa # rearm vehicles?
rcon rearm # rearm player or vehicle
rcon stamina # rearm stamina
rcon physics
rcon acsys # toggle asset claim system squad lend status

rcon debug # toggle rcon debug status
rcon camera # enter camera mode

rcon request # these are mostly all for placing request markers of different types as SL
rcon mark
rcon drop # drop kit
rcon attack
rcon extract
rcon support
rcon supply # place a supply reqest marker
rcon repair # place a repair request marker
rcon ammo
rcon medic
rcon fire
rcon mutiny
rcon status
rcon mine # place a mine marker
rcon spawn
rcon cmdr
rcon rally

rcon distance
rcon closest
rcon select
rcon custom
rcon initkit
rcon delete
rcon uav
rcon lz
rcon target
rcon mortar
rcon cas
rcon demolish
rcon minefield
rcon spotted
rcon giveup
rcon done
rcon lase
rcon heartbeat
rcon position # print (x, y, z) position
rcon preroundcamera
rcon drag
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by RyanTurner »

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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by ...Evil_Lord... »

I remember after writing

rcon spawner_deployable_razorwire

there was a command that already allowed the construction to be done, without having to dig, what was the final command?
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by ALADE3N »

rcon spawner deployable_razorwire_sp i believe if you are loading the coop map
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by s0rrynk »

Hello there was one problem
On the sareema map I wanted to create mi 8 the game crashes
I want to create already ka 29 the game is already crashing, I did everything correctly, please help
or am I using the codes for helicopters incorrectly or yes
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by CAS_ual_TY »

s0rrynk wrote:Hello there was one problem
On the sareema map I wanted to create mi 8 the game crashes
I want to create already ka 29 the game is already crashing, I did everything correctly, please help
or am I using the codes for helicopters incorrectly or yes
You can only spawn in vehicles that are part of the map already. If you eg. spawn a Panzer IV on Battle of Ia Drang the game crashes.
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by uniter »

One question, really would aprecciate any reply:
Is there any rcon command to fix vehicle? That would be nice
Thanks in advance
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Re: Local RCON Commands

Post by uniter »

I think I found it
I believe it is rcon idkfa
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