On STD, ALT, and LRG layers the RedFor is always MEC. Marlin is an amazing map and it's quite obvious why it is played so often during the week.
There is nothing especially wrong with this, however because Marlin is played many times a day I think it would be nice if ALT layer could be converted into a defensive AAS layer instead of symmetrical AAS. Maybe something like this:
[x1] CAS helicopter
[x1] AAVP
[x1] Bradley
[x2] Blackhawk Trans
[x4] 50cal Humvee
[x2] Logistics Truck
[x2] Trans Truck
[x5] Trans Truck
[x3] Trans Truck (no respawn)
[x1] Logistics Truck (no respawn)
[x3] BTR-80
[x1] CROWS Tigr
[x2] Tiger
It doesnt have to be these factions or this flag layout, but I do hope that ALT layer for Marlin can be made to be quite different from STD and LRG. It'd be nice to get some variety for this very old classic map.
I don't even like Marlin in the first place. Its mostly urban with a bunch of sudden peekers and sudden close combat.
Its reminding the new players of the Call of Duty type games they played at some point in their life.
Like any other FPS they play. This is Project Reality, it has special stuff. Marlin and Muttrah are played WAY too much. Urban is played WAY too much. Only time Urban is fun is when Insurgents get roadblocks.
We need more layouts on maps that allow for and encourage 6 super FOBs over an objective defense over open terrain maps.
I want this fun aspect of Project Reality ingrained in players.
Make them higher IQ, so that way when they see a city they think in unison all together as squad leaders "to hell with that, lets build our giant base the enemy cannot touch with 3 AA, 3 ATGM and 6+ HMG assets in view of each other."
Some map layouts you ONLY defend, then if you lose you have to fall back and cannot recapture. Need more of this over open terrain with Super FOBs. I am tired of city attacks
Instead of pulling out of the city for 30 ticket loss to build 1 Super FOB per infantry squad over our open desert objectives in view of each other, we continued losing the meat grinder in the city.
It is boring and mind numbing, I want to psychologically dominate the enemy with a tactically done right to its fullest spread potential of multiple 300-400 meter wide SUPER Fobs.
Assets built east and west of the FOB up to 200 meters each direction with FOB hidden, assets show in force. 1 man per asset, 1 man per Foxhole.
1 man dig each thing, this has multiple benefits like not having everyone die to one explosive, everything done all at the same time instead of one at a time.
This is the logic we are missing out on.
Then on maps like Burning Sands where there is open desert for 6 Super FOBs done RIGHT to their full potential radius spread to focus all on defending a single flag to let the enemy die trying to get to it across the open.
With mutually supporting super FOBs and defense for armor assets to join on its flanks as mobile support response to armor, then when enemy assets are down to just hammer the city showing psychological domination, grinding the enemy to dust slowly.
So much pre-fire suppression and FLIR thermals scanning their peekers don't want to peek.
When you could just hammer the city, keep the enemy in there, mortar them, 3 TOW, 3 AA, 6+ HMG over 1500 meter radius of super FOBs making one giant super FOB.
If the enemy doesn't have choppers the 3 AA become artillery rockets, which from 1000+ meters back has a great drop like a missile.
But JUST BECAUSE THERE IS A CITY IN THE MIDDLE it is played the same brain dead boring mind numbing way everytime going into the city for an urban peeker close quarters sudden combat meat grinder Call of Duty BS.
In a real war that would waste men, it gets old and boring in video games. I don't come to Project Reality to play Call of Duty in a city.
Just because there is a small city in the center of Burning sands and objectives in there, doesn't mean you need to take them to win.
You can give the enemy an urban death from the safety an open desert base. 1500 meters wide in assets, foxholes.
We need to showcase the full potential of the games super FOBs done EXACTLY right to their full radius potential, taught with high IQ efficieny of one man digs each thing
Any map with a city of that kind of stupid random chaos when I KNOW super FOBs are deadly fun to run in the open building cover, I like dealing with peekers that way.
I don't like urban in general unless I am an insurgent in a trashy obstacle cluttered city or I get roadblocks.
The open roads on this map, the constant corners, windows, roof tops, the fight for the TV station stairwell just sitting and waiting
Big 300 meter wide super FOBs in view of each other, run by multiple squads over open desert objectives, 1 squad per super FOB is more fun on an open desert 300 meter wide objective. Then with the assets supporting.'
I will make a multiple language post about the subject of efficiency, Super FOBs, each assets capability, scanning aggressively.
The preventative fire, presumptive fire, preemptive fire, pre-fire, recon by fire, probing fire, grazing fire, plunging fire, suppression fire on its sweep and double sweep machine gun traverse.
Goal is to get 6+ HMG .50 cal firing with all other assets maxed out spread in view of each other, 1 man hurt, seen or shot at per position while playing active peek a book dodging.
Active distracting and self baiting, drawing fire by making noise, giving tracers, dividing the enemy fire and attention.
Combat techniques of fire. Repair stations around super FOB with logi truck medics or repair logi APC following armor around the super FOBs as they fire..
It gives the enemy an overwhelming sense of targets that shoot back at them more aggressively than they can fire at us.
Then its the brigade of assets on top of the super FOBs made of Tanks + APC + jeep + logi/repair APC(?) + Logi truck repair + transport truck to just add to the vehicles.
If a lighter or less valuable vehicle like a jeep or a truck is in view of an armor asset, it doesn't get shot first but also adds to visual distraction.
The thought of psychologically dominating the enemy with such simplicity gives me such a chub. Like a brain splurge with tingle. I am the one who can make it seem "unbalanced" with tactics. Really gets me off.
1 Man per piece of cover, Move cover to cover. In view of each other to save each other by shooting, distraction, division of enemy attention and ammo. 1 man hit per RPG/tank shell/mortar spread formation full time. Edge of cap zone. Use camouflage, police up each others exposure, no man seen sticking out. Scan aggressively with eyes and ears for anything suspect, even for birds disturbed to fly out of trees