"High" and "Low" moments in a Round.

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Post by OiSkout »

High? Well I had a lot. Low? Well I also had a lot. This one round sticks in my head, because it was the most recent:

One of the highest I had recently(WHILE MY STATS AND MOST OF MY SQUADS STATS WERE VERY, VERY SHITTY. AKA below .500), was when someone asked me if I was sniping at a certain location. In fact, we were, but I had an entire 6 man squad in that zone.

PS - Although only 2 of the members in my squad were useful.

Worst? Well, in that same round, I had two players in my team who I assumed were good pilots. If not good, I assumed they were remotely decent. They crashed their chopper in Oman TWICE in a row. Then after they gave up(and I told them of the warm-up time), I called in for support(air AND apc) multiple times and got nothing. The last straw was the commander put the command post in a bad location(I think it was a bug on the carrier) in which it would non-stop repair it, but also say "artillery baseline gettin attacked" and then "arty baseline gettin PWNT HARD, SAVE IT!" Ugh. Though I had good and bad members coming in and out of that round often.

PPS - People say stats don't matter, but to me they do. I often have a K/D score above .500, as well do most of my teammates. And then if they do or don't, their teamwork score is quite high as well. And in the condition, if both K/D and TW were low, they had many-many overall points(through the PR system) that it was very high. I'm not saying that the PR point system is flawed, but a decent amount of people know what they are doing AND the PR point system is effective in my "grading" of squadmates.

PPPPPPPPS - I'm going to make my SL guide soon(probably after sun) and fully describe what I mean. I'm pullin an Eggman here :D Though I can edit my speech through typin!
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Post by Outlawz7 »

Low - hiding the supply truck in a "good location" as commander on Ejod only to have an AT4 blow it up right away

High - saying to myself "feck this" and start fighting on my own. Then have a USMC squad throwing smoke grenades onto their own position and I come in there with my G3 on full auto and come out without a scratch and 6 kills :twisted:
.:iGi:. Greg
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Post by .:iGi:. Greg »

Low: Blowing up myself, three squad members and our rally point accidentally with C4 on Seven Gates, thus single handedly handing the map and entire round to the other team. (it was only about 12v12 at the time)

High: iGi teamwork night, my squad pooned the other team trying to attack west flag on Mestia.
Reddish Red
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Post by Reddish Red »

Low: After Securing Market and Clearing it, I made a Decision as Sqaud Leader to move to construction site, when we reached there Market was invaded by 2 USMC Sqauds and a APC, we whent back to clear Rally Point but only managed to direct the enemy sqauds towards it, so Market fell Quickly

High: We secured market, and leaving 2 men at Market to guard it.. 4 of us managed to take construction site with no casualties, and the Market Defence holded out agianst a 5 Man Sqaud.
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Post by ReaperMAC »

Low: Having a HAT on Kashan ready to kill this tank while I am behind a very concealed position, only for the rocket to blow up in my face because I wasn't "clear" of the ground"

High: Kickin *** with TF21.
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Post by kruck »

.:iGi:. Greg wrote:Low: Blowing up myself, three squad members and our rally point accidentally with C4 on Seven Gates, thus single handedly handing the map and entire round to the other team. (it was only about 12v12 at the time)

High: iGi teamwork night, my squad pooned the other team trying to attack west flag on Mestia.
High, climbing a conveniently placed grappling hook up to the top of west tower on the teamwork night, (the brits left it there), before crawling to the very top windows and lobbing in some C4, and then blowing them allllll up :twisted: and a nice opening 4 kills :D

Low: finding out it wasn't live when it got restarted several seconds afterwards.
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Post by Ecko »

High: Tracking a commander as sniper, stopping him from building assets.

Low: Being knifed in the face by an insurgent after unloading a full clip at him.
AKA Ecko1987
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Post by dbzao »

High: myself and 3 guys in a squad of air support with the 2 cobras in Kashan. We were flying in formation, attacking targets together that were marked by friendlies and the commander. No deaths until...

Low: I get an AA lock, drop flares, starting bugging out to my right and as I fly right above the other cobra of the squad I get hit by the AA, exploding and exploding the cobra bellow me. :( 20 minutes wait...
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Post by G.Drew »

Kashan Desert

High: Taking out enemy vehicles and armour at range (esp the tanks cos they expolde like a b*tch)
High: Storming, taking and holding one of the bunkers, while fending off numerous enemy attacks
Low: getting stuck in the middle of the f*cking desert (then getting shot from anywhere)
Low: capping a flag just when u lose a one way over the other side of the map

[R-COM]BloodBane611: I do like the old school rape...However, it's a bit awkward to be a white boy blasting the old school in public....
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Post by Guardian[]B()b »

High: was last night on TacticalGamer, 478 points with 0 kills and 1 death, came in 3rd overall with extra credits.

Our SL [TG-6th] Dirtboy let me drive the tank for Qwai-River while he gunned (and he did a fine job of SL while still gunning too) with MikeMuck on engineer duties we kept things under control along the Processing, Gvt office, Mine road until the rest of the team pushed the US back.
A big thanks to Dirtboy for not kicking me when I had issues with the new driver setup and had us in the ditches a few times.


Low: The very next round on Ejod. I became a bullet magnet, starting lagging for some reason, was TK'd at least 4 times, knifed once and went something like 19d/4k... Odd, No screens of that round.
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Post by Dirtboy »

Yea...that was a fun round.

I dont kick people who use teamwork and communication. I have all the patience in the world when it comes to people new to PR. Although there were several times we were hung up in a ditch we did EXTREMELY well going back and forth from Processing and Mine.

Also a HUGE thanks to Mikemuck for keep the Tank operational. He was always on the spot with a wrnech and constantly repairing.

All in all, I think we took down 5 APC's, 25 troops, 3 Humvees, and 2 Commander trucks. And that was only playing for about 30-45 min. :)
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Post by billdan »

hehe i remember that round. USMC put up a good fight at north mine for most of the round and my squad (tg wannabe) really pissed them off more than once (while they brought minigun littlebirds and pairs of APCs and we did not have tank support :rolleyes :)
im usually only happy with 4.0 KDR or higher but that round was just a blast with only 2.0 (exactly)
|TG-69th|Mix0lydian in-game
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Post by OiSkout »

Ugh new low today. I was TKed more than the enemy killed me. And I had 11 deaths. Though at least we won the game. My entire squad kept gettin massacred by FF from infantry to armor in the Oilfields map.
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Post by donkeybond »

-Killing 2 guys in a row defending west tower on mestia
-killing 2 guys attacking the west tower (we lost it)
-Killing 3 guys in a row on road to.... (some chinese name) at the airdrop outpost.
I shot the first guy, then the second guy came to heal him, then i shot him, then the third guy came, and i shot him too.

-Getting shot in the back by a friendly, while rushing up on the hill on the last outpost on the road to... (some chinese name) map. I think it was pretty obvious i was a friendly, all of the US guys were on top of that hill and i was running towards them.
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Post by Alex6714 »

High: having a great game on kashan with few people, scouting for the attack chopper etc...

High: Defeating a solo´er in the cobra with the MEC scout chopper.

Low: Getting teamswitched straight afterwards while my squad were capping the second to last flag after a couple of hours of play.

High: Spying for my loyal team, helping them cap the north village advising of any incomming armour.

High: Rejoining my team and squad.

Low: Server crashing/restarting near the end. :mad:

Sorry for those who I played with for using my dirty tactic. :o ops: But I really hate getting teamswitched like that, especially after a long game. :mad:
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