It sickens me...

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Post by [DVB] »

Personaly i find that having these little treasuers hidden on maps degrades the team work atmosphere. and the above is the prime example. every one remember back in .609 the amazing race to the black hawk wreck. it was exciting, to bad it wasn't for the government office.
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Post by Morgan »

1) Don't get worked up about it.
2) Don't play a 24/7 INS server (almost as bad as 24/7 karkand from BF2v.)
3) Find some people to play regularly with in a squad utilising teamwork and all your worries will disappear.
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Post by pasfreak »

what is with people and this sniper kit?

sniper kit is NOT the best kit out there. you pick it up, and more than half of all people won't even know how to aim with it

another half won't be able to hit anything with it.

and another half of that won't be able to kill anyone with it.

its so annoying to see people request and request over and over again sniper kit sniper kit marksman kit
even when there aren't enough people.
its one thing when you get a marksman and have an organized squad, you are either picking off far away troops, or you have a heli deliver you to a building for temporary engagement, then the heli picks you back up and delivers you to your squad.

sniping is awesome, but it's not the easiest thing to do in PR. Most people request the thing only because they've heard stories of leet pwnge, and they wanna do it themselves.

heck, i was playing STREET
the one where everyone uses a shotgun, nades, and full auto.

and there were like five people sitting at the base trying to request sniper kits
we only had 9 people per team!

"You can't expect to have the DEVS make everything idiot proof....(though that is an arguable point due to the generous number of said idiots that do play the game)."

"next time I catch you in the bushes outside my place, I'm skipping the 911 call and going straight to 1911."
-unknown youtuber
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Post by Wasteland »

I moved the thread here, as it's more fitting.
Originally Posted by: ArmedDrunk&Angry
we don't live in your fantastical world where you are the super hero sent to release us all from the bondage of ignorance
Originally Posted by: [R-MOD]dunehunter
don't mess with wasteland, a scary guy will drag you into an alleyway and rape you with a baseballbat
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Post by SGT.JOKER »

I personally like having the pick up kits around, they work good when you have 1 (or 2) fairly decent snipers in a squad (one using the regular sniper kit and the other using the pick up). My only complaint is when some one (vbf2 punks) find them, tk's for them, run's up close to the enemy with them, die's and lets the enemy grab it, and then crys about it types. Those rifles need an anti-vbf2 noob policy.
SGT.JOKER>FTW<(Fight To Win) In Game
Just getting back in the game :mrgreen:
Riflemen, SAW Gunner, Grenaider.
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Post by Morgan »

Fearosius wrote:1. Why shouldn't I get worked up about it, all of the dedicated PR community has to put up with these guys, its not right.

2. I usually play on home-server (GSA) most of the time, but 24/7 INS when its empty.

3. Give me some names please.
1) Your playing it to enjoy it so don't get annoyed about little kiddies, tell an admin and if not find a decent server without smacktards in it (try ours, just search 1st Cav)

2)Tag UK is good, and Thors Brigade

3) Look in the thread "Good players" can't remember which sub-forum it is on. You can try playing a few rounds with some 1st Cav guys, just PM me.
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Post by Safekeeper »

The mod should be renamed 'Project Teamwork'. Might actually help a bit :P .
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Post by JohnnyPissoff »

Don't worry about it, the PR vBF2'oob filter kicks in after a few rounds and they all go back to Mother EA/Dice.

Haven't you noticed we strain the filter and just about everyday one of the decent new players posts here reporting that he's found his way home?
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Post by BlakeJr »

Fearosius wrote:NOTE: Could a mod pleae edit the 'sickenes' word into the appropiate please.
No, but I can give you a warning for a vague thread title.
Next time be more specific. Ok?
{ pretty sig removed construction on new one has not begun }
... yet ...
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Post by -=TB=-Tobakfromcuba »

not mentioned this situation:
i revive a sniper, going to heal him , get shot bymyself, the sniper survives and
...stay crouched right on top of me, takes my kit, gives himself the field dressings..
switches back to the sniper kit, leaves me behind .
if there wouldnt be guys in this forum making pressure to me what is to hard as a punishment, i would use my admin rights and ban such guys.
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Post by LtSoucy »

true i hate them.
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Post by supahpingi »

Maybe we shold have a couple of passworded pro servers,only for teamplayers and such,with a special part of this forum(maybe?)where u have to get a license so u get the password and play on it!
it would be very handy bcause u only get good gameplay with voip and such!

Anyone supporting this idea?
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Post by Morgan »

How do you get on this so called "pro" network? Playing on the "pro" server with others "pros". Oh no you can't. Only a select few would get on and then with passworded servers you're cutting down on the amount of players able to get into the server, seperating and destroying the community.
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Post by Heliocentric »

pasfreak wrote:what is with people and this sniper kit?

sniper kit is NOT the best kit out there. you pick it up, and more than half of all people won't even know how to aim with it

another half won't be able to hit anything with it.

and another half of that won't be able to kill anyone with it.
so.... is that 150%, or 87.5% that cant use the gun?

and what do you base that on? maye if they knew where it was they could practise with it?

personally? i think its bull that kits are hidden at all.

fair that some people can find this kit and others cant?

realistic that a gun can be found hidden reliably(its not like its randomised)?

Good for teamwork(when people are lonewolfing trying to find the damn kits)?

damages the balance? i dont know what kits are out there, but anything with an anti air launcher or anti tank, or supurior acuracy or magnification to what the side should have access to is quite capable of damging balance?

What it is though, is elitist, thats just what a game like this needs more of, bravo.
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Post by pureperversions »

no keep the secret kits, it makes it easyer to work out who not to squad with when they start going on about were it is
C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre. C'est de la folie
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Post by DarkTalon »

the secret kits really are as far from realistic as you can get.
- Dual wielding: good luck with that)
- hidden: take a stroll through iraq i'm sure you will find tons of high priced, and highly effective sniper weapons in every nook and cranny.
- weight: because the average iraqi can run with a .50cal, grenades, and two (mac-10s???).

leave them in betas, not in releases.
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Post by OiSkout »

I like the secret kits. Mainly because most idiots will have taken the sniper kits or the other team already stole them, I can still have fun sniping! Hehe.
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Post by Outlawz7 »

Yeah, then everyone brags you where you gotten it, eh
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