Most Satisfying Kill thread

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Post by Hx.Clavdivs »

Oh, I have one.

One well known gamer, in a high spirited mood before a match between our clans, had a go over global chat in a public server. Friendly banter, but you know ... in the back of you mind you always do tend to go: "Oh yeah? Bring it on."

Switch to
Location: Mestia
SL for the Militia: Clavdivs
SL for the British: The advesary
Hotspot: East tower.
Both squads have 6 players. All 12 in this mention are highly skilled PR gamers.

We secure equipment for our assignments. Everyone goes Sappers and mine both S, N, W and E. Head back to East Tower and pick up the other equipment. Leave two behind to scout ahead, place RP a touch further back than usual. Then head back in.

My squad is spread out in a line, trying to watch every direction and basically lie perfectly still just waiting for movement in front of us.

"Quad bike on the move"
"Copy, I see him"

Not only did I see him, but I was lying right in the same path as he was gunning his bike. At the last second I manage to get out of my position and jump-instaprone behind a tree, narrowly missing getting run over.

High pulse. Adrenaline. A wee bit miffed at myself for almost getting myself killed.
I know who it is. Recognize that tactic, and the reckless driving.

I'm gonna halt this story a second and give insight to my decision. The driver on the bike is an officer. A high priority. Second of all, he is alone. Most likely, he will not be alone the second he gets to his destination. And last, an officer and a full squad means a RP. This is where I had to gamble. It could have ended horribly wrong.

We pull out of east tower leaving it completely wide open. Since I was face down in a bush praying to the PR gods not getting run over, I lost sight of the quad bike. Not short after we leave east, one of our guys report in where he sees movement. 1 tango is now in the hill far N of east tower. (And this is the fun part,) the squad is spread out on each side and head in with haste, but still half concealed. Instead of opening fire, they just report in how many have spawned in, where the RP is.

Suppressing fire on one flank pushing the hostiles backwards, a rain of nades from the other angle, and they are gone. Before we reach the mountaintop, some have spawned in, all wiped out. Bye bye officer. Bye bye tangoes, and bye bye RP.

Let's all dance around the quad bike and their dead bodies. That, was a satisfying moment.

after that I played ****, but oh well.
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101 bassdrive experience may change during weekends..

Outlawz wrote:LOL, Helix clan disclaimer :p
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Post by LeadMagnet »

Sounds like Rainman. He does love his quad runs ;}

“Without Warning, Sans Remorse”
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Post by Synthmon »

I have one slightly less professional.

So I was in a squad of Brits on Mestia. We had been running through the woods for about ten minutes to deploy a rally point on a very nifty position. We scout around for any milita around the position, and find nothing. But just as the SL places the RP, tens of rounds smash into the ground around us. SL goes down with most of my squad mates. I manage by some incredible stroke of luck go prone directly. The snipers stop firing and probably thought I was dead. As a small group of militiamen - 3 of them - approach the RP, I stand up, smash on the full-auto and spray 'em with lead.

Too bad they had a sniper covering from the mountainside tho.
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Post by LordLoss »

EJOD as MEC. Full squad of VOIP users, we rushed to ruins at the start of the round, and managed to beat the USMC there. We planted C4 and waited.... Our team was having lots of trouble getting Gardens. So we waited.

Then the Marines came. The first wave sprinted through the gap in the wall, not expecting any resistance. I detonated my C4, their lifeless bodies flew into the air. Several minutes went by without attack, then another squad, split into groups of 3 attacked both entrances at once. A grenade took me and the SL out, but I was revived, and healed inside the house, as our G3s clattered, dealing death and destruction.
After being healed, the 2nd wave was gone, naught but a memory.

Gardens was still neutral.

This time they popped smoke like sensible fellows, and chucked a few grenades over, killing 2 more of my squadmembers, including the medic. We held them off again, but ammo and field dressings were in short supply, and the medic kit was lost.
The three of us retreated into the dead-end ally, and a blind shot into the smoke took out Mark. It was just me and the support gunner. A few more lone soldiers dashed through the smoke, and got cut to ribbons by our relentless fire. One that managed to take more than one step into the open before getting killed fire wildly at us, and I was hit, bleeding and in shock. I stumbled forwards through the smoke, searching through the kits, when I noticed the little thing on the ground I mistook for a rock was actually a grenade.

The other guy lasted about a minute before he ran out of ammo. He took out his knife, and charged.

And we still hadnt gotten Gardens.
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Post by Gas4ayear »

Ok, this was on the Vanilla vbf2, but still was satisfiyng. like snickers almost.

So I was playing karkand inf. only, taking the guard post flag as spec ops, and im laying down behind the pile of boxes, and all of a sudden i see an ak-101 barrel in front of my face, so i lay 2 C-4 and run off. The guy rounds the corner with 2 of his buddies to see some C-4 in his face. he gets up and takes a potshot at me as im running backwards, and i blow his *** to smithereens. it was amazing.
They should put a rake in every kit so when you pwn someone really hard, you can hit them with it. and the brits should have a Tea Bag in thier kits so they can tea bag people when they kill them. mods feel free to use my ideas, or send me five dollars. whatever floats your boat.

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Post by Hx.Clavdivs »

:D Karkand.

I remember Karkand. About the second time I met Batalla. In my squad, and while the rest of the squad was attacking the train area, we kept chatting over VOIP where we are from kits/maps we like etc.

All the while bullets keep whizzing over our head, there we where. Talking like it was a sunday stroll, capping and killing.

Brings a smile to my face "No actually, I like the - hold on - BAM BAM BAM BAM - as I was saying ..."
HeliX are currently recruiting |ImageNorwegian| players to play in PR Leagues,
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101 bassdrive experience may change during weekends..

Outlawz wrote:LOL, Helix clan disclaimer :p
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Post by Warmagi »

There was a lot of them, but here comes few the most remembered.

Ejod desert.
I was on US side, we were loosing. petrol station taken. Only main base left. I went for a marksman, having in mind that we gonna lose any minute now, and to have some fun before that happens. I went on a ladder to get to high possition. I didnt go all the way up. stopped in the middle roof. Enemy forces started to advance. I starte to shoot. BUM.. missed.. BUM... missed... damn.. BUM BUM BUM missed... ok, hold on, LEARN. Aim... Bum... YEAH.. ok finaly know how it works with marksman with so high distances... After that it was just pure fun. I hold myself half of the front. 43 kills until armors came, and they knew where to find me :( That was beauty.

An armor was pissing us off at west tower. The guy was good. we couldnt get him, no one from our squad could. And others had a lot to do at east tower. Tried to sneak on that warrior 3 times with C4. I was SO pissed. I spawned in the main base instead of on a SL. Wanted to take rpg... none left. Spawned as an.. ambusher? the one with C4. Took out C4, asked SL for a permission for suicide run with a jeep. Go for it, Im out of ideas... So Ive put a C4 on a front bumper, and intended to blow it to peaces along with apc. When I was close going up the slope road to west towet the APC tower started to turn... I hit the turbo and hit him hard in the back, C4 exploded along with me and APC, every1 from my squad was cheering. That was fun.

Last one, dont remember the map. Blackhawk with two gunners was giving us a hard time, took out few of us. When he was flying away, I shoot with my rifle to take out the gunner, but as soon as I shot I knew I missed, bullet flew inside threw the side doors and... hit the pilot in the head. "Blackhawk down, the blackhawk is down" :D
[R-MOD]Mongolian_dude: ...remember to show as much respect to the new players as the veteran players. Todays 'noob' is tomorrow's 'Vet'.

Reddish_Red: We're fine...

Random.. ehmmm... "player": Give me the chopper. No. I want to fly. No. But I want to, get out from it now or I TK you. ... ... ... No
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Post by Teek »

Warmagi wrote: Last one, dont remember the map. Blackhawk with two gunners was giving us a hard time, took out few of us. When he was flying away, I shoot with my rifle to take out the gunner, but as soon as I shot I knew I missed, bullet flew inside threw the side doors and... hit the pilot in the head. "Blackhawk down, the blackhawk is down" :D
:razz: wow :-o
=GGZ= Spliffeh1984
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Post by =GGZ= Spliffeh1984 »

My most satisfying and also funny kill was on Al Basrah, I was playing on the british side and I was looking for weapon caches.
Suddenly behind me I hear a vehicle approaching. I turn around and I see an insurgent technical heading towards me at full speed, there was like 4 guys in it. I keep my cool, I take a quick but carefull aim and ow yeah, I hit the driver right in the head. I thought like, wow yeah nice shot, but now all the other guys were getting out and obviously I am screwed...or maybe not...just behind the car was another car which also turned around the corner, didnt see that the car stopped, rammed into it and both cars exploded killing all the insurgents :razz: I wish i had fraps running, I had to quit playing coz i was laughing my *** off :razz:
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Post by Sergeant_Banner »

Just got two:

Anyone see the TA advert where the snipers are scoping that "hideout" and the enemys spot them ?

First one was like that, enemy crouched in thick cover, came closer, stood up...

BOOM, straight between the eyes :D

Second one, one 7 gates, just on the treeline near Courtyard. Support kit, laying down heavy suppressive fire with another squaddie, never realised we were suppressing a RP :lol: must have been 10-15 kills between us !

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Post by arthuro12 »

mine was when i was on Op.Phoenix and we almost lost train... i managed to sneak up in the back and i climbed up a ladder to get in a good position to compromise their position, i was done with climbing the ladder... w8... HOLY SHIT 6 guys standing there looking at me... i started spraying and i killed 5 with 1 mag! the last one left was the squad leader, i grabbed C4 and placed it near the rally point... hey? where is the squad leader? i grabbed my knife and looked around... there i saw him making ''bleeding sounds'' and eating sum field dressing!... i stabbed him in the *** and we took train back :D

the end... now gtfo b*tch
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Post by Hx.Clavdivs »

Street, MEC, around Gasstation: Got 2 grenades off as a grenader, in rapid succession, and got 15 kills. I couldn't even believe it. Then I laughed as a maniac and had to tell everybody at TS what I just did. ;)
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101 bassdrive experience may change during weekends..

Outlawz wrote:LOL, Helix clan disclaimer :p
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Post by Alex6714 »

Map: EJOD desert.


I was on the west city roof, with the H-AT kit. Friendlies all around thinking I am safe for now. Then I look over the west side of the roof, and what do I see? A whole squad having a party behind a rock just below me.

*sssshhh BOOM*

*Bodies fly up in the air*

I was laughing for the rest of the round. :grin:


Taking out an american soldier with the iron sights on the G3. Except, I was on the eastern part of west city, and he was a tiny dot on the hills to the far west. That made me happy. :D
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Post by Doc_Frank »

EJOD Desert, East of the Ruins. I was squadleader, just issued an attack order on the CP. I had only a medic by me, the rest of my squad was lagging behind at the stairs. I was just about to enter the alley from cover (but sprinting) when I bumped into a squad of four. Then came the Wyatt Earp style invincible high-noon gunfight, with lead flying all around.Image I unloaded what's left in my G3's mag, two down, two wounded, they found cover behind the trash, I tossed a grenade next to it not even waiting for a reload, and they both were wasted finally (one flew upon the alley's wall).

My medic died - he probably took my 50% of bullets coming. After this I didn't push it further, letting my squadmembers to clear the alleys. :mrgreen:
"The torture never stops."
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Post by Desertfox »

Mao valley, .5, was in fuzzhead's squad and decided to pull a uber leet ninja. Knifed a whole squad in under like 10 seconds.
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Post by LeadMagnet »

[R-CON]Desertfox wrote:Mao valley, .5, was in fuzzhead's squad and decided to pull a uber leet ninja. Knifed a whole squad in under like 10 seconds.
Did they punish for the teamkills? ;)

“Without Warning, Sans Remorse”
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Post by Outlawz7 »

lol, owned :p

Were you one of them, LeadMagnet? :p
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Post by LeadMagnet »

Outlawz wrote:lol, owned :p

Were you one of them, LeadMagnet? :p
No, just too good to pass up though...hehehe I rarely have a problem with getting knifed. ;-) Although I did have trouble once when I tried to quote Sean Connery's line from the Untouchables "Just like a *** to bring a knife to a gunfight." after shooting said knifer in the head.

“Without Warning, Sans Remorse”
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Post by Outlawz7 »

I manage at least one knife kill per week, keeps me 1337 and sexy ;)

But seriously, if they don't see me at first, I'll take out my knife and slice them.
Once on OGT, I had enemy marksman next to me and the kiddie rather shots me in the head from 3 m :roll:
I had my revenge and spilled his guts and nicked the rifle, although it took quite a lot of time, since I had to go all the way around to evade him, but worth it :D
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Post by LeadMagnet »

I would've shot you as well rather than wait to pull out the knife and give you the chance to slice me. Lethal range with a knife is more like 10m irl. Step inside that circle carrying one and you can expect a nice double tap.

“Without Warning, Sans Remorse”
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