There are still Vanilla tker's out there.....

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Joined: 2006-08-30 22:00

Post by Darkpowder »

ArmedDrunk&Angry wrote: If you are taking long range fire from a blue guy and can't get to cover, well, I have killed those people before but usually just because it's a dark dot in the distance that is shooting at me so I shoot back.
Indeed, very true i find that quite a bit. You tend to shoot by reflex sometimes in response to a threat. In ejod the other day, grenade comes in *boom* kills my SL, i restart the old heart and cos i am on my own deep in enemy territory. Until the squad comes over cover me i get up and look around figure rushes in, i don't check the map or tags and shoot a burst into the face of the figure, TK. :P Then realise the SL was teamkilled and i realise i killed my own guy. So i get him up as well with the medic kit, heal my SL and him and then -I- get kicked for TKing?

Mostly people "make amends" for accidental TK's. A lot of players get their squad medic over to help them, or chuck a bandage their way if it was just a wounding. Generally the spirit on the server is good. It was in my interests to get this other guy up and running as we were in gardens at the start of EJOD as US, in the famous "BL1ND Last Stand" tactic. Which works a treat (better playing as MEC mind you).
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Joined: 2007-02-21 11:47

Post by FockeWulf_ »

I just got today banned from [myXo] server or something like that, because i accidently shot friendly, and then i got humvee --> friendly goes i front of my humvee and gets killed --> punish. ( he did that on purpose)

Thats the most annoying thing in BF2. People dont never forgive u, even they see that it was clearly accident. I play alot Day of defeat source, and its rare that some1 punishes u, only when u tk on purpose.

Sorry my bad english, its little rusty.
Posts: 951
Joined: 2007-03-23 04:20

Post by DavidP »

Last night i waa playing Oman and some guy tk'ed my Sl for his officer kit and 2 seconds later banned! God i love it when admins are watching.
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