[Gameplay] AA and flares

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Post by Sadist_Cain »

Technoelite wrote:Yeah u do that you run out of chaff and then a bloke on the ground with a stinger gets u thats if u are in a chopper, in a plane it gonna be mobile aa, especallly on the battle of quilling with all teh trees
we've already run out of "teh" chaff because there is none... Yes you're absolutly right though, madtommy will be useless in a plane.

I'll definately make sure its you I call in to bomb somewhere brimming with AA and then we'll see if you click just in time before the person locks on to you and fires ;) no more tracking tone means once you see that lock, I'd eject if I was you
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Post by Technoelite »

we shall have to see wont we
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Post by +SiN+headhunter »

i will be flying REALLY REALLY high lol.
Till called in . then click, click, click, tap flares while on mission. Sounds easy.
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Post by S.P.C-[Reality]- »

is flying in PR going to be somethhing like this:


im saying its going to be much better(man i REALY, CANT, WAIT.)
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Post by Outlawz7 »

Agreed with GhostDog.

Now air assets will actually provide support instead of being the main pwning force.
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Post by Brummy »

101 bassdrive
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Post by 101 bassdrive »

I like that video there.
wish the PR jets had more of that "slide" when you use the rudder
would be able to airbrake much faster
to stall ( with a sexy voice warning stall and also to pull up if youre headin towards a mountain)
red and blackouts setting in
ejection seats
and and
but who am I kiddin, christmas has just been and what you get is most times already hardcoded.
but hey, we pilots get to finally missile down eachother.. or more likely to get downed ourselfs :D
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Thats a awesome Lock On video! It can't be like that but it will be awesome! ;-)
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Post by Waaah_Wah »

Will jets be taken out by one missile or will it just get damaged really bad like it does in 0.6?
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Post by Farks »

This is just... Wow. Ever since BF2 was released, I've been dreaming about the day when AA finally is given the power it should have. :-)

Two questions:
1. Will the AAVs have seperated driver and gunner positions?
2. Have the AAA gone through any changes/improvements?
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Post by CAS_117 »

The damage missiles do is random. Well not random, but it depends on the closure rate. 1 will usually heavily damage, destroy, or set on fire what it hits. 2 is a bullet in the head. We can get much closer to reality as far as handling goes.
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Post by Jedimushroom »

I am wondering how the eurofighter will be balanced against the other aircraft, it isn't a whole lot better but it is quite a bit more advanced and has a much better turn rate than say the J-10.

"God will strike him down when he checks his email and sees young Fighter has turd burgling tendancies. Could you imagine going to church knowing your son takes it up the wrong 'un?" - [R-Dev]Gaz on 'Fighter137'
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Post by markonymous »

im just annoyed that the DEVs talk about balance everywhere but when it comes to planes they dont give a rats ***. Idk how theyre gonna make an aproximation to the apaches ability to destroy almost every single piece of armour including AA vehicles in kashan desert within 30 sec. From 7 kms away...
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Post by Farks »

markonymous wrote:im just annoyed that the DEVs talk about balance everywhere but when it comes to planes they dont give a rats ***. Idk how theyre gonna make an aproximation to the apaches ability to destroy almost every single piece of armour including AA vehicles in kashan desert within 30 sec. From 7 kms away...
A desert is a open area, which is not a good place for an Apache if the enemy has AAVs. Even if you managed to disable the enemies SAMs (and that would just be temporary btw) they can still use their AAA against you.

I think the devs know what they are doing. Let's wait and see if they have something to say about it...
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Post by Clypp »

We can lock onto the armed littlebirds now so Qwai becomes a fair fight now right?
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Post by CAS_117 »

Clypp wrote:We can lock onto the armed littlebirds now so Qwai becomes a fair fight now right?
Well 1 littlebird with 14 hydras and 2 miniguns Vs a mobile air defense network? I think that as fas as air defense/ attack goes it needs to be coordinated by the commanders respectively. In PR the aircraft have never really had to rely on each other to survive, always just an arcadey button mashing.


Bekka valley is an example about how superior intelligence and tactics will prevail, regardless of platforms involved. I am growing tired of "oh well I have weapon XYZ, so I win." No, it should be "I have weapon X, my opponent has weapon Y, and now I will deploy in such a way that minimizes X's weaknesses and exploits Y's". So this whole mentality of building a massive wall of airdefenses or just charging into a SAM weapons free needs to be removed from PR.
Farks wrote:This is just... Wow. Ever since BF2 was released, I've been dreaming about the day when AA finally is given the power it should have. :-)
Well the door swings both ways IRL. As good as SAM's are, there are just as many AG weapons, most with longer range and are not targeting a maneuvering object, such as a SAM site.
Last edited by CAS_117 on 2007-12-29 08:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MadTommy »

Quote:I love the idea of circling at high altitude in a safe part of the map... recieve an attack order and lazer spot..then flares popping all the way, coming in to attack and bugging out asap
Technoelite wrote:Yeah u do that you run out of chaff and then a bloke on the ground with a stinger gets u thats if u are in a chopper, in a plane it gonna be mobile aa, especallly on the battle of quilling with all teh trees
So what you are saying is.. if i dont use my flares i'll have them when i need them?... i think you need to re-read how the flares & AA work or re-read my post. Either way you seem a little confussed.
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Post by MikeDude »

dude. isn't that the pilot can see where the missle is coming from in real?

[3dAC] MikeDude
Loving PR since 0.2.

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