Clypp wrote:We can lock onto the armed littlebirds now so Qwai becomes a fair fight now right?
Well 1 littlebird with 14 hydras and 2 miniguns Vs a mobile air defense network? I think that as fas as air defense/ attack goes it needs to be coordinated by the commanders respectively. In PR the aircraft have never really had to rely on each other to survive, always just an arcadey button mashing.
Bekka valley is an example about how superior intelligence and tactics will prevail, regardless of platforms involved. I am growing tired of "oh well I have weapon XYZ, so I win." No, it should be "I have weapon X, my opponent has weapon Y, and now I will deploy in such a way that minimizes X's weaknesses and exploits Y's". So this whole mentality of building a massive wall of airdefenses or just charging into a SAM weapons free needs to be removed from PR.
Farks wrote:This is just... Wow. Ever since BF2 was released, I've been dreaming about the day when AA finally is given the power it should have.
Well the door swings both ways IRL. As good as SAM's are, there are just as many AG weapons, most with longer range and are not targeting a maneuvering object, such as a SAM site.