'[EC wrote:DR.NOobFragger;565474']i am downloading it from gloryhoundz and i was getting like 200kb/s at for like and hour or two but now its all the way down to 6kb/s any idea why?
Well... thousands of people are downloading it RIGHT NOW... can you follow me? xD
الجمهورية العراقية الجهاد في سبيل لجهاد فيل أَكْبَرproud to be a Middle-East urban combat player You can't fly and wanna learn it?? -----> Try this!! - Improvement guaranteed!
use torrents if you experience slow speeds, BUT ONLY IF YOUR UPLOAD IS ACTIVAED AN YOUR LISTEN PORT IS FORWARDED CORRENCTLY...that tracker seems not to be an anti-leecher one...so please activate upload if you download via torrent. THANKS
'[EC wrote:DR.NOobFragger;565474']i am downloading it from gloryhoundz and i was getting like 200kb/s at for like and hour or two but now its all the way down to 6kb/s any idea why?
probably because 90% of ppl using torrents are leeching ********!!!!!.., MORE SEEDERS! im only showing 8 out of 32 seeds connected FFS.
Ingame name frazzb0b : All round good guy and minge-itsu master.
Quote from ArmA forums says it all. "Arma 2 has a very lucky dev team, who have a very patient community, who will always stay loyal in the faith that one day arma 2 will be complete. Flashpoint has a weeks worth of out the box gameplay, after that it's boring. "
ya... i figured it was the people not seeding... because i am only getting 7 out of 35 seeds... but i have been downloading it since like 8am... so i only have about 3 hours left before i get the drool rag.
i have 160kb/s down. but im uploading with 5mbit (550kb/s). But i dont think your "anti leech" tracker would be better. this is a legal download, its normal that there are not much seeder from the beginning, because its brand new