Zero deaths!! Well I got teamkilled once though. Sat for 1 hour and 20 minutes next to an exposed cache none of the British ever bothered taking out. And when they did come it was RPG party for me
Shit yeah baby! Not sure if I can post these sort of pics here, but I'm just so happy with that score. My highest by a long shot , thanks to everyone on that round. It was a great game guys
Last edited by davetboy_19 on 2008-07-15 13:27, edited 1 time in total.
[COLOR="black"]Mad-Mike - Good photo's but why do u have 2 threads that are the same?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][R-CON]ReadMenace - Are you referring to the obvious double-post or the less obvious, high-resolution military photographs thread?[/COLOR]
Standing right out side the estate when the commander dropped a JDAM...afterwards many enemies typed "jdam fail" in the chat....they should really be more effective....
Some random medic, looks rather ghostly
SGT.JOKER>FTW<(Fight To Win) In Game
Just getting back in the game Riflemen, SAW Gunner, Grenaider.
Captured this after I RPG'd a Humvee, got wounded and used the field dressings to heal myself from the M16 and M14 kits, then I used the dirt bike which was about to blow up to drive across half the map to get to the RP to get more aid and hoping I don't bleed out.
Failcopter flips over
Humvee gets jihaded from behind
Umm don't be mad, I've done my best to rez you but I was too late...
Outlawz wrote:
Umm don't be mad, I've done my best to rez you but I was too late...
[R-DEV]DuneHunter - No offense to any female gamers, but never, ever underestimate the amount of havoc a woman can unleash upon innocent unsuspecting electronics.