Red line - defensive line! Not even one USMC player should get past this line and live!
Green arrow - friendly support fire
Yellow arrow - enemy attack routes
Defend marker = bunker
Satellite dish = firebase
Star - Friendly RPs
Squad 1:
-Light AT
Squad 2:
-Support/Light AT
Squad 3:
-Heavy AT/Light AT
Squad 4:
Squad 5:
Squad 6
-Officer/Spec Ops
Squad 7
-Engineer/Spec Ops
Squad 1 takes one truck from main base, goes to the designated spot and requests a firebase when the order is available.
Objective: Defend the west flank with all means necessary.
Squad 4 goes on foot from main base to the designated spot and sets up.
Objective: Decoy for squad 1, do not attack; instead bait the enemy into squad 1's line of fire.
Squad 2 goes with commander straight to Kyongan Ni, where the commander sets up a bunker and defenses needed (sandbags are preferred) then takes to truck to Estate. Squad's engineer blows up the bridge at the flag.
Objective: Defend Kyongan Ni at all costs.
Squad 3 spawns at Estate and sets up one Nanjing for defense.
The SL can go set a RP north of Estate for back-up spawn.
Wait for the commander to arriver and set up a second bunker.
Objective: Defend the east flank using all means necessary.
Squad 5 spawns at Estate, set RP between Estate and Kyongan Ni, take the second Nanjing that spawns at Estate for fire support.
Objective:Fill in the defense gap between Kyongan and Estate, support fire on east flank.
Squad 6 spawn at Estate, wait for bunker to be set up and request a sniper. Then move to the designated spot.
Alternately you can go onto the eastern hills and report enemy movement on the eastern flank/harass them from higher ground.
Objective: Sabotage mission, report on enemies near the east flank and delay them as much as possible.
Squad 7 Spawn at Estate and go on foot to Kyongan Ni, support sqaud 2 in the defense of the flag and put weight on the CP to prevent it getting overrun by USMC on east side.
Alternatively, you can spawn at main, request a Spec Ops kit and use the D1 boat to go all the way down to D6 where you'll blow up the bridge, which can cripple the USMC team. Note that this is a suicide mission more or less.
Objective: Support squad 2 or suicide mission.
Final thoughts:
This is a strategy adjusted for minimum of one commander and 3 squads. As you can see excess squads are used for support.
Note, that there is a medic in every squad. Normally not every squad would have one, but note that USMC starts with ticket advantage which you must neutralize by killing more and dying less, meaning medics are mandatory.
The idea here is to hold the line and use all means necessary.
The Nanjings spawning off the commander assets are to be accumulated and used for defense and heavy fire support, not taxis.
The strategy also makes most of the equipment with marksmen, AT and grenadiers assigned to every important squad.
As far as Kyongan Ni defense goes, only have one person at most occupying a rooftop, preferably well hidden and spotting enemies instead of being a bullet magnet.
Disclaimer: This strategy cannot guarantee winning this map as PLA, but it should certainly improve the odds.