[Map] Muttrah City

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Re: Muttrah City

Post by Rhino »

WeeGeez wrote:Love every bit of it! Can't wait to storm that Fort 8)

Also, don't know if your aware thino, I noticed in alot of the screenshots a common problem called the "Grass bug", where the grass looks totally ****.
One comment under this youtube video explains how to get rid of it :D
I took the screenshots with a ATI card and have never seen that "bug"...
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by Raniak »

winters101 wrote:Can i know what are those site under our messages??

Cause the "topic officiel : Project Reality" is one of my thread on a french forum, how can he comes here????
Those are linkbacks, it show where the people that come to that thread are coming from.
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by -*^DOS3^*- »

Wow this is the first time ive seen a city map that actualy resembles a real city.......amazing work! 8)
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by winters101 »

thanks raniak :D
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by sav112 »

I need a marker on my player saying “sightseer on location” as I’ll love walking about looking at this Stunning map…….Who needs war I just want to see the sights…

Also I never knew this had a castle in it how fantastic is that!
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by davetboy_19 »

The fact that Muttrah have been brought back into PR has given me enough Spank Bank notes to last me years. The original Muttrah was the only reason I clocked up nearly 130 hours playing SP...Thats more than my MP campaign. But since it was about 95% on Muttrah I wasn't getting any help when going back online...until now.

Thanks to Rhino and anyone else involved for letting this uber map make its return. If the rest of 0.8 is a half as good as the orignal Muttrah then enjoy your first place spot in this years 'mod of the year'...If 0.8 Muttrah is better than the first, than god help us all because...

Rhino would have just divided by zero.
[COLOR="black"]Mad-Mike - Good photo's but why do u have 2 threads that are the same?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][R-CON]ReadMenace - Are you referring to the obvious double-post or the less obvious, high-resolution military photographs thread?[/COLOR]
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by Jarhead[NL] »

Great work! Im gonna love this map I think and this is gonna be a epic map for every infantry-type.

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Re: Muttrah City

Post by sector7g »

Wow ! life just keeps on getting better and better. Thank you to all envolved - Fantastic work.

All I have to say is PR DEV's for president. If the world were ruled by them we would be garaunteed effective and regular changes for the better on a regular basis.
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by M.Warren »

Let's hope there is an M82A1 Barrett stashed out there in some of these new maps. I'm sure the fog distance and some open streets approaching the docks would facilitate a rather nice coverage zone. Probably could use the firepower on a map like that, gotta' make those shots count with all the cover offered by buildings and houses.

We could do without the dual Uzi's though, a simple silenced M9 would be acceptable. No need to play Rambo though, because you can be hardcore and professional at the same time. That all depends on your skill and demeanor.

Kinda ironic to see an M98 on one particular map, but that's another issue.
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by fuzzhead »

M82A1 Barrett will not be put back into PR (at least as long as I have a say)

It attracts the kind of idiot players that we DON'T want playing, and does not really add much of anything to the infantry element of the game... just another rambo kit... which we already have enough of.

Sniper roles in PR are destined for intel/recon work more than ever, and will be moving in that direction even further after v0.8... PR is NOT a sniper simulator, nor is BF2 a good engine to facilitate such a game, nor does any of the PR devs have any interest in making a sniper simulator. ArmA or some other game with proper ballistics would be a much better choice for all those die hard sniper wannabes....
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by Waaah_Wah »

Oh great.... We have a lead DEV who hates snipers. Bue, bue my beloved kit...
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by GR34 »

Cant wait!!!! Am I the only one who thinks the attack Huey will be gone in just under 10 sec?
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by Ironcomatose »

GR34 wrote:Cant wait!!!! Am I the only one who thinks the attack Huey will be gone in just under 10 sec?
Yeah it will. Smacktards crashing it will be its end.

BTW change your sig mam :-P

[R-DEV]DuneHunter - No offense to any female gamers, but never, ever underestimate the amount of havoc a woman can unleash upon innocent unsuspecting electronics.
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by M.Warren »

Waaah_Wah wrote:Oh great.... We have a lead DEV who hates snipers. Bue, bue my beloved kit...
Not to worry.

If Snipers have to withstand a brutal downsize in offensive abilities to get recognition, then we shall. Nothing new to the aspects of darwinism present in PR. The better players will step up, and the lesser will fall to the wayside or die trying.

Besides, ask anyone that's been on the TG server who's played Al-Kufrah Oilfields with myself as a Sniper. Reputable individuals will probably mention the help offered by consistant spotting of armor and calling for support through the commander.

So, it's fine by me as the tactics of v0.8 are already in practice.
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Re: [Map] Muttrah City

Post by M.Warren »

By the way, wanted to say that the level of detail to the city is quite impressive. Certainly raised the standards by far.


Only issue I can see arising is possiblility of camping the 2 main ingress points against U.S.M.C. APC's and Boats directly leaving the carrier. It appears the only way in is the South Eastern opening to the sea and the Northern beachhead.

Then again, if you manage to get past that you'll have plenty of ramps to utilize to get up out of the water.

Seems that it may be yet another tough amphibious assault map similar to Jabal AL Burj. But who knows, we cannot confirm the true amount of fog and sight distance at this time. These critical points will play a major factor on how hard it will be for the deployment of U.S.M.C. forces.
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Re: [Map] Muttrah City

Post by Sabre_tooth_tigger »

Not sure you can call it tough when they get 2 gunships, I think we jokingly suggested jabal get as much so its obviously a pretty wild map for both sides

Compared to old muttrah the mec are much further back from the first flags usmc must take and their vodniks are delayed in spawn also.
All the boats to counter the flyboy element is good, if usmc still cant make land they are ****. Even flying on the map edges might be possible?
Dont you think they could just go straight to the far west/north of the dock wall wave breaker thing, grapple over if need be and make land that way
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Re: [Map] Muttrah City

Post by Outlawz7 »

Thats why I suggested some AT emplacements near Fort, since the most obvious route for USMC APCs is going south then down the highway into the city straight past the Fort.
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Re: [Map] Muttrah City

Post by Sabre_tooth_tigger »

I think we shall just have to play it and see, no doubt they tried all this allready but you cant tell completely till its on the pubs I guess.
I thought the due west from the carrier is the most obvious safe route.
If you go past the fort, its a danger because mec is on high ground & with your back against the water it reminds me of the fools road ambush situations, not something I would choose to do immediately myself
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Re: Muttrah City

Post by TF6049 »

YAYZ! A heli map that will actually be played.

Nice work Rhino! :smile:
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