but for goodness sake, WATCH WHERE YOU PLACE THEM. too many times i see overzealous wire placement that not only kept the enemy out of a firebase, but trapped their team inside it. often with hilarious/frustrating results depending on what team you are on.
heres a small example, brilliant start on qwai by the US team, thwarted an early enemy attack on government office and we all rushed in to construct the firebase and assets... thats when the nightmare began.
some wise guy decides to double stack wire on all the entrances to government office, just to sweeten the deal he sticks a big sandbag right on the front entrance trapping a command truck, two hummers...
and the entire team.
our advantage soon turned into a massacre, only one squad escaped the trap and they were soon overwhelmed by the chinese advance in which they promptly surrounded the office and began chucking grenades over the walls taking care to avoid hitting the sandbags and wire that kept us inside. they didnt even bother trying to cap the point, the amount of kills they were gaining from this meant they didnt need to.
whats worse is that the commander screams DEFEND GOVT OFFICE and orders every squad towards there. where does everyone spawn? in the firebase in govt office further feeding more fish into the barrel.
a few of us realised the shithole we were in and set about dismantling the sandbags but the guy who built them seemingly forged some sort of bond with his creations, got pissy and kept rebuilding it insisting he was 'keeping the enemy out' to the extent he even teamkilled a guy putting C4 on it.
eventually enough of us died to mount a counterattack from outside the trap and those still stuck inside used a hummer as a ramp to get out, but the damage was done and we still lost the game.
so think about it before you set up razor wire in places like entrances please, you may think you are doing the team a service when you are in fact setting up their prison.