Well its your chance Now to come along and work with the DEVs, this Saturday @ 1900 GMT, a fine "selection" of the DEV Team, will be online to do battle and lead some squads.
Thats right, these killing machines will show you all how its done, in our very unique style .... (no comment here as half of them will probably be drunk !!)
The server will be open at 1900 GMT to the Public, and on entering you will see the DEV's sat in as SL's ..... all you need to do is pick which squad you fancy playing in. Thats right the DEV's will be Squad Leading ...... god help us all !!
Seriously though it will be a fun "get together" for anyone who wants to join us, so if you have nothing better to do, and fancy a few rounds with us, feel free to jump on.
This is not an organised event, merely a chance to play alongside some of the Guys who have brought you this great game
Server Details all here:
Asad Kahl
Op Barra
Archer Redux
-The Project Reality Team