So, here is the situation. My squad was holding the airstrip and a chinese jeep came. We maneged to kill the gunners, but the driver was still alive and, after that, he was trying to performe a road-kill.
One of our men was in the middle of the airstrip, his only cover was the supply creat on the open field. After a few passes-by, the jeep went directly to the guy next to the supply create and hit him. But the car hit the box too and blew up. You have no idea the LOLZ we all heard.
[R-DEV]OkitaMakoto:"Cheers, you're the man, Okita" [R-DEV]Rhino:"I in fact got kicked from a server for tking." Hitperson:"well done, treasure it forever." [R-DEV]Adriaan:"Damned classy Roma, if I may say so." [R-DEV]Chuc:"Pro man, pro." (yes, it was about me)
[R-MOD]BloodBane611:"Romagnolo, you definitely deserve a LOL award for that."