You haven't got bleed...why are you rushing?

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Retired PR Developer
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You haven't got bleed...why are you rushing?

Post by Rudd »

A good example of what I mean is Mestia.

The Russian team just Charge out towards the flags, maybe its the Russian mentality? (joke! :wink: )

Think about it, you don't have ticket bleed, they have the superior defensive position, you can take your time you don't need to charge in with grapple hooks for l4d/helms deep epicness at storage bunker.

Personally, I do the same thing with my squad everytime.

1) Exit main, heading NW in to the hills.

2) Get eyes on west tower

Are enemies there?

Y - Get a squad to fire on the enemies as you move up

N - Move in and destroy rally point

3) Secure the position, get eyes on Storage Bunker

Are we capping?

Y - Stay, get recon on storage, maybe lob some grenades/LATs/HATs in to it from a distance

N - Get more friendlies in to the cap zone.

Are we capping yet with most of our team?

Y - Stay and cap, get recon on storage, maybe lob some grenades/LATs/HATs in to it from a distance

N - Do your best to get the rest of the team to not charge....and move in to the cap radius of East flag.

Are we capping?

Y - Get the team to consolidate your new position to take the flag

N - Get eyes on munitions and East tower

By now you should as a team have a good idea of how the enemy is distributed. Attack the flag with the least its time for the running and screaming and the shashkaaah!

Just remember, you don't have to rush everything, you can take solid well thought out steps.

My squad last night managed to neutralise a flag by itself without a contact because we had carefully checked where the enemy were. This meant WE had the initiative and the enemy had to come to us. But the rest of the team were busy trying to take the hornberg, thus my squad eventually got overrun after keeping the enemy at bay for a very long time. (we had no supplies...etc nothing could be done)
Solid Knight
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Re: You haven't got bleed...why are you rushing?

Post by Solid Knight »

Kill one enemy. Hide in the no-go zone until the timer runs out FTW.
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Re: You haven't got bleed...why are you rushing?

Post by DankE_SPB »

good example of how you should play as russians on this map I saw at our match against GCA, whole team(except of 2 or 3 guys) moving together in 1 direction, nobody gives up before nearly whole team die and etc. It's funny when you kill loads of ppl and get no kills, but 2 minutes later you get 5 kills in a moment
anyway, we won, not they :-P
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Re: You haven't got bleed...why are you rushing?

Post by Ace42 »

Dr2B Rudd wrote: Think about it, you don't have ticket bleed, they have the superior defensive position, you can take your time you don't need to charge in with grapple hooks for l4d/helms deep epicness at storage bunker.
Unfortunately, bleed is a very obtuse thing to measure. Most people just assume it based on the number of flags, as it's impossible to deduce it without knowing the details of the map, how many people are being killed / losing assets elsewhere, etc etc. Nevermind the fact that the mod has made it harder and harder to check up on stats in-game without being penalised with delays and being vulnerable while the map pops up.

Simplifying (and unifying) the bleeds and tying them in to a ticket-based-economy for asset deployment would solve this inherent bf-engine problem though.
Challenger 2 SWE
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Re: You haven't got bleed...why are you rushing?

Post by Challenger 2 SWE »

I remember on Mestia when the Militia did an ambush on the road to the storage bunker (or whatever is to the SW) and annilated 3 squads who tried to get past in trucks or by foot.
After a while people finally be gan moving up the hillside to root them up but then i think we must have lost like 30-40 tickets (and loads of time) for people suicide-charging through the pass/valley thing, when a more methodical approach rooting out the Miltia-ambush.

We lost.
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