He continues to knife it and is now behind everyone that was trying to find that cache. 1 Taliban vs Multiple squads of Americans = Taliban dead right? Wrong. He finds their sniper and knifes him and literally shoots every American at that airport with the sniper kit. They had no idea where the fire was coming from because they all thought that the sniper was still friendly. So he locks the airport down and one squad is left and hold up inside the Air traffic control tower. Every time someone popped their head out he took it off. Soon they wouldnt come out so this is where I came in. They obviously had a rally inside the building so I come up in a car and sneek inside the airport and into the tower with him covering me. I go all the way up take and take out their rally then I pick him up in my car and we mob out of the airport with the Taliban music playin in the car lol. It was awsome.
Here you can see some of his victims on top of the roof and if you look at the open door at the bottom left hand side you can see me crawling in.
Me clearing out the building..
Giving the all clear.
His score after the carnage.