Terrible squad members.
- Retired PR Developer
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- Joined: 2008-09-30 22:29
Re: Terrible squad members.
kick button is your best friend, better stay alone than be in such squad or lead it
- Posts: 1192
- Joined: 2007-03-03 01:47
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- Joined: 2009-03-29 00:32
Re: Terrible squad members.
Going to have to disagree portable
I love playing project reality because I know when I log on, Everyones professional, And everyones friendly, When stuff like this happens, It destroys the game, Were taking this blokes word for it, And I believe him, I've been in my fair share of terrible squads, There are no bad squad leaders, Because a Squad Leader knows what he's doing when he clicks 'Create'
With **** like that mate
Tell em to piss off, Plain and simple, Don't let idiots who don't understand and refuse to understand the complexity of PR to ruin the game
I love playing project reality because I know when I log on, Everyones professional, And everyones friendly, When stuff like this happens, It destroys the game, Were taking this blokes word for it, And I believe him, I've been in my fair share of terrible squads, There are no bad squad leaders, Because a Squad Leader knows what he's doing when he clicks 'Create'
With **** like that mate
Tell em to piss off, Plain and simple, Don't let idiots who don't understand and refuse to understand the complexity of PR to ruin the game
- Posts: 1072
- Joined: 2008-03-31 00:09
Re: Terrible squad members.
I'd say 'that only applies to real life' but then my fit healthy muscular 20 year old cousin was denied entry into the Canadian forces... something to do with his psych profile I think.Portable.Cougar wrote:There are no bad squad members
Only bad Squad Leaders
Point is, squad members can in fact be bad. Like when last night I was trying to just take a minute to teach some people what to do, or I should say how I wanted them to do it and a guy joined who refused to say ANYTHING to me. I kicked him and he rejoins saying 'stop kicking me you jerk'. I try to tell him he can stay if he just stays with the group, still no answer. Kick again, keeps coming back this time saying that he's complaining to admin and sending my name and a screen etc etc.
Then I crashed to desktop and apparently people in mumble said my entire squad disappeared... just me... maybe he was hacking... I dunno.
Point is... this guy was a ******! I couldn't even kick him apparently. I was as reasonable as was necessary and then some.
Then there was the other guy in the squad at that time who didn't speak english... I thought. He wouldn't answer me in either chat or voip, and would just immediately run to any marker I put down regardless of what we were doing. Later I saw him typing in chat in perfect english....
It is possible to have **** squad members imho. But many can be turned to be good.

- Retired PR Developer
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- Joined: 2007-08-15 14:32
Re: Terrible squad members.
Incorrect in this gamePortable.Cougar wrote:There are no bad squad members
Only bad Squad Leaders
some people just can't follow simple instuctions, "get down" "hold fire" "give ammo to the at" or whatever.
e.g. I was on Kufrah and I told my squad to take cover in the buildings to hide from an enemy APC, I said I was gonna climb up on a pipe to give the location of the APC to teh commander.
I climb up, then I look behind me.
I repeated my simple instructions. They sat there gawping at me.
after about 20mins of these repeated incidences, and me getting very annoyed at 2 of the squad members who clearly wanted to lead the squad, while being lonewolves I decided the round was a bust, said goodbye and jumped ship.
- Posts: 397
- Joined: 2007-12-04 01:46
Re: Terrible squad members.
I dont know why people are so patient with others in the pubs, I kick without hesitation. If the whole squad is mouthing off and disregarding orders then I guess your just gonna have to kick them all out. Only focus and tolerate on the teamplayers and let the rest join the crappy squad.
- Posts: 679
- Joined: 2008-08-30 02:53
Re: Terrible squad members.
Just kick them without hesitation. Simple as that.
- Posts: 2796
- Joined: 2006-10-21 14:11
Re: Terrible squad members.
-A quality that many people lack is an awareness of their surroundings and the current situation. Today I was SL'ing on Korengal and my squad would constantly bunch up around markers as if they were relying on each others' body heat to survive, then a single insurgent took out four of my guys because they were standing around like idiots doing whatever, and when they respawned they apparently thought it wise to not follow the route we just took back to my position but instead go spelunking. While trying to regroup my squad I had my Specialist throw down a grapple so that the last guy could get to our position and informing him of this(and the rest of the squad by doing so) and when that grapple was thrown they all just ran at the grapple and started descending the rope. In the end I just kicked them all and disbanded the squad, I'm not going to waste my time herding these people(PiratHenk was the only competent SM, in case he reads this).
- Posts: 64
- Joined: 2007-07-23 20:54
Re: Terrible squad members.
^LOLPortable.Cougar wrote:There are no bad squad members
Only bad Squad Leaders
Unfortunately, everyone already beat me to it. Just give them about 30 seconds to acknowledge you, get their sh!t right, or boot them out. Easy-peasy.
- Posts: 67
- Joined: 2009-01-21 23:18
Re: Terrible squad members.
hmmm no, not really....in fact it goes both ways. Before ive joined a squad where the sl has created say 'Engvoip' cos he knows its popular so he can run off and grab his sniper kit and leave. Similarly i have seen peeps create squads and try and sl without a mic or any kind of communication at all, which is frankly ridiculous.J.Baal wrote:There are no bad squad leaders, Because a Squad Leader knows what he's doing when he clicks 'Create'
Having said that its not all bad and there are good squad leaders, lately i have been frequenting the RIP server for that very reason as very often members of their clan will provide excellent sl's or squad members for myself to lead...cookies for that

- Posts: 67
- Joined: 2009-01-21 23:18
Re: Terrible squad members.
hmmm no, not really....in fact it goes both ways. Before ive joined a squad where the sl has created say 'Engvoip' cos he knows its popular so he can run off and grab his sniper kit and leave. Similarly i have seen peeps create squads and try and sl without a mic or any kind of communication at all, which is frankly ridiculous.J.Baal wrote:Because a Squad Leader knows what he's doing when he clicks 'Create'
Having said that its not all bad and there are good squad leaders, lately i have been frequenting the RIP server for that very reason as very often members of their clan will provide excellent sl's or squad members for myself to lead...cookies for that

- Posts: 22
- Joined: 2009-04-17 02:02
Re: Terrible squad members.
Last edited by RandomUserABC on 2017-07-02 03:43, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 128
- Joined: 2009-04-19 17:45
Re: Terrible squad members.
My ground rules are:
If they are far away from the squad (and make no effort to regroup) they get kicked.
If they grab the sniper kit they get kicked.
If they are in any other way destructive to the goal/well-being of the squad they will eventually be kicked.
I try to be lenient, but when I have my AR guy constantly going rambo, engaging enemies when we are trying to move undetected, I draw the line.
If they are far away from the squad (and make no effort to regroup) they get kicked.
If they grab the sniper kit they get kicked.
If they are in any other way destructive to the goal/well-being of the squad they will eventually be kicked.
I try to be lenient, but when I have my AR guy constantly going rambo, engaging enemies when we are trying to move undetected, I draw the line.
- Posts: 4466
- Joined: 2008-01-03 13:34
Re: Terrible squad members.
you gotta be assertive. kick one of the biggest retards out of the squad and tell the rest to follow you or leave the squad. it can go good or bad, if it goes good, they will ask try and comply, and if it goes bad the worst that will happen is they give out and maybe TK you, in which case they dont deserve your company and your can tell the server admin that there are mindless primates ruining the game.
You dont have to be the best motivational speaker, but yea i gotta agree with the guys above. when it comes down to it, theres always the kick and lock methods. its part of PR im afraid, there are quiet people, noisy people, and rude people. and when theres an irritating butt-munch in your squad, you gotta kick him.
You dont have to be the best motivational speaker, but yea i gotta agree with the guys above. when it comes down to it, theres always the kick and lock methods. its part of PR im afraid, there are quiet people, noisy people, and rude people. and when theres an irritating butt-munch in your squad, you gotta kick him.

- Posts: 82
- Joined: 2009-02-12 23:19
Re: Terrible squad members.
i remember sling on operation archer as the taliban and we were holding a cashe. I dont like snipers in the squad because they should be in a diff one with a spotter working with all squads not just one, so when a squaddie gets a sniper kit and refuses to drop it, i kick him and he comes back in with a jumped up attitude, i kick him again and 5 minutes later he tks me, then 2 minutes after that he shot me with an american kit in my hands. People like this ruin pr and thankfully server admins deal with them harshly (this guy got him self a perma.)
and jazz i follow similar rules to yours. Also has any one had the experiance where you are trying to get your guys to fire and manouver (couple shoot couple move then swap etc) and you can just tell their looking at their screens blankly.
and jazz i follow similar rules to yours. Also has any one had the experiance where you are trying to get your guys to fire and manouver (couple shoot couple move then swap etc) and you can just tell their looking at their screens blankly.
- Posts: 1374
- Joined: 2007-07-14 23:15
Re: Terrible squad members.
Kick and report. If he/they come back, lock the squad and kick him/them.
- Posts: 294
- Joined: 2009-03-28 17:24
Re: Terrible squad members.
in cases like these i advise joining a new squad. for two reasons:
1: you might know one of the squad leaders, and he usually attracts the good players when playing
2: you can annoy some 1 in turn ( no disregard that, that is not the PR ethos at all)
2: maybe you can learn something new about ways communicating with people. I am in the cadets and i find since people don't have their income from the armed forces they can muck around despite the fact that you are a good squad leader. Shouting at them will only work if you are a sergeant in that case. But if not ( this refers to PR) try and use communication skills to get them to do your bidding. Maybe you might be treating your squad how you wouldn't like to be treated, if you come across a squad leader who is being lippy for all the wrong reasons himself try and learn from that. I do not doubt your knowledge of leading a squad at all.
If that is not the case at all, and you have tried being calm and assertive just tell them to .... off =]
1: you might know one of the squad leaders, and he usually attracts the good players when playing
2: you can annoy some 1 in turn ( no disregard that, that is not the PR ethos at all)
2: maybe you can learn something new about ways communicating with people. I am in the cadets and i find since people don't have their income from the armed forces they can muck around despite the fact that you are a good squad leader. Shouting at them will only work if you are a sergeant in that case. But if not ( this refers to PR) try and use communication skills to get them to do your bidding. Maybe you might be treating your squad how you wouldn't like to be treated, if you come across a squad leader who is being lippy for all the wrong reasons himself try and learn from that. I do not doubt your knowledge of leading a squad at all.
If that is not the case at all, and you have tried being calm and assertive just tell them to .... off =]
- Posts: 3688
- Joined: 2009-06-06 19:12
Re: Terrible squad members.
send em' to court martial (kick).
I have lost counts of when I made my own squad halfway through the game and it got booked very very quick after a second person joined. New squads are specially easier now that you only need 1 Squad Member to do rallys and get limited kits.
I have lost counts of when I made my own squad halfway through the game and it got booked very very quick after a second person joined. New squads are specially easier now that you only need 1 Squad Member to do rallys and get limited kits.
- Posts: 541
- Joined: 2009-06-12 11:37
Re: Terrible squad members.
How to deal whicht thigns like that?Tophatter94 wrote:I was playing a game today, I was the Squad leader and I had a full squad. Usually that's good, but my entire squad was filled with bad-mouthed smart a$$es who were too lazy to even acknowledge my commands.First, I asked certain people to get certain kits (assigned Medic and such), and they did not do that. They would rather complain about why the sniper kit is unavailable. I would give commands, and not only would they not follow the command, they wouldn't even acknowledge it. It was literally,"We're moving to defend, here!"..............[silence]. The only time they did speak is when they had something negative to say, like,"Sh!t, they are f*cking hacks!" Then they would gripe and whine about how much our team sucks, when they are not doing anything to help. We ended up losing the match because they wouldn't listen to my commands (our task was probably one the more important ones).
How do I deal with a squad like this? let's say I have to stay with them, what do I do?
have you ever see Tropa de Elite Movie?
the best ''traslate'' to the comment, this will certain get the emotion of those words a bit closer to what a brasilian mind will thick about it!.
Captam nacimento kwon how deal whicht those punks.