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Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-29 15:11
by Arnoldio
If you get offended by that, ESPECIALLY IF NOT GOING TOWARDS YOU, then i dont know really why you bother playing (multiplayer) games. Or living for that matter.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-30 20:30
by Anti
randeDANDE wrote:I was playing at 2 AM in the CIA Vietnam server. There was a CIA member as squad leader and another guy in the squad was saying "Come one you n-word plural hurry the f up". Then as we were on the NVA side, he kept shouting "Ching chong ting a long ding dong" and I was surprised squad leader didn't say anything but actually joined him. I kept quite as I just wanted to get one match in and wasn't in the mood of getting kicked out of squad to tell the to shut up and just play.
That was probably me, lol

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-01 23:29
by Lordbaldur
Anti wrote:That was probably me, lol
lol you shouldn't call them seriously? in public

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-02 22:33
by ComradeHX
I think this racism joke stuff should stop before PR:V turns into massive exchange of racist comments instead of CQB and bullets.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-03 02:53
by Murphy
ComradeHX wrote:I think this racism joke stuff should stop before PR:V turns into massive exchange of racist comments instead of CQB and bullets.
Agreed, but you cannot expect everyone to conform especially when some servers obviously encourage said "jokes".

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-03 20:19
by Dunehunter
7 day ban given to lordbaldur. Anti, I won't ban you for something that was not done on the forums, but I felt tempted to.

Posted: 2012-05-04 10:13
by pr0Life
Example of inappropriate racism not directed at you: "Stop using up assets as your personal transport. What are you, a Jew?"

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-09 07:21
by Acemantura
Lordbaldur wrote:lol you shouldn't call them seriously? in public
[R-DEV]Dunehunter wrote:7 day ban given to lordbaldur. Anti, I won't ban you for something that was not done on the forums, but I felt tempted to.
That's pretty damn hilarious. I mean that is just Gold!

I don't think you should have banned him though, Anti is a master troll and is going absolutely bonkers about causing someone to be banned.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-09 08:59
by Dunehunter
Doesn't matter. That kind of vocabulary will not be tolerated here.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-10 10:22
by Acemantura
[R-DEV]Dunehunter wrote:... will not be tolerated here.
I just saw a bumper sticker saying "Intolerance will not be Tolerated." :-)

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-29 03:25
by LanceVanceDance
What about the most overlooked PR racism: Anti-Canadian?
"So how aboot that maple syrup, eh?"

Posted: 2012-05-29 03:29
by Steeps
Being Canadian is not a race. It's just a nationality. It is being intolerant to say such things; just not racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-31 11:55
by Microwaife
When i played the Normandy Mod, many players were calling the Germans "Krauts" or "Nazibastards", i wasn't really offended by it, because it is roleplaying. But when somebody comes up to you and says: "Your german? You're a nazi." I get angry! I normally realize when somebody is roleplaying or when someone is just being racist.
When i'am a squadleader i would kick someone who's being racist.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-05-31 19:44
by JimmyKid1996
Microwaife wrote:When i played the Normandy Mod, many players were calling the Germans "Krauts" or "Nazibastards", i wasn't really offended by it, because it is roleplaying. But when somebody comes up to you and says: "Your german? You're a nazi." I get angry! I normally realize when somebody is roleplaying or when someone is just being racist.
When i'am a squadleader i would kick someone who's being racist.
I really despise that too, but more to the fact that, when I mentioned to someone I was from the United States, they just laughed, told me to get a life, and lose weight. Lets just say they don't like foreigners anymore. At all.

(Don't mess with a pissed off ginger :P )

EDIT: Hey, 123 posts! :D

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-06-01 07:20
by CommunistComma
LanceVanceDance wrote:What about the most overlooked PR racism: Anti-Canadian?
"So how aboot that maple syrup, eh?"
Americans can't even get the stereotypes right.
Though ods drone is right, this is the same ignorance that ACTUAL intolerance spawns from.

People fear and hate what they don't understand, and when they don't understand much there's a lot of both.
It's a symptom of a deeper problem and I wouldn't bother to get offended.

...well until the emotionally distressed riot cop beats up the hippy.
Or the local sadist female cop beats up the coloured old lady.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-06-01 10:16
by L4gi
CommunistComma wrote:ods drone is right
Wat is this I dont even?

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-06-21 16:49
by A. Reaper
Microwaife wrote:When i played the Normandy Mod, many players were calling the Germans "Krauts" or "Nazibastards", i wasn't really offended by it, because it is roleplaying. But when somebody comes up to you and says: "Your german? You're a nazi." I get angry! I normally realize when somebody is roleplaying or when someone is just being racist.
When i'am a squadleader i would kick someone who's being racist.
Yeah, I will never understand why a bunch of people in this country still think all Germans are nazis.

If you're actually trying to insult a race, nationality, or general ethnic group just because of who they are, that's terrible. Or, if you're trying to insult a specific person in general using their race as an insult, which is stupid and rude.

However, if you're just trying to poke fun, should be ok. I mean, I don't throw a fit if someone calls me a Yank out of fun, but trying to insult me, that would be bad.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-07-03 07:34
by Pvt.LHeureux
Personnally I find it ok for roleplaying to call germans in Project Normandy "Krauts" "Fritz" or "Nazis" but to call vietnamese "gook" in PR:V is a racial slur, use thing such as "charlie" instead.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-07-04 00:30
by WeeD-KilleR
A. Reaper wrote: If you're actually trying to insult a race.

Category humans into different races is racism. Even if you mean it 'in a positiv way'. Saying that for example black people or asians or what ever are seperate races. That's racism. And that's why it's wrong to use the word races to describe different types of humans.

From a biological view the humans don't differ enough to talk about races like dog races. Indeed the Human evolved differently to fit in the certain circumstances. For example black skin for sun protection but it's still not enough for a own race.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-07-04 01:02
by JimmyKid1996
Gunslinger1127 wrote:Yea and I believe we kicked america's *** in 1812 even thought they say they won because "They killed more" But in reality WE burned down there white house WE pushed them PASTED new york in 1812 basically America fight wars that they cannot win/finish I'm surprised Korea didn't send there nukes over to america yet and we all know america is scared of Korea. Cuz number 1. No one knows about them ( Americans are banned and get shot on sight and everyone else is "Unwelcome") and 2. They would probably fight to the last man unlike the Americans.
[Somewhat Off Topic]
Another problem. People looking down on countries due to THE GOVERNMENT'S decisions. To be completely honest, you are sounding a lot like an ill-informed American. (I'm assuming your from Canada, that's where it says you are..) Also, Canada never fought in the war of 1812, the Brits did, because Canada wasn't formed until 1867.