Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-17 09:56
by Welshboy
Flying the attack huey on Muttrah, i had survived untill the cobra spawned and i was rearming at the carrier, as i got to take off i turn left and see the cockpit of the cobra.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-17 14:12
by Raufbold
Warming up the Attack Huey on Muttrah and misplace my hand on the keyboard one key to the left (no space between arrow left and control). As a result, i did a nice half barrel roll into the sea instead of taking off. Happened on a few other occasions too.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-17 14:40
by Truism
Definately the first time I tried to taxi a jet on Quinling without knowing how to taxi a jet.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-21 22:11
by Ccharge
oh lemme think...
probably the time i was flying a full loaded merlin on basrah in 0.7, i was flying over the insurgent village when my helo gets opened up on. I decide to try to avoid gunfire by flying side to side but instead of pressing the d key i press the e key. My fully loaded merlin plumits into the ground killing that squad and the apc it lands on. My team got really pissed so i didnt bother telling them about the mistake.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-23 13:32
by ozliam41
i forgot what map it is the one with the lynx it it but i took of in the lynx i landed a squad and i saw a bmb car driving i landed the bmb car came around the corner and blow us all up the choppa was full
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-24 10:30
by SgtFailure
When my squad swam from the carrier to docks in muttrah, took a good 15 mins....
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-25 09:39
by -dEpRaVe-
This was a bad one...happened tonight.
I decided to get really gacked on some painkillers I had because I was bored and having trouble sleeping these past few nights...cue to playing on Seven Gates as the PLA.
My SL had assigned me a role as rifleman AT which I was all too happy to fulfill. We sprint up to a ridge to try and provide overwatch to the village and the river fort, where my first noob mistake happened. My team starts shooting and a FULLY LOADED supply truck turns around and drives back and I didn't even see it until it was cresting the ridge back. My squad deservedly gave me a "wtf shoot him what were you doing" over VoIP, but it wasn't really a big deal.
To no one's surprise we end up getting pushed back inside of Rvier Fort, and I spot a transport coming from the village racing across the lakebed and I put a well-placed rocket into its side, destroying it, and the poor PLA driver driving it. I apologize profusely, since I'm relatively new to .85 (PR vet from since .4 but college was demanding my time) and the domed canopies of these trucks confuse me.
At this point, I'm embarrassed but stuff happens so I reload and take another position. River Fort is now under crippling suppressing fire from the north-northwest as the Brits deploy SAW gunners and markmen to devastating effect and all friendlies in the base are scrambling for cover. I pop my head up and see a trooper running across our former rally point holding a weapon, and since both the L8 and QZ are bullpup designs, I thought he was an enemy. Since having lowered my texture filtering I couldn't see his helmet or much of anything, so I fired another rocket....turns out he was the driver I had accidentally tk'ed earlier.
At this point I'm face-palming in my computer chair and repeatedly spam "sorry" in the commo-rose. I reload and vow to check my targets more carefully. A couple minutes later I pop my head up since the suppression fire is getting worse and the Brits are flanking us from the south, and see two soldiers in dark green, one of which has a weapon with a bi-pod and is looking directly towards the river fort. Thinking this was one of those ******* SAW gunners that was giving us hell, I launched another rocket, killing the same guy AGAIN with his brand new LMG and his squadmate. I left the server in utter shame and disgust with myself.
Whoever that may have been, please forgive me. It may have seemed like I was griefing you, but I'm just an idiot. Sorry man.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-25 11:43
by rampo
Flying in Kashan whit a F16 when im typing a text message i realize at the point when i press E i hadnt activated the chat. then i just fall to the ground whit a parachute and dissconnect ;P
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-25 22:13
by Penga
When my Mi-28 Havoc lost a 1v1 with an Abrams because I missed with the hellfire equivalent.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-05-28 12:57
by Challenger 2 SWE
On Kozelsk i was a little bit separated from the rest of my squad in a forest acting as a flank sentry.
Suddenly a Millitiaman with a AK-47 walked past my tree 30 meters away and i thought i could kill him without a firefight.
so i run up behind him and when i´m 10 meters away i got my sights up and WITHOUT waiting for the weapon to settle i fired a 4 shot burst... i missed. He gets down on the ground turns around and easily hits me as i´m still standing up. So even with the element of surprise i do an epic fail in a small scale.
So always knife people when you have an enemy that hasn´t seen you or wait for your weapon to settle.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-06 22:15
by goguapsy
I was playing on Operation Archer, and in one of the little towns there was a pile of concrete "pipes". that was like kinda of a "pyramid" (3 bottom, 2 on top, NO topping). I jumped in and got stuck. we were laughing and I was trying to figure out how to get out of it... we tried using a grapplin hook, didnt work. my SL jumped in the same pyramid and got stuck, and he was like 'wtf???' and then I suicided (so the give up screen shows up) so that the medic could "ressurect me" and then use the epipen... he got stuck too, ressurecting didnt work, he "epipened" me and i was "reborn", but still stuck... we were all laughing like hell, but then we all had to suicide and go back to the war oh well.
and one fun thing to do from time to time is, u know, find a friendly squad and start shooting near their feet, until they figure out that YOU r the one shooting and start suearing u lol its so funny
and there are some hilarious stories in here, too!
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-06 22:16
by goguapsy
Ccharge wrote:oh lemme think...
probably the time i was flying a full loaded merlin on basrah in 0.7, i was flying over the insurgent village when my helo gets opened up on. I decide to try to avoid gunfire by flying side to side but instead of pressing the d key i press the e key. My fully loaded merlin plumits into the ground killing that squad and the apc it lands on. My team got really pissed so i didnt bother telling them about the mistake.
and sry for the double post, guys
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-06 22:32
by Flaringo
I just recently started playing this awesome mod, and I had my first organized squad thing yesterday. We were on this china vs america (I think) map. We were the americans and started on a hangar ship out in the sea and came in by helicopters, really cool.
Anyways, me and my squad were walking around in these trenches somewhere near the middle of the map, and there were all these bunkers around us. I spotted movement outside a bunker, and I noticed they had kind of dark clothing, so I said "enemy movenemt at x in the bunker, should we engage?". Everybody turned and looked at it for a second before my squad leader told us to engage. Every single one of us opened fire at the tiny door on the bunker, and they dropped like flies. After we finished firing, I looked closer to ensure that we hadn't left anyone alive. I peaked up and looked inside the bunker and saw what looked like a pile of bodies. But on top of that pile there was something moving, so I aimed at it and got ready to shoot. Just before I pulled the trigger I noticed that he had a blue name over his head. I had just killed almost an entire friendly squad! I didn't feel very proud
But no one got pissed as far as I registered. I think they accepted the fact that stuff like that can happen very easily inside enemy territory.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-07 00:32
by CplChristos
First Day playing i Knew absolutly nothing of the Chopper Warm up....... well......... soon as i had a full crew in (one manning the chopper to mind you) i took off, and.......landed real quick into a Full Squads APC blew all 12 of us up !!!
They were not happy and still cop it when i see one of the guys i killed!!! Freindly though !! im a lot better now !! thanks gosh !
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-07 00:58
by Tim270
Found a MEC dude hiding behind some crates out in the desert in EJOD, got out our Stryker, took his kit and attempted to burn the crates, turns out it did a shitload of damage to the Stryker and lost the wheels. I felt like a right noob when the log truck got there and asked what happened
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-07 02:37
by wuschel
Kashan - MEC Tank Squad, 3 Tanks
Having a pretty decent tank squad full of experienced players I was sure that we were going to show the opposing team what one can do with some mean panzer moves. In the beginning, we played a rather defensive role, shooting some infantry in the bunkers. It was later that we located the enemy tank squad, and our lead tank started to flank around the enemy formation. It was my job to give cover him from an overwatch position.
Unfortunatly, I got confused because of the bad VOIP quality. The consequence was that I thought that our lead tank was identified as enemy tank.. and thus it was that I shot our squadleader in the butt twice, blasting his tank to the outskirts of Kashan. A minute later our tank was attacked by the enemy tank formation and terminated. Another minute later the last gloriously retreating tank of our squad was killed by our own Havoc. So ended the great elite tank raid we had planned.
Our squadleader left, and Wicca joined the squad. I was so confused (or tired) about the events before that I tried to enter an AA vehicle without crewman kit. Wicca, now asked me through VOIP if I was new to the game.. a question which I had heard before from the squadleader and my driver..
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-07 02:44
by wuschel
sorry for double posting.
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-08 19:03
by goguapsy
KingLorre wrote:id kinda wreck the deploy bunker/firebase everytime i use it... xD
someone always dies when I deploy one..
Flaringo wrote:I just recently started playing this awesome mod, and I had my first organized squad thing yesterday. We were on this china vs america (I think) map. We were the americans and started on a hangar ship out in the sea and came in by helicopters, really cool.
Anyways, me and my squad were walking around in these trenches somewhere near the middle of the map, and there were all these bunkers around us. I spotted movement outside a bunker, and I noticed they had kind of dark clothing, so I said "enemy movenemt at x in the bunker, should we engage?". Everybody turned and looked at it for a second before my squad leader told us to engage. Every single one of us opened fire at the tiny door on the bunker, and they dropped like flies. After we finished firing, I looked closer to ensure that we hadn't left anyone alive. I peaked up and looked inside the bunker and saw what looked like a pile of bodies. But on top of that pile there was something moving, so I aimed at it and got ready to shoot. Just before I pulled the trigger I noticed that he had a blue name over his head. I had just killed almost an entire friendly squad! I didn't feel very proud
But no one got pissed as far as I registered. I think they accepted the fact that stuff like that can happen very easily inside enemy territory.
Lol, nice going XD
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...
Posted: 2009-06-08 20:06
by MrSh@vid
Re: [List] The moment you really felt like a noob...