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Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-05 21:20
by rampo
DannyIMK wrote:cool, but do they really use tents? cause i don't think its safe because bullets can get through tent
it would be safer for the commander to sit inside the armored vehicle instead the tent
Well i dont think the command post is gonna be set in the middle of a cambat zone, and anyway the tents in PR cant be penetrated :-P

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-05 22:08
by Rhino
DannyIMK wrote:cool, but do they really use tents? cause i don't think its safe because bullets can get through tent
it would be safer for the commander to sit inside the armored vehicle instead the tent
rampo93(FIN) wrote:Well i dont think the command post is gonna be set in the middle of a cambat zone, and anyway the tents in PR cant be penetrated :-P
ye, they do use tents and ye, they aint setup in the middle of a combat zone. Only 2 British ACVs where captured by the Germans in the whole in WW2 so they hardly ever get into the thick of the combat.

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-05 22:11
by Hokunin
And here is the Russian Vodka ahaha :) LOL but sad, that our country associated with it

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-05 23:50
by AnimalMother.
pfffffffffft a football.

nice to see a further move away from daft vBF2 gash

would be good if you had some other staff members in the tent, animated would be even better (similar to idle animations)

oh and i want this beard featured:


Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 00:34
by Bringerof_D
Open the doors and hatches on the ACVs, that way it actually looks like its in use with command staff getting in and out on a regular basis and that way no fool starts running up to it and going...why cant i drive this thing away?!

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 06:14
by Jarryd_455495
lol i thought it was germans that were Associated with vodka, oh well it's all for a laugh :smile:

i like what you devs have done though maybe a control tower could be modeled for the maps like barra because of the carriers.

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 07:19
by motherdear
Bringerof_D wrote:Open the doors and hatches on the ACVs, that way it actually looks like its in use with command staff getting in and out on a regular basis and that way no fool starts running up to it and going...why cant i drive this thing away?!
do you want to model a open hatch with new textures sheets for the whole model, model a completely new interiour for basicly all models, including both ACV and normal vehicles. would be a massive undertaking to say the least and would cripple the teams ability to do all the other cool stuff that is planned

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 07:27
by Rhino
Bringerof_D wrote:Open the doors and hatches on the ACVs, that way it actually looks like its in use with command staff getting in and out on a regular basis and that way no fool starts running up to it and going...why cant i drive this thing away?!
[R-CON]motherdear wrote:do you want to model a open hatch with new textures sheets for the whole model, model a completely new interiour for basicly all models, including both ACV and normal vehicles. would be a massive undertaking to say the least and would cripple the teams ability to do all the other cool stuff that is planned
ye, like MD said its far too much work for very little gain and most people will soon realize that tent+vehicle = non-drivable vehicle as its a command post. If it was just the vehicle on its own I would agree with you.

I mean this is what the inside of the Sultan looks like, would take ages to model all of this, then doing it for each vehicle mehh :p


Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 07:29
by STORM-Mama
Haha, a bottle of Stolichnaya. Hilarious.

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 13:35
by AnRK
Int wrote:I do not see nothing funny in the vodka, offensive stereotype, but the icon is quite often happens in such places

Vodka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Водка â$” Википедия

According to the English page apparently 70% of all alcohol consumed in Russia is Vodka, to me that's just like us having a football (less then 70% of British people will play football by far).

What's the problem with civilian items anyway? I don't know how strict the Russian military are but in most western armies it seems their personnel like to - if anything probably encouraged to a fair amount - try to enjoy themselves in their free time to try and take some stress out of the job.

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 14:27
by John-117
you guys should put a poster of SAS guys from cod6. or a giant cut out of capian price. that is more Great British

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 14:47
I am doing field training in idf reserve and work in command post, the way we place it alittle diferent : we put two m113 acvs side by side with about 10 meters between them and cover them with material and camuflage net

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 15:20
by hiberNative
very nice. looking forward to take a seat in there <3

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 15:45
by krekc
Vodka isn't problem!!

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 15:53
by Nosferatu
Am I blind or is it Irish talking about foreigners alcohol problems? :D

BTW person on the video is not drunk, he's sick, he barely walks and talks.
In Russian interet he known as Chumazik.

usachev: НТВ

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 15:58
by AnRK
[R-DEV]THE.FIST wrote:I am doing field training in idf reserve and work in command post, the way we place it alittle diferent : we put two m113 acvs side by side with about 10 meters between them and cover them with material and camuflage net
That's a point, what's gonna be in the IDFs tent? Houmous and Felafal gets my vote :p

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 16:26
by Amok@ndy
[R-DEV]THE.FIST wrote:I am doing field training in idf reserve and work in command post, the way we place it alittle diferent : we put two m113 acvs side by side with about 10 meters between them and cover them with material and camuflage net
in the German army its done With 4 M113 :D and a lots of laptops and of course those US plastictents where no tape sticks :D

i have solved 9month in a CommandPost Company of the Panzerbrigade Oberpfalz
i will try to get some good pics for the german version of the M113

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 17:17
by ma21212
Hey at least u got somethng ...thats not a ...weapon...i mean arabs got...a dagger....(but then again everything on the table can be used as a weapon...*imagines crazed commander attacking with a baseball bat*)

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 17:25
by Priby
Amok@ndy wrote:in the German army its done With 4 M113 :D and a lots of laptops and of course those US plastictents where no tape sticks :D

i have solved 9month in a CommandPost Company of the Panzerbrigade Oberpfalz
i will try to get some good pics for the german version of the M113
I thought its gonna be replaced by the Boxer?
The Dutch will probably use it too.

Re: [Statics] The ACVs (Armoured Command Vehicles)

Posted: 2009-11-06 17:34
by Amok@ndy
i was in the Fernmelde Batallion 4 in Cham (near Czech Border), and we dont have a lot of new equipment. think the newest equipment was the PatrolJeep of the Commander :)