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Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95

Posted: 2010-10-06 17:28
by Scot
USMCMIDN wrote:so the US lost the Beneli M4? ? ? Why? ? ?
AFAIK aren't Marines the only ones to use it, and the US Army uses the Mossberg?

Benelli Shotguns | Benelli M4

Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95

Posted: 2010-10-06 17:35
by qs-racer
very nice ;)

What is the difference of zoom for the L85A2 ?

Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95

Posted: 2010-10-08 19:47
by hobbnob
Kudos to the maker of the daniel defense RIS system, turned out brilliantly, as has everything else in PR to think of it. . . :D

Guessing the L22 is going to the crewman right?

Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95

Posted: 2010-10-09 08:00
by Winstonkalkaros
How are the holographic sight going to be better than basic red dot pipes?