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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-10 12:53
by doop-de-doo
GoreZiad wrote:i'm not saying it's not good, but this very day i saw a dude with that # mark first stealing our ammo techi while we were mortaring, then proceeding to call us noobs. he was a sniper.
I've already seen people doing stuff they shouldn't be doing while using #. As there is no control on who uses it, it is hard to enforce anything at all.
If you see people that are not capable of doing what this tag suggests, please inform them precisely this:
"You are not being a # player."
If you have the patience, tell them why.
Put his name in this thread with a reasonable explanation for his/our future reference.
If you are one of those people who end up mentioned here, know this:
This tag is not a ticket into a free clan.
This is not a clan.
It is a group of people who intend to use this # tag as a way to identify players with intentions mentioned in the first post of this thread.
This is not a "super group" or "special rights" group.
You have no special authority over anyone.
You have no authority over server admins.
We can not ban you from using the tag, but if someone does complain, you may read the reason why here, or hear from others that do.
Flame wars are not acceptable. Not here in this thread, nor in game (specifically in team/global chat).
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 06:11
by whatshisname55
Merry Christmas!

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 12:53
by doop-de-doo
Lol... Took me a moment to realize what you did there.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 18:08
by Echo_02
I like this idea very much, and I've started using # in-game.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 18:12
by gazzthompson
I had to remove a player in my squad today too make room , and i chose not to remove the player with the # tag.... shit works, just sayin.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 18:55
by AfterDune
whatshisname55 wrote:Merry Christmas!

Haha, win

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 21:52
by Herbiie
GoreZiad wrote:i'm not saying it's not good, but this very day i saw a dude with that # mark first stealing our ammo techi while we were mortaring, then proceeding to call us noobs. he was a sniper.
Because no one with TG tags has ever done anything tard-like.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-11 23:46
by myles
Nice idea i will defintly use it!
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-12 02:13
by goguapsy
Herbiie wrote:Because no one with TG tags has ever done anything tard-like.
Alright we don't have to have aggressiveness here.
Everyone has issues with everyone, be that a (any) tag-wearer or not.
That guy already did the mistake of pointing such thing out in an odd way. But let's forget about it, he already apologized.
By the way, is it my impression or...

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-12 05:02
by whatshisname55
CIA has become #!?!?!?!??!

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-12 07:24
by Dev1200
This system = Win.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-12 09:57
by Makikou
Added to my tag, its now #> [MURO]
E: >

Ended up as #>MURO
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-13 15:58
by Megagoth1702
whatshisname55 wrote:Merry Christmas!

Thanks for quoting me in the first post!

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-13 16:35
by Smegburt_funkledink
What %age rate are '#' players Mumble users? Approx guess will do.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-13 23:20
by goguapsy
Smeggles wrote:What %age rate are '#' players Mumble users? Approx guess will do.
Care to elaborate?
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-14 00:43
by whatshisname55
He's basically asking how many of us use Mumble, but he wants it in the form of a percentage.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-14 00:58
by Luca_is_here
All the times i've played with other # guys they have all had mumble. Which is another big win

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-14 02:13
by goguapsy
whatshisname55 wrote:He's basically asking how many of us use Mumble, but he wants it in the form of a percentage.
Oh I understood what age did the average mumble user had XD
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2010-12-14 05:30
by TheAmazingYant
Maybe add an "M" to the tag to denote a Mumble user? So now I'd be up to #!M.