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Re: Worst PR fail!!
Posted: 2012-02-20 02:21
by Nehil
APC Jinx - Project Reality - Alpha Project server infiltration | 06/16/2010 | part 1 - YouTube
Ever since that I have perfected my ability to forsee my own death, however, I still can do nothing to avoid it.
Re: Worst PR fail!!
Posted: 2012-03-03 23:19
by Tittles
I took off in a jet and right when i hit 3000alt, Charter (My Internet Service Provider) decided to work on my internet and I got disconnected. gg charter.
Re: Worst PR fail!!
Posted: 2012-03-04 06:54
by pr|Zer0
Some time ago, played Jabal as a mec.... saw one airborne tank(Huey) landing near chemical facility, I set up my hat and some rubber banding and i hit the dirt 10 meters away from of US team was bollocking me
Fallujah...back in myself a nice US AR and my squad set up in 2 stories bld next to red cross compound...saw an enemy squad coming in and one of the guys aiming the HAT at the trigger...CLICK....Myself and rest of the squad had a nice HAT on us. TIP. ALWAYS check/reload kits when you pick them up
LieutenantNessie wrote:Not buying that! No way he didn't see the teamkill messages
Was in a SQ of *NwA* guys, on Beirut, and a friendly marksman killed 5 out of 6 guys from our squad from 200+m away.. I survived only because i put a PKM burst on his face...was already bleeding...talking about TK message
Re: Worst PR fail!!
Posted: 2012-03-05 11:59
by Tittles
Our pilot decided to crash us while doing C4 drops.
Re: Worst PR fail!!
Posted: 2012-03-05 18:53
by Mouthpiece
I've been in the same situation, but on the MEC side. Drive out of main - die. Repeat - die further down the road by CAS. Repeat - get raped by HAT from nowhere. Death can happen anytime. Anyway, funny vid.
Re: Worst PR fail!!
Posted: 2012-03-05 20:11
by mangeface
I can't remember the map, but it's a new one with the British vs. Russians. My SL had jumped into a logi and the rest of my squad was in a Land Rover, so I decided I'd ride with my SL (since he was a buddy of mine and we could chat on mumble w/o interrupting the rest of the squad) He said "mangeface, mangeface, MANGEFACE!" and I respond "WHAT!". He asked me if I was going to drive and I asked "What do you mean?" It took me a few seconds to realize that British vehicles are right hand drive. I never heard the end of it.