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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-01-26 19:01
by CTRifle
Depends.. Snow effects would decrease performance, but if you only lowered VD and added fog it would increase it.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-01-27 11:07
by Mouthpiece
Haven't tested this map IG, but as Battle of Grozny (The 1st Chechen war) is one of my "favorite" ones, and also looking at the screens and reading other player posts I must say - can't wait for this map to be in rotation. Damn, I think it would even bring me more back in to playing PR, not just watching gameplay vids.

I feel as a noob for not playing actively once 1.0 came out as PR is one of the best things in PC online gaming there is. And I've been hanging on single player stuff all this time, except for periods of extensive DayZero mod play; hope PR isn't a jealous entity.

Anyway, hope there won't be any major issues with this map performance and crash-wise. And thank you for the effort of bringing this majestically gruesome battle alive, good sir Ason!

I hope there will be a layout with more tanks or BMP's to fry. Anyway, what BMP models are Russkies using and what (presume - BMP-1) the rebels? And what tanks will Russians have? Aaaand will rebels have a T-62?

Looking back at the memory of documentaries I've watched about this battle, I can't remember seeing a lot of T-90, rather there were T-72, but my memory may be corrupt. But there's probably no T-72 in Russian camo. Actually it's a shame - a faction with 2 tank types would be sweet; I know that the only difference gameplay-wise would be the lack of ATGM, but it still would be fun, for example, first tanks to spawn would be T-72 (to even the tank vs tank gameplay) and later one of T-72's could be replaced with a T-90.

Ah, come to think of it, they probably don't use tanks it that way That is, the tank platoon/squad/group/whatever probably consists of one type of tank. For logistical/spare parts reasons. Can anyone confirm this?

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-01-27 11:52
by camo
Did the russians use the t80? I seem to remember them losing a massive number of them. I can't remember though.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-01-27 13:00
by Ason
Mouthpiece wrote: I hope there will be a layout with more tanks or BMP's to fry. Anyway, what BMP models are Russkies using and what (presume - BMP-1) the rebels? And what tanks will Russians have? Aaaand will rebels have a T-62?
Russians get BMP-2 without ATGM and rebels get BMP-1 and T-62.

Looking back at the memory of documentaries I've watched about this battle, I can't remember seeing a lot of T-90, rather there were T-72, but my memory may be corrupt. But there's probably no T-72 in Russian camo. Actually it's a shame - a faction with 2 tank types would be sweet; I know that the only difference gameplay-wise would be the lack of ATGM, but it still would be fun, for example, first tanks to spawn would be T-72 (to even the tank vs tank gameplay) and later one of T-72's could be replaced with a T-90.

Ah, come to think of it, they probably don't use tanks it that way That is, the tank platoon/squad/group/whatever probably consists of one type of tank. For logistical/spare parts reasons. Can anyone confirm this?
Russians get BMP-2 without ATGM and rebels get BMP-1 and T-62.
I used T-90 because as you say there is no russian camo for the T-72 but I will probably remove it and replace some BMP-2s with BTR-80 for the next test event, if there will be one.
Did the russians use the t80? I seem to remember them losing a massive number of them. I can't remember though.
Yes they used both T-72 and T-80. According to wiki, the Northern group that advanced from the russian mainbase in my map had 31 T-80BV's. I don't know how many lost but probably alot, like most vehicles in Grozny.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-11 15:19
by Ason
I'm trying to edit the kits on the map to only include the "_alt" versions without scopes.
So far I have created the with the new spawners folder and faction_init.con.
My first step is only to change the kits that you get when you spawn (only change the actual kit not the icons etc)
Shouldn't it be enough to just edit the faction_init to something like this, or do I need to add all kits and weapons to my map aswell?

Code: Select all

rem --- Generated by PRBuild ---

rem ----------------------------------------
rem Project Reality Faction Initialization
rem run[b] faction_init_grozny.con[/b] <team> <"faction">
rem ----------------------------------------

rem Common settings across all maps.
rem Inside an if statement since it only needs to be run once (when it's called for team 1)
if v_arg1 == 1
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag 0 "flag_neutral"
	physics.airdensityzeroatheight 5000
	spawnManager.setPlayerKit 2
	renderer.globalStaticMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	renderer.globalBundleMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	renderer.globalSkinnedMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	gameLogic.setTeamDropVehicle 1 "mark_team1"
	gameLogic.setTeamDropVehicle 2 "mark_team2"
	run spawners/spawners_common.con
	run ../common/tr_scripts/buis/disable.con
	run ../menu/HUD/HudSetup/Customization/HudCustomizationReset.con

rem HUD Customization
run ../menu/HUD/HudSetup/Customization/HudCustomization.con v_arg1 v_arg2

rem Begin faction specific settings
rem Kit slot orders are controlled via python
rem Soldiers are controlled via python
if v_arg2 == "chinsurgent"
	gameLogic.setTeamName v_arg1 "CHinsurgent"
	gameLogic.setTeamLanguage v_arg1 "rebels"
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag v_arg1 "flag_re"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 0 "chinsurgent_officer" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier4"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 1 "chinsurgent_assault" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier5"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 2 "chinsurgent_rifleman" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier2"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 3 "chinsurgent_support" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier6"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 4 "chinsurgent_specialist" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 5 "chinsurgent_medic" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 6 "chinsurgent_riflemanat" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier3"
	run spawners/spawners_chinsurgent_grozny.con
elseIf v_arg2 == "ru"
	gameLogic.setTeamName v_arg1 "RU"
	gameLogic.setTeamLanguage v_arg1 "RU"
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag v_arg1 "flag_ru"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 0 "[b]ru_officer_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier4"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 1 "[b]ru_assault_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 2 "[b]ru_rifleman_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 3 "[b]ru_support_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 4 "[b]ru_specialist_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 5 "[b]ru_medic_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier2"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 6 "[b]ru_riflemanat_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier2"
	run spawners/[b]spawners_ru_grozny.con[/b]

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-11 16:33
by Jacksonez__
Bums wrote:Out of curiosity, would a snowstorm Grozny increase or decrease FPS?
Not a mapper or anything, but I think it would increase the FPS since draw distance is decreased when there's a "snow storm"? :roll: The foggy effect.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-11 18:29
by Mats391
Ason wrote:I'm trying to edit the kits on the map to only include the "_alt" versions without scopes.
So far I have created the with the new spawners folder and faction_init.con.
My first step is only to change the kits that you get when you spawn (only change the actual kit not the icons etc)
Shouldn't it be enough to just edit the faction_init to something like this, or do I need to add all kits and weapons to my map aswell?

Code: Select all

rem --- Generated by PRBuild ---

rem ----------------------------------------
rem Project Reality Faction Initialization
rem run[b] faction_init_grozny.con[/b] <team> <"faction">
rem ----------------------------------------

rem Common settings across all maps.
rem Inside an if statement since it only needs to be run once (when it's called for team 1)
if v_arg1 == 1
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag 0 "flag_neutral"
	physics.airdensityzeroatheight 5000
	spawnManager.setPlayerKit 2
	renderer.globalStaticMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	renderer.globalBundleMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	renderer.globalSkinnedMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	gameLogic.setTeamDropVehicle 1 "mark_team1"
	gameLogic.setTeamDropVehicle 2 "mark_team2"
	run spawners/spawners_common.con
	run ../common/tr_scripts/buis/disable.con
	run ../menu/HUD/HudSetup/Customization/HudCustomizationReset.con

rem HUD Customization
run ../menu/HUD/HudSetup/Customization/HudCustomization.con v_arg1 v_arg2

rem Begin faction specific settings
rem Kit slot orders are controlled via python
rem Soldiers are controlled via python
if v_arg2 == "chinsurgent"
	gameLogic.setTeamName v_arg1 "CHinsurgent"
	gameLogic.setTeamLanguage v_arg1 "rebels"
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag v_arg1 "flag_re"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 0 "chinsurgent_officer" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier4"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 1 "chinsurgent_assault" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier5"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 2 "chinsurgent_rifleman" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier2"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 3 "chinsurgent_support" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier6"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 4 "chinsurgent_specialist" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 5 "chinsurgent_medic" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 6 "chinsurgent_riflemanat" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier3"
	run spawners/spawners_chinsurgent_grozny.con
elseIf v_arg2 == "ru"
	gameLogic.setTeamName v_arg1 "RU"
	gameLogic.setTeamLanguage v_arg1 "RU"
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag v_arg1 "flag_ru"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 0 "[b]ru_officer_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier4"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 1 "[b]ru_assault_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 2 "[b]ru_rifleman_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 3 "[b]ru_support_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 4 "[b]ru_specialist_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 5 "[b]ru_medic_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier2"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 6 "[b]ru_riflemanat_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier2"
	run spawners/[b]spawners_ru_grozny.con[/b]
you have to edit your serverarchives.con to include

Code: Select all

fileManager.mountArchive levels/ Factions
Then you use define your factions as usual in the init.con

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-11 18:59
by rPoXoTauJIo
Ason wrote:I'm trying to edit the kits on the map to only include the "_alt" versions without scopes.
So far I have created the with the new spawners folder and faction_init.con.
My first step is only to change the kits that you get when you spawn (only change the actual kit not the icons etc)
Shouldn't it be enough to just edit the faction_init to something like this, or do I need to add all kits and weapons to my map aswell?

Code: Select all

rem --- Generated by PRBuild ---

rem ----------------------------------------
rem Project Reality Faction Initialization
rem run[b] faction_init_grozny.con[/b] <team> <"faction">
rem ----------------------------------------

rem Common settings across all maps.
rem Inside an if statement since it only needs to be run once (when it's called for team 1)
if v_arg1 == 1
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag 0 "flag_neutral"
	physics.airdensityzeroatheight 5000
	spawnManager.setPlayerKit 2
	renderer.globalStaticMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	renderer.globalBundleMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	renderer.globalSkinnedMeshLodDistanceScale 1
	gameLogic.setTeamDropVehicle 1 "mark_team1"
	gameLogic.setTeamDropVehicle 2 "mark_team2"
	run spawners/spawners_common.con
	run ../common/tr_scripts/buis/disable.con
	[color=Red]run ../menu/HUD/HudSetup/Customization/HudCustomizationReset.con[/color]

rem HUD Customization
[color=red]run ../menu/HUD/HudSetup/Customization/HudCustomization.con v_arg1 v_arg2[/color]

rem Begin faction specific settings
rem Kit slot orders are controlled via python
rem Soldiers are controlled via python
if v_arg2 == "chinsurgent"
	gameLogic.setTeamName v_arg1 "CHinsurgent"
	gameLogic.setTeamLanguage v_arg1 "rebels"
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag v_arg1 "flag_re"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 0 "chinsurgent_officer" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier4"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 1 "chinsurgent_assault" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier5"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 2 "chinsurgent_rifleman" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier2"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 3 "chinsurgent_support" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier6"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 4 "chinsurgent_specialist" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 5 "chinsurgent_medic" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 6 "chinsurgent_riflemanat" "pr_chinsurgent_soldier3"
	run spawners/spawners_chinsurgent_grozny.con
elseIf v_arg2 == "ru"
	gameLogic.setTeamName v_arg1 "RU"
	gameLogic.setTeamLanguage v_arg1 "RU"
	gameLogic.setTeamFlag v_arg1 "flag_ru"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 0 "[b]ru_officer_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier4"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 1 "[b]ru_assault_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 2 "[b]ru_rifleman_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 3 "[b]ru_support_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier3"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 4 "[b]ru_specialist_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier1"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 5 "[b]ru_medic_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier2"
	gameLogic.setKit v_arg1 6 "[b]ru_riflemanat_alt[/b]" "pr_ru_soldier2"
	run spawners/[b]spawners_ru_grozny.con[/b]
rem those line, and you'll delete alt\std selectors from spawn screen.
setKit's are ok too.

But this is pointless anyway. The problem is lying in 2 things:
1. HUD aren't reloaded in "map-mod". I have discovered during wof development that hud nodes(our std\alt button and imgs\labels, i have described it already) can't be re-created if it's not first fresh load.
2. Requestable kits and python.
Coming out of #1 - we can't modify 'core' HUD nodes, specifically altcmd that being sent in python.
Due to fact that kit template names are generated dynamically in python, and there's no way currently to force alt kits only spawn - you can't prevent std kits from spawning. Even if you'll try to re-name spawner templates in

Code: Select all

for example, python still will try to spawn std kits with optics, resulting in invisible weapons.
This is coming out of thing that spawners in PR are only to preload objects instead of being actual templates.

So sorry Ason, it's not possible in this version. Guess we have to ask dev's to include "iron only" version of factions for a next version.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-11 19:11
by Ason
ah I see, that's too bad :( Thanks anyway guys.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-12 09:40
by Mats391
It is possible. It might require an additional python config, but since python runs only serverside that would be no problem for players, only for admins. You can also not make an entirely new faction and just use a kit variant for Russians. For example the Russians do not use a _ziptie variant yet. For that you just need to create new faction that is called ru_ziptie and create all the kits you want with _ziptie suffix. With that trick you wont even need new python.
I can help you with this. It might be tricky to get the customization etc. right w/o the tools to generate those, but i can do that when time comes.
Is this the only thing left for test events? Cant wait to play this map :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-12 10:05
by Ason
[R-DEV]Mats391 wrote:It is possible. It might require an additional python config, but since python runs only serverside that would be no problem for players, only for admins. You can also not make an entirely new faction and just use a kit variant for Russians. For example the Russians do not use a _ziptie variant yet. For that you just need to create new faction that is called ru_ziptie and create all the kits you want with _ziptie suffix. With that trick you wont even need new python.
I can help you with this. It might be tricky to get the customization etc. right w/o the tools to generate those, but i can do that when time comes.
Is this the only thing left for test events? Cant wait to play this map :)
Thanks Mats! Just tell me whenever you have the time to help :) Yeah I have fixed most small problems like the brightness of the map and balanced assets better but still need to optimize it. I think CT is still helping me with that, don't know how it's going though.

here is the latest changelog btw:
CHANGELOG2 07/02/2015:

1.Updated sky.con to make map brighter.

2.Fixed Fog settings to remove the "fogline".

3.Made minimap brighter.

-Removed russian tunguska.
-Replaced one russian BMP-2 with MTLB.
-Added 2 AT and 1 Engineer pickup kits for Militia.(spawns inside city at the rally)

-Removed russian BMP-3.
-Replaced militia Spandrel with SPG techie.

-Removed one russian BMP-2
-Replaced one russian BTR-80 with MTLB

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-12 13:42
by rPoXoTauJIo
[R-DEV]Mats391 wrote:It is possible. It might require an additional python config, but since python runs only serverside that would be no problem for players, only for admins.
Well, my commentary were mostly about 'public release', with custom py config quite lot possible :)

Workaround with ziptie kits is actually interesting&simple solution, *me gone into test bunker to make proof-of-concept :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-13 07:42
by Arab
Your work is so awesome.

Just a tip: You can use an auto-clicking program when using the PR Debugger to quickly skip through messages called Auto-clicker.

You just have to add a shortcut because it can click like crazy. Create backups of your files, and always create a shortcut to end clicking.

The way I set it up is that you close all windows, and then press 'Start/Stop Clicking', and I use the 'Click only if mouse is moving' setting.

This saves you having a sore hand, and shaves some time and frustration off :) But be careful.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-13 09:10
by Ason
Thanks Arab, although I'm not entirely sure what you mean, I don't think I've ever used the debugger, don't really know what it's for.

Could someone please comment on the brightness of these pics? On my computer they look alright, I can see stuff in the shadows without problems, but my brother says it looks almost completely black on his computer...Would be nice to know I'm not the only one who sees it as bright and alright.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-13 10:47
by camo
I can see just fine.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-13 11:41
by Arab
It looks clearer and more detailed

Posted: 2015-02-13 11:47
by derg
wow, nicely done!
light settings seem just fine.


Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-13 11:48
by Ason
Thanks guys, then I guess I'll keep it like this :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2015-02-13 22:20
by sweedensniiperr
That looks real good m8