So other then the VC regulars will I able to play as a Vietcong Irregular with a Non la (iconic straw hats) and a Chinese Type-50 or K-50M?
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 02:21
by De4dByD4wn
I think its real. Heres why:
If the PR:V release is a joke, then fine, Ha Ha, well played. But its been 2 yrs... If PR:V is all together a joke, OMG what a waste of time and energy on the DEVs part. Or, it would mean PR:V was (at some point) a legitamate venture that fell apart. Now THAT would be an embarrassing failure by any DEVs standards, IMO, making April Fools their way of playing it off, which would be pathetic. I believe the DEVs time and hard work is WAY better spent (and SO VERY MUCH appreciated) on things besides elaborate pranks on such a loyal playerbase. The EoD2 team gave all their Vietnam era models for PR:V. Why would another DEV team give all their hard work to PR just for it to end up being the butt of a joke?!? If I was an EoD2 DEV i'd be f*ckin' pissed. That said, PR:V MUST be real, damnit, or the DEVs straight up FAIL. And I just refuse to believe that. However, time WILL tell.
VietCong Insurgency?!? OMFG! Black Pajamas at the ready!!!
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 02:22
by Orca19904
I'm curious what the NVA factions' weaponry will include. Would be sweet to see some B-40 rocket launchers, Type 56 carbines (Chinese copy of the SKS), and RPD machine guns. I'm also assuming the M1911A1 and Makarov PM will be the sidearms for the US & NVA factions, respectively? In any case, I'm really looking forward to this when it comes out, God knows we've waited long enough.
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 05:14
by CopyCat
The fact that not a single DEV posted so far, is just giving me a hunch that they're having a laugh about us, of the year right now. And then Chuc comes around the corner and gives us a slap in the face, of small teaser and a funny feeling of trolling...
Is this for real !? Or just one big joke to make the whole community fuzz about for a whole week
(Its a joke)
Posted: 2012-04-03 09:06
by aimatsoul
April fool?????
De4dByD4wn wrote:I think its real. Heres why:
If the PR:V release is a joke, then fine, Ha Ha, well played. But its been 2 yrs... If PR:V is all together a joke, OMG what a waste of time and energy on the DEVs part. Or, it would mean PR:V was (at some point) a legitamate venture that fell apart. Now THAT would be an embarrassing failure by any DEVs standards, IMO, making April Fools their way of playing it off, which would be pathetic. I believe the DEVs time and hard work is WAY better spent (and SO VERY MUCH appreciated) on things besides elaborate pranks on such a loyal playerbase. The EoD2 team gave all their Vietnam era models for PR:V. Why would another DEV team give all their hard work to PR just for it to end up being the butt of a joke?!? If I was an EoD2 DEV i'd be f*ckin' pissed. That said, PR:V MUST be real, damnit, or the DEVs straight up FAIL. And I just refuse to believe that. However, time WILL tell.
VietCong Insurgency?!? OMFG! Black Pajamas at the ready!!!
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 11:10
by tatne
What if they have trolled us for 2 years now. Every 1.4 they give us some news about PR:BF2:V and now 6.4 BOOOM "April Fools 2010-2012"
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 12:29
by Jolly
LOL, after played too much modern warfares. PRV will surely one nice option!
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 12:38
by De4dByD4wn
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 13:39
by TylerakaSyn
If this is really an "April Fool's" joke I will never take this company seriously again and move to uninstall their mod from my HDD right away.
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 14:42
by OverwatchX
TylerakaSyn wrote:If this is really an "April Fool's" joke I will never take this company seriously again and move to uninstall their mod from my HDD right away.
"Lighten up Francis" -Sgt. Hulka (Stripes - 1981)
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 15:56
by Wakain
brilliant m79 anims chuc, as always
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 16:36
by CR8Z
If this isn't real, they have a lot of splainin' to do.
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 17:23
by WhiskeyHotel
At this point: Seems legit...?
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 17:52
by TylerakaSyn
OverwatchX wrote:"Lighten up Francis" -Sgt. Hulka (Stripes - 1981)
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 18:57
by Daniel
All I want u all to do is celebrate this expected upcoming PR Vietnam release by enjoying/listening completely to those two best Vietnam songs:
Daniel wrote:All I want u all to do is celebrate this expected upcoming PR Vietnam release by enjoying/listening completely to those two best Vietnam songs:
I'll blare this stuff when I'm flying the Hueys.
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 19:17
by Daniel
PricelineNegotiator wrote:I'll blare this stuff when I'm flying the Hueys.
Oooooh yes... or while shooting the PBRs huuuuge twin .50 cal!!! xD Or while raping as cobra gunner... whatever, there's enough firepower in the US army during Vietnam war...
btw I added some good links in that post.
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 19:21
by nater
TylerakaSyn wrote:If this is really an "April Fool's" joke I will never take this company seriously again and move to uninstall their mod from my HDD right away.
Uhh, they make free mods, it's not like they're a for profit mega billion dollar business...If you're that quick to give up on PR, do those of us a favor who actually appreciate hard work, and uninstall.
Re: PR:BF2 Vietnam Release Date
Posted: 2012-04-03 19:23
by TylerakaSyn
nater wrote:Uhh, they make free mods, it's not like they're a for profit mega billion dollar business...If you're that quick to give up on PR, do those of us a favor who actually appreciate hard work, and uninstall.
or you can just cut the bullshit April fools jokes, provided this isn't real.