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Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 00:50
by Pvt.LHeureux
Also, what are the "black fields" made of? Why do they appear black like that? Many shadows?

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 06:35
by AfterDune
Lightmap with fields enabled/visible = "shadows" of fields = fields of darkness!

If you lightmap the fields, they sort of cast one big shadow. It's not needed to lightmap fields.

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 07:44
by Rudd
re fields, create a new layer and untick all gameplay options, select your fields via the select all of those objects function in the level editor drop down menu, then add them to that new layer

if you untick that layer now, the fields will all disappear (though they will still be in the map) and you can lightmap without obstruction

the minimap looks incredible mate

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 09:07
by AfterDune
I was finally able to load your map! :D

Some issues I ran into:
  • AmbientEffect with no linked effect
  • 30x30_waterplane lod issue? Unsure what it was, I removed them and it continued loading, haven't looked into this
  • There's an overgrowth problem somewhere. The debugger complains you've placed overgrowth manually somewhere but doesn't like it. Overgrowth placed outside the map perhaps? On or map edge? (like, hedges sticking out, doesn't like that) For now I got it running by changing "isOvergrowth 1" to "isOvergrowth 0" in StaticObjects.con, but that's not the solution.
  • Don't place "m1919A4_stationary" as objectspawner, instead place "m1919A4_bipod"

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 09:54
by AfterDune
Some things:
  • Paint the outside terrain as well. Give it a simple paint job on the edges, so you don't see the light green. Could also cover it up a bit with hedges and such.
  • There's no minimap yet, for navigation purposes, it's good to include one, even if it's not accurate :p
  • Allied and Axis bases are switched: team 1 (ger) starts top-right, team 2 (usa) starts bottom right. Normall, team 1 = Germans, Team 2 = USA. It's possible to switch that around of course, but in other Normandy maps, it's like that. Easy to change btw.
  • Terrain next to roads is very "edgy". If you smooth the terrain a little bit, it's much nicer
  • Same with terrain under hedges, could be a bit more smooth
  • Use a "woodland" texture suffix in your "init.con"
  • Don't use visible flags and flagpoles, unless they're somehow "necessary". For example Sainte Marie du Mont has a flagpole next to the church
  • Check your overgrowth colors. The hedges for example, are normal green on one side, but very dark on the other. Toy with the lightsettings to make them look a little better.
  • I noticed a lot of "poles" in fields, what are they?
  • Could set the undergrowth distance to like 100 meters. It's defined in "Undergrowth.cfg". Change "ViewDistance 50" to "ViewDistance 100" and try it out.
  • Z-fighting roads at crossroads. Try to raise both roads, one higher than the other. Then do a "build all final roads". See if it helps anything.
  • Do you use "Europe" trees? I think so. Best to remove them, they don't look too good.
Man, you did an outstanding job on this map! Fix the above, new lightmaps and it's golden!!
  • Bunker Hill is a beauty. It's simple and plain, but I love the look of this :D
  • Great job on both Brecourt Manor as well as Hauchemail Manor. Nice surroundings and use of statics. You really have an eye for detail
  • The terrain is lovely, as in, there's a very nice change between grassfields, corn or other types
  • You _have_ to use the roads when you're in a vehicle, because going through terrains and such will be a b*tch for sure :p . It's possible, but so many obstacles and hedges to pass through, need to be very careful. It's very realistic, if you've been to France and seen the bocages and the likes, you don't want to drive a normal vehicle through it.
  • This map is 2km, but really makes me wonder why on earth would we need 4km... It's massive! :o
  • Lots of overgrowth and ditches next to roads, oh ambushes are going to be epiiiiic
  • ...too much awesomeness... you gotta see this for yourselves man :p

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 13:08
by LITOralis.nMd
That is some high praise.^^

I am getting really excited as this map gets towards completion, rodrigoma this map might create it's own following like Muttrah and Kashan, thank you for putting the effort in, and congrats!

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 13:14
by AfterDune
I'm just very excited to see someone from the community step up and actually make it happen. The map isn't ready yet, but I'm positive it'll be great once it's done :) .

I hope other people will get motivated to step forward too.

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 15:46
by Arc_Shielder
This map looks really great. Considering the little you had at your disposal, this is very, very impressive.

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 16:50
by rodrigoma
'[R-DEV wrote:AfterDune;1796679']I was finally able to load your map! :D

Some issues I ran into:
  • AmbientEffect with no linked effect
  • 30x30_waterplane lod issue? Unsure what it was, I removed them and it continued loading, haven't looked into this
  • There's an overgrowth problem somewhere. The debugger complains you've placed overgrowth manually somewhere but doesn't like it. Overgrowth placed outside the map perhaps? On or map edge? (like, hedges sticking out, doesn't like that) For now I got it running by changing "isOvergrowth 1" to "isOvergrowth 0" in StaticObjects.con, but that's not the solution.
  • Don't place "m1919A4_stationary" as objectspawner, instead place "m1919A4_bipod"
I have deleted all the things problematic you referrred but it not working, one question though, when you deleted the ambient effects should there be any text still in the ambienteffetcs.con?
Some things:
Paint the outside terrain as well. Give it a simple paint job on the edges, so you don't see the light green. Could also cover it up a bit with hedges and such.
There's no minimap yet, for navigation purposes, it's good to include one, even if it's not accurate
Allied and Axis bases are switched: team 1 (ger) starts top-right, team 2 (usa) starts bottom right. Normall, team 1 = Germans, Team 2 = USA. It's possible to switch that around of course, but in other Normandy maps, it's like that. Easy to change btw.
Terrain next to roads is very "edgy". If you smooth the terrain a little bit, it's much nicer
Same with terrain under hedges, could be a bit more smooth
Use a "woodland" texture suffix in your "init.con"
Don't use visible flags and flagpoles, unless they're somehow "necessary". For example Sainte Marie du Mont has a flagpole next to the church
Check your overgrowth colors. The hedges for example, are normal green on one side, but very dark on the other. Toy with the lightsettings to make them look a little better.
I noticed a lot of "poles" in fields, what are they?
Could set the undergrowth distance to like 100 meters. It's defined in "Undergrowth.cfg". Change "ViewDistance 50" to "ViewDistance 100" and try it out.
Z-fighting roads at crossroads. Try to raise both roads, one higher than the other. Then do a "build all final roads". See if it helps anything.
Do you use "Europe" trees? I think so. Best to remove them, they don't look too good.

Man, you did an outstanding job on this map! Fix the above, new lightmaps and it's golden!!
thanks for the reports, im fixing them
how do I paint the sorrounding terrain though?

thank you for the support guys, im wuit exited about how the map turned out, after nearly no experience at all, im just sad i cant make it run for me :lol:

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 16:54
by AfterDune
Render > terrain > draw secondary terrain

(or something similar anyways :) )

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 21:06
by rodrigoma
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:Render > terrain > draw secondary terrain

(or something similar anyways :) )
ok thanks. ill try to fix all the things you told me about, then upload a new version of the map for download and then you can try to see what is wrong with it now, then it should be just finish it up do teh lightmaps and done
also forgot to say on the other post, the poles you see on the field are "Rommels aspargus", they were some large wooden poles buried in the french fields to destroy any allied gliders that tried to land :-P

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 21:23
by Amok@ndy
its called "Rommel Spargel" ;)

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-22 21:55
by AfterDune
Ooh, of course! Thanks.

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 14:00
by rodrigoma
hey i have been fixing stuff and its much better now, the edges of the map are screwed up though because I made the noobish action of using smooth edges with sorrounding terrain, i have still to fix that
i deleted the waterplanes, ambient effects, and put "isovergrowth 0" also puleld some of the hedges put of outside the map.
however i still cant play it, same crash at 14%, what version shoudl i have i thought it could be because the alpha normandy wasnt isntalled but it wasnt that,
Also i always try to create a local server on the inf layer

i would like to make my map work before going on vacations in the 29th for 10 days because i wont have so much time after that,

im uploading the latest version of the map:
this time ill try everything without changing anything in the editor

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 15:09
by BroCop
Well I tried running the std layer and the odd thing is that it gives me a crash without a message after it loads through "objects"

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 15:58
by AfterDune
Will have a look later.

Btw, that "isOvergrowth" thing is no solution. We have to find the cause. Make sure no hedges cross the map edges (at least not much), same goes for fields. Did you fix those too?

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 16:22
by rodrigoma
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:Will have a look later.

Btw, that "isOvergrowth" thing is no solution. We have to find the cause. Make sure no hedges cross the map edges (at least not much), same goes for fields. Did you fix those too?
yeah i think i did, maybe some missed, the hedges are only a tiny bit out mostly
also, forgot to ask what you thought of the view distance as of now its in 450metres, i dont think thers a need for more what you think?

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 16:29
by AfterDune
I didn't mind the view distance to be honest. You can't see much further anyways, since it's all hedgerows and everything, so fine by me. If testing proves an increase in view distance is necessary, we can always change it then.

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 16:38
by AfterDune
Btw, I liked your flag layout. The flag positions you have are great :) . Need to AAS it some more, but it's a very good start.

Re: [Map] Brecourt Assault (2km) [WIP] (PR:N)

Posted: 2012-07-23 17:10
by Amok@ndy
whats the actual error message AD ?

if its sth with Overgrowth maybe its the static fields having "isOvergrowth 1" which causes the game to crash needs to be deleted everytime after the editor saves