re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-30 17:14
Gainward Phantom?
If so, we have the same specs (though me Kingston HyperX Genesis)... xD lol... 100 fps all the time on all PR maps with ENB on? O_O loool

Yeah i kept restarting and it came on. Now it just won't come on at all i think its due to steam in some way but it sucks cause it looked very nice indeedComradeHX wrote:BS; I saw you bragging about how good enb looks in-game at CIA server.
Ok i found out why my game crashes on startup when mumble overlay is running. Can't run both ENB and Mumble Overlay at the same time which sucks but oh well goodbye mumble overlaySIDEKILL3R wrote:is there a reason why my BF2 crashes right after i start it using ENB
His 580m is also notebook cardSpectrePR wrote:A 650m is a notebook card. Not nearly as powerful as a 570 desktop card.
It's ok, we've have improved the ENB a little by supressing the bloom. It was too shiny. So thoses photos are now obsoletes.Game Warden wrote:I downloaded this and gave it a go, but my gameplay looks no where near the photos on the first page. Everything just looks vivid like the saturation was just turned up. It doesn't have that dynamic lighting or detailed look like the photos up front. Any suggestions?
Alright, but it still looks a lot different when I see other people using yet on youtube. Does the anders sound mod help with the graphics as well or just sound, if so I really don't want to download it yet since 1.0 is around the corner.Phoenixo_Idaho wrote:It's ok, we've have improved the ENB a little by supressing the bloom. It was too shiny. So thoses photos are now obsoletes.
Anders sound mod is, as it's name indicates, a sound mod : it doesn't interfer with graphics. Anyway, you should use it, it improves a lot immersion.Game Warden wrote:Alright, but it still looks a lot different when I see other people using yet on youtube. Does the anders sound mod help with the graphics as well or just sound, if so I really don't want to download it yet since 1.0 is around the corner.
Dynamic Lighting is engine side. It wont look like the version, because om 0.2 a lot of the features got turned down. It would be nice if the other version can be put back up as well.Game Warden wrote:I downloaded this and gave it a go, but my gameplay looks no where near the photos on the first page. Everything just looks vivid like the saturation was just turned up. It doesn't have that dynamic lighting or detailed look like the photos up front. Any suggestions?
It works well with it !Darman1138 wrote:Anyone know if this works with the Ambient Occlusion settings that Predator.v2 came up with? ... d-2-a.html