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Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-01 19:48
by Raklodder
M1SZ3Lpl wrote:Deviation indicator, at last! Current aiming system had nothing to do with reality, not knowing whatever we are aiming straight or totaly off. Good changes overall.
The improved deviation system makes me more confident that my rounds are actually going to hit my target.

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 00:48
by WISCheese
[R-DEV]Mineral wrote:
*Removed Low setting for effects quality to remove exploiting and render issues.
Its sad to know that I will no longer be able to play this game. Because 'F' low end computer players, amirite?

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 03:42
by RAWSwampFox
WISCheese wrote:Its sad to know that I will no longer be able to play this game. Because 'F' low end computer players, amirite?
Good Evening,

Yep, I noticed that too. While I don't have all that bad of a computer, it does have issues. The lag while I'm in smoke is HORRIBLE as well as maps with a ton of grass waving around. Oh well, such is the life of a gamer with house mortgage, car payments, college loans, and bills outside of eating. :p :-(

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 03:47
by Cavazos
+1 deviation indicator
+1 removing low settings

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 04:38
by tank1a2
[R-DEV]Mineral wrote:Removed Low setting for effects quality to remove exploiting and render issues.
Will that effect performance??? because im already running on lowest settings

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 05:36
by simeon5541
[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:It's an Iranian Made BMP-1 with a shielded 50cal Turret. The main advantage is that it has a lot more armour than most other MEC APCs.
mapper but it's not a deployable AA.
Ah no M113 wheels...Nothing new on this one.Cheating !!
On a more serious note,this is really awesome thing.
Is PR holding some record for FPS with most types of military equipment
from all over the world ?

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 08:40
by Spook
WISCheese wrote:Its sad to know that I will no longer be able to play this game. Because 'F' low end computer players, amirite?
AFAIK Nothing changes from previous versions. The option to go to the lowest possible settings was removed several patches ago in the launcher. But there was an expoit on how to still enable the lowest setting ingame. This was now fixed.

Correct me MIneral if thats wrong.

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 09:00
by Armchairman_Mao
Psyko wrote:because it removes the nuance between experienced player and new player. it gives new players a handicap that the experienced players spent years getting used to.
You haven't spent years to get used to deviation.

Because it went thorugh many changes over the years.
'[R-DEV wrote:Rhino;2102916']It's an Iranian Made BMP-1 with a shielded 50cal Turret. The main advantage is that it has a lot more armour than most other MEC APCs.
But what's the point in more armour if the gunner gets shot out?

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 10:19
by simeon5541
Armchairman_Mao wrote: But what's the point in more armour if the gunner gets shot out?
This is APC as opposed to IFV BMP-1 is.
That kind of turret should be indication that Boragh have no place
somewhere other heavy equipment such tanks and IFVs are involved.
Boragh is there just to transport troops and go.

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 16:19
by saamohod

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 21:47
by xpugur
crashhh crashhh crsahhh .. .and also i still can not use Win10 video recorder in the game (DVR, win+G) ... but maps are awesome :) thanks :)

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 22:09
by Cavazos
If you have an older computer, not using low settings can actually improve your performance

As for the deviation indicator, it is a dot above your compass chevron which expands when you have extra deviation. I love it

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-02 23:25
by mat552
RIP T-72, I wasn't aware this murderous beast needed to be blinded.

Also, MiG-21 for RU wut? I had no idea Russia still had a 3rd gen fighter in active service.

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-03 00:24
by potatochan
mat552 wrote:RIP T-72, I wasn't aware this murderous beast needed to be blinded.

Also, MiG-21 for RU wut? I had no idea Russia still had a 3rd gen fighter in active service.
It's only on OSR as it represents the Cuban conflict.

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-03 11:13
by Roger_Liquids
Woo!!! Hype hype hype!! /._./

Re: PR:BF2 v1.3.5.0 Changelog

Posted: 2015-11-03 15:37
by Toni-ARG
What happens with the falkland mod?