Well first let me say Rhino where do I send the "testers" check to? Thank you for the wonderful list and images to go with it. I have been gone on a trip and just got back...I think I needed a good few days away from the computer and this map
I'll try to keep my questions and answers back short :
Tress rocks and houses placements, yeah I know there are F'd up need to do a bit of work. I did a mass replacement of them a while ago from the PR destroyables and never got around to replacing them all.
Major lighting issues, happen after a crash.
The textures issues, yeah I have some major issues with them as well and after this trip I took I may create my own. My texture library is quite huge so this wont be a HUGE problem.
The ripples on the mountains, It didn't really bother me until someone pointed it out, now it drives me nuts. smooth and a re randomize will look a hell of a lot better!
The surrounding terrain, I had a bug with them and threw these in at the last minute.
The walls, I'll have to check them out, anything to make the map more authentic.
Mini-map, I haven't gone back to fix it and switching it out to a normal minimap is easy.
I'm all for removing the Merlin and having the Brits fight there way up the hills! In fact I'm creating more trails up the hills for its not a one way fight. Or add a different heli, but it needs to be British.
AGAIN thank you for the fine review of the map, its always takes someone whos not involved to point out the real problem!
To DO list -
Default low detail map
- Look for a better one
- Fog issues (darker)
- Fix pixel low deatil issues
- Remove contor map style (later use in PR)
- Lock vehicles (wait until end)
- Add road where needed
- Find map gaps and jagged meshes (Operation fix the jaggies)
- Create or replace most ground textures (check for Afgan ref's)
- Look into TreeAmbientColor
- Check all ledges and smooth
- look at all trees and placements
- Walls: replace with PR afgan walls, fix banks of dirt, add pillers,
- Check all PCO's
- all flags need to be removed (not for British)
Crops :
- Rock within crops
- Scale the Crop sways down
- Crops should use hexagon mesh
- Look into OVergroth for crops
-Sourounding terrain :
- fix low detail texure
- Lighting issues
British Base :
- spawn point need to be move around (to make sence)
- radio tower have UV issues
- portar cabins -> use PR portar cabin
- Remove strange crator
- Remove Office building
- Change/remove vehicle shelters
- Remove Saxon
- JCB wear and tear
- Hesco bunkers need ladders and MG's
- Add road where needed (out of base)
- old buggy razorwise
- Red car crash (other way dummy)
British Outpost :
- Remove/Rethink M95
- look into sand bag joints and ends
- Land Mesh smoothing
- old tent model
- Remove ladder
- Check out mpore road textures
- Road needs more smothing
- Crashed rock needs to be fixed/placement
Valley :
- Look at houses and fix there locations
- Houses, fix intersects
- Rock within crops
- Rough up the crops ground
- Crops should use hexagon mesh
- River mesh fixes
- river textures fixes
- Add rocks to bridge
- rethink town buildings
- add (Road) to both sides of valley
- Ladder fixes
- Check broken bridges and rethink
- rethink oil cisterns --> new object?
- Add cave system (needs testing)
- Look at all undergrowth locations on hills
- Smooth path and burm
- Check undergroth areas as well
- shrink UG rock sizes
- Check all trees (lighting issues)
- check all village placements
Will tkae me a few days, I'll get back to you all