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Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 15:51
by Panoolied
that enfield has a scope! why was the scope take away!?

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 15:54
by bosco_
There are both scoped and unscoped versions of the Enfield in PR.

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 16:55
by bosco_
I think he's talking about my pic on the first page of this thread.

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 16:59
by Scorch
black-wolf wrote:Eheh, my first kill was on ramiel, blowing a humvee up with my IED :)
My first death on ramiel was getting blown up with an IED in a humvee. :(

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 17:09
by Brummy
Outlawz wrote:
Brum lol

Lolz. When I died the grapple disappeared and the two were stuck there! What a noobs :D

Pride being a foo'!


Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 17:48
by Zrix

IED beotch :p

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 19:16
by Chimpanzeeee
Farks wrote:Image

oh cool it was you guys! i was the .50 gunner on the challenger driving in circles after those screenshots. =)

my tank crew were jk. went suicidal andd drove circles runs around basrah mosque while im taking hailstorm of bullets up top.

they were same clan and singing tom jones or something, while you were smacking us with rpgs and molotovs. one of you ******** killed me with rpg on like the third circuit.

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 22:38
by Airsoft

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 22:49
by bosco_
Two Engineers behind enemy lines

Strike one

Strike two

Who said they were useless without C4?

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-01 23:01
by HughJass
Outlawz wrote:
Brum lol


Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 04:54
by Polka
Such a nub.

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 08:33
by Phoenix.86
That is either total fail or total win

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 09:04
by Rezza
Incomming Pretty Pretty Bad *** Screenshots!....

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 09:12
by bosco_

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 09:30
by Sundance Kid
Tpb_mithos wrote:the command haha

this is the only screenshot i've got :-?

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 09:53
by Rezza
i was there at the hack i had so much lag pr crashed...

Re: PR v0.8 Screenshots

Posted: 2008-09-02 10:51
by OkitaMakoto
Codered would appreciate this nubbery. Its a lot of DEV's and some respected members all making great use of the moutainous terrain :P

Shortly after I claimed the rope to test it, the group came under heavy RPG and small arms fire. Im pretty sure most if not all got killed :P It was pretty funny.


And here's a pic to express a bit of the amazingness that is Fuzzhead.


He had missed just before this screen by the way :P