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Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:37
by themartini
Ti-Max09 wrote:What is that.... Screen #5

Why we dont have a new skin ... you disappoint me.
YEAH! and you guys got the flag wrong as well!
Its meant to look like this:


Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:46
by [md]MadMak[rus]
Wow 20 static defenses... I love wires. We need a zombie game mode!

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:47
by Wiggles14
'[md wrote:MadMak[rus];1242266']Wow 20 static defenses... I love wires. We need a zombie game mode!
That'd be ace-mazing! mebbeh it could go in v0.91? :3

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:50
by Max_
Very awesome DEV.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:56
by hiberNative
rifleman ap? drop kit? 5 minutes until kits disappear? this is awesome, i feel all jittery.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:57
by UsnerMc
WOW WOW WOW Cant wait! Great work!!!

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:01
by NyteMyre
awesome changes.....except for the rally-point thing. Still not a fan of that.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:11
by Raic
Well the INS changes are going to make it impossible for INS to win against a team working together. 450 is the standard(?), 7 caches thats 64 tickets per cache + the 25 per cache. So Blufor has 89 tickets per cache. Quite the raise from 45 which was difficult already when playing organized matches. I don't mind lowering the amount of caches, but you should lower the ticket gain from them as well. Now it just lowers the INS changes of success twice.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:16
by DankE_SPB
awesum! me likes

the only missed thing is how many people u need to set a RP? 2 like now, or it was also pumped up to 4?

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:17
by Scot
Raic wrote: 450 is the standard(?)
That's for PRT, Al Basrah has 250 tickets for GB, Fallujah 200, Karbala 250, Korengal 250, Lashkar Valley 250, Archer 250 and Ramiel 250.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:25
by Gunner4712
those CF screens look absolutely amazing. Thank you so much devs for all of your work!

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:34
by Jaymz
Raic wrote:Well the INS changes are going to make it impossible for INS to win against a team working together. 450 is the standard(?), 7 caches thats 64 tickets per cache + the 25 per cache. So Blufor has 89 tickets per cache. Quite the raise from 45 which was difficult already when playing organized matches. I don't mind lowering the amount of caches, but you should lower the ticket gain from them as well. Now it just lowers the INS changes of success twice.
Standard is 250. So 250 divided by 7 caches = 36 tickets per cache. Add on the 25 gained per cache = 61. Then take into account how BLUFOR can lose tickets,
  • -1 for every soldier
  • -2 for every jeep/truck
  • -5 for every APC
  • -5 for every transport helicopter
  • -10 for every tank/ifv

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 14:48
by Hotrod525
wicked :D

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 15:15
by =Romagnolo=
Fantastic ! You should link this highlight to the main realese topic !

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 15:17
by supahpingi
The ability to swap/drop kits will be one of the best features in PR :D

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 15:24
by Big Lebowski
Just a little nitpick but dosent the IDF soldier skin seem more brown then olive? Or is it the lightning?

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 15:34
by Garmax
i cant wait!

somethings im so glad their getting released while others im not looking forward to them but oh well

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 16:03
by MMad
Epic stuff. :) You guys rock.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 16:22
by Himalde
PR is now RUINED!!!!

Just kidding.

The biggest thing imo is the fact that you can adjust position with out loosing much deviation.

Re: [Gameplay] PR v0.9 Updates

Posted: 2010-01-24 16:29
by gazzthompson
themartini wrote:YEAH! and you guys got the flag wrong as well!
Its meant to look like this:

is this a joke? please tell this is a joke? if it isnt... wow