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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 12:01
by piepieonline
That's way to many characters for me, I personally am already at my limit with just # (And my clan tag)...

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 13:19
by dtacs
TheAmazingYant wrote:Maybe add an "M" to the tag to denote a Mumble user? So now I'd be up to #!M.
Don't fix what isn't broken. I've seen quite a few # users online already and having something like #!>M just looks retarded.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 13:49
by goguapsy
TheAmazingYant wrote:Maybe add an "M" to the tag to denote a Mumble user? So now I'd be up to #!M.
Yeah uh, I suppose that if the server has mumble, you should just hop in it.

It's not like it takes any more than 5 seconds to do it.

and LOL@dtacs

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 14:47
by doop-de-doo
I want to keep this as simple and short as possible. In my opinion, showing which communication channel you use is more important than the function you are interested in.

There are a few standard VoIP options outside BF2's.


or M, V, T, or X after the #.

After some discussion, these above concepts are not used or considered necessary.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 20:13
by goguapsy
Guys, why do you need to state which program are you using?

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 20:56
by doop-de-doo
Goguapsy has a point.
There isn't a need for the extra markers. Nevertheless, allow me clarify where I do see it's usefulness. I'm going to promote the use of Mumble in this post and the reason why will be explained below.

Here's a quick scenario:
You join a server which doesn't enforce Mumble. It does, however, have a Mumble channel. The chances of actually using that Mumble channel are slim because there probably isn't anyone else using it.
If you put a marker advertising Mumble and someone else joins that can use Mumble with you, the level of coordination goes up -- especially if the player is in another squad.
One very important point is that, if you use that Mumble marker, you would have to use Mumble or it will defeat the purpose of using it along with your tag. Think of it as advertising the use of Mumble, as in "USE MUMBLE -- I'm using it now! You can find me on the server channel...!"
In conclusion: Using, specifically, a Mumble marker can work positively as it has the ability to increase the number of players using it. It does not harm the server in any way.

On another note, Mumble is pretty universal for use in PR, whereas Vent, TS, etc, are limited to the server you choose to play on. If I were to put up a marker for the other VoIP services, it would have to be the one that works for that server each time and that's a little too much work for me. :P

As I said above, [a Mumble] marker is an extended marker and not necessary. I don't see any problem with people showing their willingness to expand the level of teamwork through Mumble by use of this extra marker.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 22:42
by goguapsy
doop-de-doo wrote: In conclusion: Using, specifically, a Mumble marker can work positively as it has the ability to increase the number of players using it.

Well, if you are a squad member using the M tag, I'm not sure you would attract many people to use mumble...

If you are a Squad Leader, I think, in my opinion, that the best way to get another squad leader on mumble would be asking him through chat. Plain simple, if he won't answer through chat, what would be his use through mumble?

What I'm saying is, I highly doubt adding the M would encourage anyone to join mumble - even if you are squad leader (you should encourage other players/SLs to join mumble through chat, I've done that a couple of times and it worked just fine).

What you are somewhat implying is that the M tag would encourage people to join mumble. That means that using the # tag encourages people to be teamwork-oriented. Well, I had something different in mind. I never thought that using a tag would encourage anyone to do anything. # will not encourage anyone to use teamwork. It just shows that you are willing to do it. #! will not enourage people to play infantry. It justs shows that you like being an infantryman. #> will not encourage anyone to man armors. It will just show the team that you are willing to support them with such asset. Using #+ will not encourage people to pilot/gun choppers/planes, but will just notify them "hey, need a ride?"

#M will not encourage anyone to use mumble. It will only say that you use it.

Now, I've seen many people using the #. I don't know if they found out about it here in the forums or in-game. I believe this is somewhat helping each person to be willing to play the game "the way it was meant to be played".

By putting the #M, I'm sure you might encourage one or 2 guys, tag wearers or not, to use mumble. But I think that you should already have that thing on your head, ie. if you wanna be teamwork oriented, you kinda gotta have mumble and use it - you simply miss out SO MUCH for not using it.

dtacs wrote: I've seen quite a few # users online already
What do you think about us so far?

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 23:01
by doop-de-doo
goguapsy wrote: What you are somewhat implying is that the #M tag would encourage one or 2 guys, tag wearers or not, to use mumble.
I don't expect it to have any impact whatsoever on non-# tagged players.
goguapsy wrote: #M will not encourage anyone to use mumble. It will only say that you use it.
What I expect it to mean is 'You can find me on Mumble for this server."

Some servers don't have a populated Mumble channel, so it's nice to know if there are people on the server that are confirmed as being on Mumble in the same way as it's nice to be able to identify and work with other # players. If you play on servers that request Mumble and the channels are always populated, having the M tag would just be redundant.

This tag would be for specific situations where you wouldn't normally find other Mumble users. I don't think most people need to use it.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-14 23:06
by whatshisname55
I bet that half the people on the server won't even know what the M means, just like they won't know what # means. It seemed to me that the point of # was for # players to be able to recognize each other and know that they will get teamwork out of them. Other people won't have any idea what it means so to them it's just a clan tag or part of the players name.

I also agree that if you have the # tag you should already be using Mumble or be expected to use Mumble when asked. The M would just be a pointless over complication.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 02:52
by dtacs
What do you think about us so far?
Pretty meh.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 02:58
by Johncro
dtacs wrote:Pretty meh.
better then nothing :D

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 03:17
by Foxxy
dtacs wrote:Pretty meh.
except me of course :smile:

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 04:00
by goguapsy
dtacs wrote:Pretty meh.
I meant teawmork level, man, not skillz...

if you answer me with meh I'll send patient bear to give you a nasty visit.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 06:42
by AfterDune
I like the whole idea, but if I'm going to use it, it'll just be a "#". KISS, baby :) .

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 09:22
by guru951
I've got the # and I'm comfortable with that. But I like the #M idea. I thnk it might motivate a few readers to use it and to recognize what it means.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 13:33
by goguapsy
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:KISS
Yeah that was the original idea, but someone came up with the suggestion of adding the !, > and +. So in the end we have both, the single tag and the lengthier one. Kinda mean the same thing, but some people just like using the bigger one. I do, for example.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 13:52
by dtacs
Foxxy wrote:except me of course :smile:
goguapsy wrote:I meant teawmork level, man, not skillz...
Haven't seen enough in a squad to make a decent decision yet, mostly stragglers working with shitty SL's.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 15:44
by Arnoldio
You know what people, M is included in # allready because if you see yourself as teamwork player, u should use mumble in the first place.

So why making lengtier stuff when the obvious should be obvious.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-15 16:33
by doop-de-doo
M tag discussion closed then.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-16 14:18
by Onil
One of the things I see happening a lot of times is the lack of players willing to be SL and since many servers force you to be in a squad, you get people creating them and leave/rejoin when someone else joins them.

I believe your system could help in that matter... perhaps having #@ or something that marks the guys who really like to SL and that way you're sure that you're joining a squad where the SL won't simply bail out for someone else to lead.

On another note, I personally would like to see something like #* for the few that really like to focus on ambushes/sabotage. I dislike that most people don't consider it to be teamwork... as it can help the team a lot when done effectively. It is usually hard to find guys that like such game-style and do focus on teamwork. In most cases, squads doing specific roles, are locked to prevent F-Tards from joining.