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Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-04-28 20:42
by Rabbit
Captain Burrito wrote:I hope they'll show us a progress bar at 99% of completion, with a countdown for the last task to be completed. Then the twist of that announcement, would be that they won't complete it until next year or month.
I would imagine when its at 99% max will hide it in his signature.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-04-29 16:16
by Suchar
He hasn't updated it since mid 2018 I believe


You can compare it with this (from the latest status update):


Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-04-29 19:06
by selman
are there going to be realistic airplane sounds like in Forgotten hope 2

forexample the stuka siren sound

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-05-02 07:39
by Arab
selman wrote:are there going to be realistic airplane sounds like in Forgotten hope 2

forexample the stuka siren sound
It's already answered in the other thread, but yes I will implement it.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-05-03 09:42
by selman
i know thanks, i just saw that i made that thread at the wrong place. after a few days before you answered

but did you impliment it before or was i the one there came with the idea

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-05-03 16:54
by Captain Burrito
Will the ww2 maps have their own unique theme songs?

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-05-04 11:41
by Mineral
Yes! We have permission of some great artists to have every map have it's own loading music.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-05-04 16:59
by Captain Burrito
Thanks for the answer!

Will we expect any sneak peak on one of the level's music?

Either way, I am satisfied with that awnser.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-06-15 15:05
by gregjlanders
Will there be area attack and will (I presume they will be included) asset mortars have the same damage/splash radius etc as current mortars or will they be different?

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-06-16 19:22
by VoidsX
Hi, not sure if this is worth its own thread so asking here, I realize WW2 mod isnt finished but do servers ever go up running the mod? like fight nights for example or for beta testing, or is it down until launch?

Thanks in advance, and thanks for the hard work.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-06-20 12:52
by AfterDune

I *hope* this layer will be ready for v1.6.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-09-24 14:44
by CAS_ual_TY
Do the planes also use the new flight physics?

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-20 07:11
No airplanes on launch means WW2 is already ruined.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-20 17:00
DogACTUAL wrote:No airplanes on launch means WW2 is already ruined.
like tanks are worthless in ww2 :-(

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-20 20:11
by robert357
And weapons are worthless. Give ACOGs!

But seriously, WWII is different from modern era. When I played in open beta that was amazing, because it feels completely different. Tanks role is more to support infantry than hunting it like in typical PR.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-20 21:15
by =-=kittykiller2
ww2 is for those that love bush to bush

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-21 06:56
by Arab
CAS_ual_TY wrote:Do the planes also use the new flight physics?
The planes work pretty much like a cannon projectile, without the arc and firing in a straight line ofc ;)

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-21 10:51
So wait... Are planes included with the release or not?

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-23 21:21
by Arab
DogACTUAL wrote:So wait... Are planes included with the release or not?
No, but during a later release because they need more work.

Re: Ask the (WW2-DEVS) a question ?

Posted: 2019-11-26 07:55
by solidfire93
i would rather have ww2 now instead of planes...