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Re: Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-08-29 03:46
by flem615
On kashan desert, my entire squad was wiped out by a tank and an APC. i popped some smoke and made a mad dash for cover. Bullets puffed up dirt all around and tracers wizzed past my head. i had to run about 25 meters of open ground.. they were firing blindly thru my smoke (thank god). i made it to cover, dove down, and was able to regroup. only to be TKed by the commander in his truck lol.

Re: Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-08-29 13:47
by jadebullet
my squad was moving to a base and I had the sniper kit and was on point. i was prone and had just crawled to the side of the road when I hear the roar of tank engines. I looked down the road to see a pair of scimitars and a transport come flying up the road and roar past me towards one of our outposts. The one tank had swerved and passes within inches of my head. It scared the sh*t out of me. Then I laughed as i saw missiles streak out of the jungle to take out the vehicals as they reached an anbush.

Re: Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-08-29 18:50
by jadebullet
Ok, i remembered one more. I was on... i think it was one of the levels that is also in vanilla(its been about half a year since i played due to computer problems). Anyway, my squad mates were on MEC and we knew an enemy force was coming soon to attack the village. They attacked with three squads and we took out every one of them, but lost everyone but me and one more SM. That's when i saw a sniper trying to flank the village so my SM and I decided to flank around them as they were up on the ridge preparing to snipe us. A second later the loud explosion of a JDAM went off and killed my other SM. I got scared Sh*tless and smashed my prone button. Thats when I saw the enemy coming down the hill right towards me. I was out of ammo because i had also knocked my mouse to the floor when i jumped from the explosion and it had unloaded the rest of my clip, so I switched to my knife. The guys came right up to me and I prepared to knife him. The guy must have been pretty new because he stood over my squadmate and started T-bagging his body. He didn't realize that I was still alive. I was ticked and then smiled to myself. I waited till he came over to me. When he started to T-bag I stabbed upward and killed him.

It was the scariest moment and also the most entertaining for me. Freaking JDAMS.

Re: Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-08-29 21:54
by jadebullet
D4rk_l0rdBR wrote:have you played Hills of Hamyong as USMC in 0.75 ? every 30 seconds is scaring as hell.

Thats actually my favorite level. I love being US and having that sense of accomplishment when you finally take the enemy stronghold.

Re: Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-08-29 23:34
by Wallz
Today I got PR 0.8 I have been waiting for it for a while and was excited to finnally play.

On the new Muttra City *sorry for spelling there* I was playing as MEC and me and my squad were holding the mosque in the center of the city coming under heavy attack from US infantry, as well there was a Cobra about 900 M in the air about 1km away watchign the entire city, with MH6's patrolling the city dropping in reinforcements.

They EI started to come in through the bottom of the mosque and two of my squad members were instantly killed by the grenades the US troops threw in as precaution. They began to advance up the stairs, further up inside the building I was in a room with my squad leader, and me. I instantly ran to the roof and looked down through the sunroof where I saw a squad advancing through the room. I instantly began to through grenades down at the advancing EI and begun firing opon them from different positions of the sun roof to create the illusion they were under attack from multiple positions simotaniously.

Once the area was clear, i proceeded down to the 4th floor and watched while 3 soldiers proceeded up the stairs. One was laying down injured, one was a medic and one was watching the area. Quickly I shot the injured soldier, and threw 2 grenades down, to make sure. I walked down to the platform only to find one body, and realised the other 2 must be hiding in the next room. I quikly threw a grenade into the next room and heard the wonderfull scream of "medic" coming from the opposite room. I brang my rifle up and walked into it only to find a US soldier facing directly at me.

He must have been as surprised as i was, but thankfully he was reloading his weapon, quickly I blasted away and he dropped to the ground.

Still shaken up I left the room and proceeded towards the roof where I began firing opon the hostile choppers trying to land troops in the area, only to head the "nade out!" of the US troops as they began to attempt to take the mosque I was despretely holding again.

By this time 2 freindly soldiers had taken place in the bottom floor of the mosque, and I quickly dashed to the 2nd floor. Lookign down I counted 4 soldiers, originally 6 but 2 were takin out by my friendly soldiers before they were killed. I quickly opened fire on the soldiers, surprising them and running back before they could realies where the fire was coming from. After about 30 secconds they located me and opened fire. I was shot in the shoulder, but countinued to fight. I tossed a C4 that i had aquired from an enenemy kit down and quickly detonated it. Thinking I was safe, I looked over again only too find 2 more soldiers facing me.

I opened fire and dropped the one standing up immeadatly , and quickly ran back as I lost my vision for a seccond due to the bleeding. While exchanging fire with the last member, I thought perhaps I had killed him so i proceeded down the stairs.

As soon as I came to the bottom there he was looking at me , bleeding as i was, we must have hit fire at the same time, heard the shot but just before the bullets hit their targets the round ended.

For over 10 minutes I single handidly held the mosque, using suppressive fire & hit and run techniques + a good bit of good luck. The other 10 mintues I had help from friendly soldiers , which were able to fend off the first wave of soldiers , whom without I wouldnt have had time to realise what was going on and get into position..

Re: Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-11-29 14:01
by Mindtech
I'm not so hot on the technical terms and map names either. Bear with me. This was back in .7 when you could tell how many tickets the enemy had left.

Was on the map with the fishing village, and I'm US. The Chinese are really pushing it, and we're barely holding on to the government office. My squad repeatedly attempts to go west and get behind enemy lines by using boat, swimming, setting new rally, but then someone in the squad reveals out position and we're taken out. Back to the office.
However the ticket race is really close, and as a squad leader I finally get a chopper pilot to take my team across, to just south of the fishing village, near the bridge. There's hills and trees there.
However, my squad refuses to get in the chopper! The pilot takes off and drops me on the location. When my squad sees that I've made it across, they also get in the chopper and are transported across by two flights. So obviously the enemy knows something is up at the bridge.
Meanwhile, I'm defending the rally with the few who's made it across (and remember in .7 the rally couldn't be overrun like in . 8) , I even use knife on this one guy who's chasing a member of my squad. Finally manage to set up a rally at a good location.
Anyway, the ticket race is reaaally drawing to a conclusion, and my team initiates a final attack from gov office on the fishing village. Regardless of the danger I order my squad to assist in this last offensive (later, I thought it was stupid: An attack usually costs more tickets than a defence, but then again I didn't know the exact state of the fishing village, since my squad was a few hundred meters away).
We rush over the hills, and I tell the guys to make every shot count. We take out some baddies, some of us are taken out, including me. I die and spawn at the rally, the score is like 5-7, us losing.
I run up on a small hill to get a view of how my squad is doing, I think I see an enemy, so I go prone.
And then WHAAAAM. That huge bomb goes off, you know, the one that the commander can fire after, like, an hour. It detonates and just spares me and the rally. The smoke created a huge wall just north of us. I don't know which side fired it, but it got more of us than them. It was the first time I saw it go off. I felt like Christians Bale's character in "Empire of the Sun", when he sees the nuke go off. Awestruck and paralyzed.

In the end we lost by 2 tickets. It was a hell of a round.

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-03 01:26
by wambulance
i was flying the blackhawk in kashan with 1 person i was transporting. i flew over the n/s bunkers then outta no where BOOOM. it was soo peaceful and quite up there but then BOOM i think u shuck the whole house. still dont know what killed me i had no lock on. must have been a tank.

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-03 03:39
by AOD_Morph
Was playing qwai river as a TOW gunner. We heard the Chinese tank across the river so my driver dismounted to scout the bridge and we set up an ambush east of south bridge. Turns out we all had the sound bug and as it ends we hear the tank really close behind us. I quickly whirl around and see it ~50m away, gunner looking in the opposite direction. Easy shot. Unfortunately in my panic, I rush the shot and miss. This is when the driver notices me. Tow reloading, heart pounding, I can almost hear him saying "shit, shit TOW right in front of us!!" I watch the gunner slowly comprehend what the driver must be saying to him. At this point I'm a sitting duck. No driver no TOW armed, trying to remember what the respawn time on my TOW HUMVEE was going to be. In the nick of time, a light at gunner from another squad hits the tank distracting it for the precious few seconds I need to nail the tank.

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-03 14:08
by Tirak
Kashan, I'm medic, Bradley rolls right up to the hill next to me and starts raining down fire on the bunkers, not knowing we're there. Can't shoot it 'cause we've got not HAT or LAT, can't lase it because we're too close and our Frogfoot just finished wasting some tanks to the north, can't smoke it 'cause it'll find out we're there, and finally can't run away because there's only wide open terrain to run to. We just sat there and waited for the darn thing to move on, until friendly armor showed up. :D

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-03 19:02
by STORM-Mama
Playing as combat engineer in a Merlin squad patrolling the area around al Basrah (early 0.7). The Chopper was shot down close to where South VCP used to be (you that played Basrah 0.5. know what I mean).
Me, the pilot and some other random guy survived (pilot managed to land the chopper after taking heavy .50-fire and the three of us got out before it exploded).
So there we were - three British soldiers in the middle of a large city full with heavily armed insurgents. And they where all heading our way (yeah, if a Merlin crashes in the city the crashsite will soon be crawling with insurgents in search for new kits and survivors).

Me and the two other survivors made it back to the airfield on foot. That run is by far the scariest PR moment I've ever experienced. Ten-fifteen terrifying minutes in the desert areas around Basrah. We where forced to hide from patrolling technicals and large groups of enemy soldiers.

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-04 04:52
by Guardian[]B()b
This Kamikaze Chopper pilot made me jump a couple weeks back, fired a round at him just in time but he kept comming. ... post844766

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-04 12:43
by commando110
Hmm..... I was a lonely Chinese sniper in Bi Ming. I was lying in a bush looking for enemyes when suddenly I hear footsteps. I unscoped and froze, three British soldiers were coming my way, I could almost touch them already. Because I froze, I didn't move, scared to death.
Somehow all of 'm didnt see me, they just passed me by... damn, I was lucky

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-04 12:47
by Skodz
I do not really have any "scary" moment but I hope people get scared when they see me about to knife them at the last moment :P

Although, having an ennemy armor nearby and no AT defenses is kinda "scary".

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-06 12:02
by Thawk
Scariest moment for me so far was on Muttrah City. Joined in as an American and noticed we had barely got a grip on the docks and were getting pushed back, so I was really annoyed, though I had joined a bad team. But then I realized the team I was on was very organized but the MEC players were just top notch.

Anyway so I joined a squad hopped on a little bird with them, we were high enough looked down and saw a wall of smoke I think everyone was just throwing smoke for cover. The Huey's below us started landing and squads were getting out. At this time we had been in the air a good 30 seconds without landing, I think alot of the Mec started firing cause tracers were hitting the front cockpit. So our squad started scream to get down so the little bird pilot followed by his mate in the other landed in the smoke. We got out and as the little bird was about 8 meters off the ground *BOOM* it goes up, then everything started going to hell.

We saw that the smoke was pretty extensive and the whole bloody MEC team ahd just seen 2 little birds drop off 2 squads so they fired at the smoke. Tracers were flying through it, people were just dying you could hear lots of noise of people yelling for medic but other then that couldnt see much. The whole squad got torn apart, it was quite possible the scariest moment I've played in a game (leaving out scary games :D ). It was alos made worse by the a medic leaning over me with Epipen only to see three tracers smash into his head.

Gotta love PR :!:

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-06 15:06
by Rezza
Here is a screenshot for that :) I was giving my squad members backup when 3 insurgents gone up the ladder and i turned my back and boom :)


Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-06 16:27
by daranz
Recently, on Qwai, I was gunning in a tank, north of the road next to Government Office, heading south. I noticed something off at the edge of the draw distance on the road in front of us. I expected it to be the Stryker my teammates were talking in chat a minute ago. I line it up, zoom in, and note that it's a TOW Humvee (right about this time my driver yells that it's a TOW as well). We stop and I make a final correction before firing but then... WHOOSH, the guy launches his tow at me. I see the missile coming right at us, I can make out the exhaust flames, and I see it closing very rapidly, while my driver is yelling something unintelligible and then going right over the turret, exploding somewhere behind us. Needless to say, the Humvee met its end shortly afterward, as did another one that tried to take us out (this one before it managed to get a shot off, fortunately).

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-06 18:24
by S.P.C-[Reality]-
i think this happened to me in ejod in 0.6-7 but i still have the SS:

at first i thought he was going to by pass me:


but then... "OH S&%T":


Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-06 20:33
by Jigsaw
On Tad Sae was to the northeast of temple and stumbled on 3 US lying down regrouping or something. Jumped out of my skin and let rip with my rifle killing one but then I hear the dreaded click as my mag runs dry :-o

I switch to my knife quickly and knife a 2nd enemy but now the 3rd one is alert! Cue epic frantic knife fight in the middle of the jungle until finally after what seems like a minute of heart stopping movement I knife the guy and fall back to my squad :D

Re: [Top 100] Scariest PR Moments

Posted: 2008-12-06 20:46
by RedAlertSF
Scary/hilarious/whatever, I'll tell you anyway:

Muttrah city yesterday. USMC had only rally points in the city, so we spawned on the carrier. My SL took pilot kit and jumped into a Huey. Me and remaining squad members got in, also few other guys. We took off the carrier, but heading a strange way; to east and SL flew off the map. Then he left our squad and I realized that his connection was lost. Our chopper just dropped and sunk into the ocean.
