Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Smegburt_funkledink »

ChizNizzle wrote:You know what people, M is included in # allready because if you see yourself as teamwork player, u should use mumble in the first place.
This is kinda what I hoped.

It can be frustrating sometimes when you're on a heavily Mumble using server, only to find yourself talking to a brick wall sometimes because some people don't use it. "John, are you on Mumble!?!?"

When I saw a '#' player crewing an APC, at first I saw this as a sign that they would be on Mumble. Alas, I was wrong... :(
[R-Div]Robbi "There's nothing more skanky than eating out of a tub of hummus with a screwdriver."
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by goguapsy »

Smeggles wrote:When I saw a '#' player crewing an APC, at first I saw this as a sign that they would be on Mumble. Alas, I was wrong... :(
Huh. Which server was that?
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Onil »

ChizNizzle wrote:You know what people, M is included in # allready because if you see yourself as teamwork player, u should use mumble in the first place.
That's totally absurd... this tag should not be directly connected to mumble in anyway. Just because someone doesn't use mumble, doesn't mean he is not a teamwork player.

Mumble has some great features and can improve game-play in some ways but it requires a very high level of discipline in communication for it to work properly. Something that rarely exists on public servers. Sometimes silence helps you a lot more then some guy mumbling all the time.

Not to mention that there are other programs out there that are also used and not everyone is willing to have 2/3 different applications running and have to keep swapping between them.

Don't make this about mumble! This is about Teamwork and the two don't really have to go hand in hand all the time.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Smegburt_funkledink »

goguapsy wrote:Huh. Which server was that?
No idea, can't remember.
Onil wrote:Mumble has some great features and can improve game-play in some ways but it requires a very high level of discipline in communication for it to work properly. Something that rarely exists on public servers. Sometimes silence helps you a lot more then some guy mumbling all the time.

Not to mention that there are other programs out there that are also used and not everyone is willing to have 2/3 different applications running and have to keep swapping between them.

Don't make this about mumble! This is about Teamwork and the two don't really have to go hand in hand all the time.
Meh. Well, seeing '#' players will never make me think, "Oh, that player is teamwork orientated, we should let them stay/invite them into our squad. Mumble users however are always welcome.

Mumble and teamwork do go hand in hand if that server has the 2 channel system. Mumble does not require a very high level of discipline in communication, it just requires common sense.

However, I'll leave it there as it's obvious not all '#' players are interested in Mumble, unfortunately.
[R-Div]Robbi "There's nothing more skanky than eating out of a tub of hummus with a screwdriver."
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by goguapsy »

Onil wrote:That's totally absurd... this tag should not be directly connected to mumble in anyway. Just because someone doesn't use mumble, doesn't mean he is not a teamwork player.

Mumble has some great features and can improve game-play in some ways but it requires a very high level of discipline in communication for it to work properly. Something that rarely exists on public servers. Sometimes silence helps you a lot more then some guy mumbling all the time.

Not to mention that there are other programs out there that are also used and not everyone is willing to have 2/3 different applications running and have to keep swapping between them.

Don't make this about mumble! This is about Teamwork and the two don't really have to go hand in hand all the time.
Alright. What is the issue with having mumble running? It takes less than 5 seconds (total) to connect to the server you want.

If you want to be teamwork oriented, how are you gonna be if you can't even hear what other people other than the green guys are saying?

TBH, I'd only really encourage mumble for everyone on TG and PRTA. On UKWF and NwA, I'd say at least the SLs should be on mumble.

Smeggles, I understand your point. I just wanted to point out, though, that indeed most servers do not use mumble a lot, so I don't think that labeling is accurate at all.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Onil »

Please don't make this another mumble discussion...

This teamwork tag has nothing to do and should have nothing to do with it.

Any comments on my suggestion related to who is willing or wants to SL having their own symbol?
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Johncro »

No, its perfect the way it is. We don't need another tag fro just squad leading.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Onil »

Not all guys that are/will use the tag will want to be SL's... they will most likely still leave and rejoin to give the spot to someone else. There used to be a thread where people suggested good SL's and that was exactly so that when you would see them playing you would know that joining their squad was the best option to have a decent leader. I don't see the problem with having a #@ mark the guys who love to lead are always take the SL job in game... I think it would be beneficial as this tag system is proving to be.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by goguapsy »

Onil, I thought I had cleared that out already, on the old thread.

Let's just say we don't want ranks here.

"It's just a marker saying I wanna be SL..." well, do your own squad then, buddy :)
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Onil »

yeah perhaps you got me wrong, the purpose is not to bump anyone's ego or use ranks... It was for others to more easily identify players that really want to and are experienced at squad leading. As the symbols you proposed identify the guys who really want to play with teamwork.

But yeah whatever, it's just a suggestion based on the amount of squads where no-one wants to lead and are only in the squad because of server rules or locked squads.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Johncro »

It doesn't matter if they want to lead or not.
I am clearing this up once and for all, in my Bolded words of Doom

This tag,#, means multiple things, what is not included is; Mumble, VOIP, Teamspeak, Squad Leading. True these things may lead to teamwork, but it is AT THE DISCRETION of the # user to decide what they want to do, if you want to squad lead, then squad lead, if you want to use mumble, then use mumble. But this tag means, I AM NOT AN F-TARD, I use teamwork the way it is meant to be used, and I like to play project reality.
Last edited by Johncro on 2010-12-17 01:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by whatshisname55 »

To help reinforce Johncros statement:

Last edited by whatshisname55 on 2010-12-17 02:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by goguapsy »

whatshisname55 wrote:Image
What's the matter?

He's just stating that he is a teamwork-orientedplayerwholikesinfantryandisasquadleaderandhepreferstousethem16onburstfiremodeontargetsupto56metersandheneverusesthepistolbecauseitissoweakandhehasparticipatedinascrimageandhewonwhenhewasonPRNATOandalsowononthenextcampaignasaspyforPRCATAandhealsolikesplayingteamfortress2asaspyandasascoutsoifyoujoinhissquadyoumustentermumbleteamspeakandventrilloandthenrequestaninvitationtohissquadandyoumustusetheriflemanspecialistifthereisnoLATalreadyandhehasreadandwatchedblackhawkdownsohelikesflyinginBLACKHAWKSandwhenheplaysinsurgentswhichisraresincehealwaysplaysasUSMCorUSArmybecauseheisamericanandhewasborninwestvirginiaandhisoptimalfiringrangeis53metersbecausehehasa100pingonTGand32onPRTAbuthealsoplaysonotherserversandwhenheplayscoophefliestheAPACHEbuthoweverhehasseenthemovieabouttheMECmobileartillerybeingprettyprettybadasssohesometimesbuildsthemobileartilleryonhisfobsbutlolhewasjokingthereisnoactualMECmobileartyandyouareanoobbecauseyoutrustedeverythingyousawontheinternetsogetalifeyoukiddogoplayCOD4orsmthg.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by doop-de-doo »

There are probably an infinite number of tags we could come up with for use in combination with the main tag. We'll just keep it to what we have so far, which is plenty. We will not be incorporating any tags beyond the ones we already have (I only use #).


To use or not use Mumble is a war of opinions that I don't want to get involved with. I don't care what VoIP-ware you use. If you are a teamwork player, and aren't a tard, you're # by me just fine.

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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by whatshisname55 »

I'm making Christmas presents for you guys, updated versions of the userbars.
I was wondering if you think I should change the background, either make it a solid color or some other image, or should I leave the background as is?
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by goguapsy »

I like how it is (the background).
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by Wicca »

Mumble should be part of the # franchise imo.
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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Post by goguapsy »

Wicca wrote:Mumble should be part of the # franchise imo.
It's not a franchise :)

And I thought we were pretty clear about this.

This tag means we are teamwork-oriented. What does it mean? It means I'm not stupid. It means I am not a f-tard. If you are not on mumble, you are not necessarily an f-tard.

Feel free to re-read the first post, my friend. And the entire discussion about mumble as well.

We are not saying we are against mumble. We are just saying that we don't HAVe to get into mumble.

Get the point, people: this tag does not include any obligations except for playing the game right. Playing the game right is following your SLs orders, not ruining the game for others and not exploiting. If you want to use mumble, go ahead - I like it and I find it useful on some servers, specially if you are SL. If you don't want to use it, fine with me.

+In the future, people are gonna be saying that the tag should also mean we all must have VOIP. I hope I don't have to explain why we would never add this.
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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