Not sure what number were up to now, so im just going to post.
Towards the end of .75(~2 weeks before .8 was released) my friend convinced me to download PR. I did, got it all set up, and the day after hey took me in with his clan to play. Qwai River, Chinese side. He askes me:
"Hey Wh33lman, you want to be the gunner in the tank?"
"HELL YEAH" I replied
We take the the tank out to the construstion site in the NW end of the map, my driver parks me in back and then got out to help cap. I'm sitting it it alone and watching the second floor when i spot a guy in digital camo. so I light him up with the coax.
It was the guy that convinced me to download PR in the first place.
Original Op Archer, after several epic fails during an assualt on a cache in the airfield, we finally manage to destroy it and are on our way to the front exit. Were still taking fire from the control tower, and because of this, the driver was petal to the metal over rough terrain. He manages to flip the Humvee on its roof, forcing all of us to bail out with no cover in sight. Another squad member was already on his way from the base with another Humvee, so our ordeal was short lived. The same driver took the wheel again, and decided that it would be safer to not to take the road, but to go 4 wheeling throught the back country. He gets the Humvee stuck in a giant hole near the Eastern outpost. The rest of the squad bails out, but my door is jamed and I had to switch seats. I switched to the drivers seat, and someone sugested hitting "Shift" to get it out. I did so, leaveing the driver stuck in the hole. I had hoped that he could still get in from the rear hatch(the "beach party" Humvee had just been replaced with the USI one) so I backed up into the hole again, hoping to bring him out. I landed right on top of him.
To this day, I still knock KarateDougs driving.
Th3xFatm4n[tF] - Screenshots
As the medic on Korengal, watching 3 of my squadmembers slide down this hill, killing each one of them, and each one expecting not to end up like the last. The very defination of insanity.
Driveing a Stryker on EJOD at the beging of the round, I drop off a squad right at the edge of the city where the road slopes up sharply. The squad hops out and my gunner screams "TANK!". I look to the right, and next to the planters that divide the road, a T-70 rolls up and its barrel starts to swing in our direction. I yell at him to pop smoke as I back down the slope at an agonizingly slow pace. When I get to the bottom, I turn left and stomp on it(W+Shift). We almost make it to the edge of the retaining wall before we get shot in the a$$ by the tank.
most recently i had a couple of mis-identifications on Kashan Desert. The server kinda drained when the map switched to Kashan, so everyone was either waiting for jets of flying around in empty helocopters. Fast forward a little bit, the MEC have goten off to a rocky start as the US control both bunkers and are moving in on the south village. I have a full infanty squad scatered in the bunker system, and myself and a squad member spawned back at base to grab a Humvee for the assualt on South Village. We head on out, and had planned to pick up 2 members of another squad that were sitting on the North Village, and drop them in the bunkers in a swap for guys. As I rolled up, the 2 seemed to have abanded their tank and were taking cover behind a building on the right side of the road. I take a second look at the tank...
Its a T-70.
Some panicing, curse words, and a short trip in reverse later, myself and my gunner were dead. There was a squad specifically named "TANKS", so we opted for the Bradlys as transport instead. Fast forward again, we arrive at the South Village having disbatched the offending tank and a random BMP-3, and begin the capture. we lose north bunker in the process, so i load everyone back up and head back towards North Village, for fear that we would be spotted crossing the ridgline. on our way back, we chatting and having a good time, and i spot the wreakage of the first tank, which promptly fired upon us and killed the entire squad. turns out, it wasnt the wreakage with thought it was, it was their friends come back for revenge