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Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-21 07:21
by AfterDune
BBQ AAS? Don't forget to bring.........


Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-21 11:41
by Wicca
:P Why dont you take charge of the awesome sauce tonight AD. We know we could use some extra ;)

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-21 12:10
by AfterDune
Hmmm..... I am at home...


Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-21 23:25
by Wicca
PRTA Presents
700k's Jewish party
Today its 700k's turn to make the maplist, and him being Jewish and all, he went IDF on us and chosen the following maps!

Asad khal AAS Std
Beirut AAS Alt
Iron Eagle AAS Alt
Gaze Beach INS Std

See you there!

// Wicca out

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-22 16:17
by Wicca
Event Background!
Due to a long discussion and ideas posted by community members, I decided to work on this project. Please help us test this way of playing PR.

This is essentially AAS with no flags, all you have to do, is find and kill the enemy.
Use teamwork, communication or a huge gun, and fight the enemy till he dies! Find anyway possible annihilate him! We dont want you to worry about defending, just cooperate with the team on taking the enemy out, anyway you want.

The event will take place on Sunday the 10th of December. At 1800 PRT. We will run the map all through the night with the password: prmumble

All PRTA rules apply during this event, with the exception of rushing flags and similar. Please respect them read here: PR Server Rules | PRTA

Please do the following steps:
To ensure you dont lose any files, we ask that you right click your Original "kashan_desert" folder in Mods/PR/Levels. And rename it to "kashan_desertbkp"
Then when you have done that, download the following rar and extract it in the Mods/PR/Levels.

Kashan Desert Map Link

After the event remove the map you downloaded here, and rename "kashan_desertbkp" to "kashan_desert".

This is to avoid any MD5 problems or disconnected issues.

And you are good to go!

Here is the vehicle load out:

1 Tank
6 IFVs
8 Supply Vehicles
4 Logistic trucks
1 Transport helicopter
1 Jet

1 Tank
3 IFVs
3 APCs
8 Supply Vehicles
4 Logistic Trucks
1 Transport helicopter
1 Jet

We hope to have fun, and find out if this way of playing PR, is a good way!

// Wicca Out

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-23 00:01
by Wicca
PRTA Presents!
Ploddits Infantry Night!

This Wednesday Ploddit is incharge of the maplist, he has choosen to go all Infantry crazy on it, and has choosen the following maps!

Fools Road AAS Inf
Burning Sands AAS Inf
Barracuda AAS Inf
Silent Eagle AAS Inf

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-23 06:20
by Doc.Pock


Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-23 07:07
by Tiger1
looks good wicca !

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-23 10:44
by Wicca
Why thank you :)

Also people. Reserved slots a re still up for grabs if you want it (Mumble users only)

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-23 20:36
by Tiger1
Put up TP for reserved slots lad.

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-23 22:04
by Wicca
PRTA Presents!
saX & Katy Perry's beer/tits/*** fest!

This Thursday saX is incharge of the maplist, he has choosen to go on big maps with heavy hardware and has choosen the following maps:
Muttrah City AAS Std
Operation Barracuda AAS Std
Kashan Desert AAS Alt
Iron Eagle AAS Std

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-27 21:22
by Wicca
Monday Curry's BBQ & AAS night
This Monday Curry has prepared a maplist for us, aswell as a good amount of charred meat!

Siege at Ochamchira ALT
Battle for Qinling STD
Gaza AAS

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-30 15:48
by Wicca
PRTA Presents!
Ploddits Infantry Night!

This Wednesday Ploddit is incharge of the maplist, he has choosen to go all Infantry crazy on it and has choosen the following maps:

Muttrah inf
Burning sands inf
Fools Road inf
Karbala inf (love to see what'll happen with no armour).

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-30 16:01
by Daniel
HELL YEAH!!! AAS Inf is mostly with trans-choppers as well, huh?

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-11-30 23:13
by Wicca
PRTA Presents!
saX & Katy Perry's beer/tits/*** fest!

This Thursday saX is incharge of the maplist, he has choosen to go on big maps with heavy hardware and has choosen the following maps:
Muttrah City AAS Std
Operation Barracuda AAS Std
Kashan Desert AAS Alt
Iron Eagle AAS Std

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-12-01 16:18
by Wicca
The kashan no flag event will be postponed.

Time is changed to Saturday the 10th of December 1800 PRT.

The PRTA server will be down on this sunday to honour the work AD and his team has made.

// Wicca out

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-12-06 20:34
by Wicca
Wednesday (Ploddit's Infantry Night)
Muttrah AAS Inf
Kashan AAS Inf
Fools Road AAS Inf
Karbala INS Inf

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-12-08 10:29
by Wicca
Thursday (Rivers Ruddy Ruckus)
Silent Eagle AAS STD
Battle for Qinling AAS STD
Burning Sands AAS ALT

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-12-09 09:32
by Wicca
Friday (Grober's Night of Explosives and Bombs)
Muttrah City AAS Std
Siege At Ochamichira AAS Inf
Burning Sands AAS Std
Karbala INS Std

Re: [PRTA] The Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Posted: 2011-12-09 16:01
by Curry
Siege At Ochamichira AAS Inf - nice.
