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Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 14:50
by Navo
Zrix wrote:Sure. Remember to click it to get the high-res PNG. I can get you an un-cropped version if you want as well.
Zrix, how do you post the pictures like that?

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 14:57
by NuclearBanane
Navo wrote:Zrix, how do you post the pictures like that?
you see the mountain with the red point?
Click it.
Upload your picture to a dropbox or a file sharing site. I use dropbox because there is no limit to how many times a file can be view'd


Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 14:58
by Zrix
Navo wrote:Zrix, how do you post the pictures like that?
Like how?

If you mean the resize, I embed a resized jpg which links to the original(or in this case cropped) png.

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 14:58
by NuclearBanane
Spyker2041 wrote:Should have really put the video here rather than Tales
You must scream spoiler.
Also are you under NDA, because posting that would most likely be breaking it ( Unless its a community map ofcourse )

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 15:01
by Zrix
It's a map from Eve of Destruction 2, the basis for much of PR:V.

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 17:02
by Navo
Zrix wrote:Like how?

If you mean the resize, I embed a resized jpg which links to the original(or in this case cropped) png.
Oh right I could've just quoted your post to find out. :D

Full album here: Baracuda - Imgur

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 17:22
by VoodooActual
Navo wrote:Oh right I could've just quoted your post to find out. :D

Full album here: Baracuda - Imgur

Absoloutely AMAZING photos them mate.. Screen saver stuff, thank you :mrgreen:

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 17:24
by Navo
Do you want the .png's?

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 18:24
by VoodooActual
Image Got this one mate?

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 18:32
by Navo

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 19:07
by VoodooActual
Brilliant, thanks mate

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 19:12
by AfterDune
Epic screenshots! Thanks for sharing, bud :) .

Splatters, get to it, nao! :p

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 19:35
by Tarranauha200

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-14 20:24
by Spyker2041
NuclearBanane wrote:You must scream spoiler.
Also are you under NDA, because posting that would most likely be breaking it ( Unless its a community map ofcourse )
This is not official work it is something I did yesterday afternoon privately for the coop community I run.

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-15 07:55
by VoodooActual
When I finish work, I'll commence work on the 'Nam-tage, hopefully get it done/nearly done :D

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-15 13:07
by VoodooActual

(Absoloute fail chopper pilot, the huey did a flip and completely took out the guy, shame I stopped recording 3 seconds previous to him landing)


Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-16 00:15
by skooterkid23

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-16 19:36
by Thargret_matcher

This fire base was suppose to be a low lying hidden one, instead it transformed a tree into a fob with extra camo effects such as twigs stucking out of it. :D :P

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-17 17:47
by Mad-Mike
Best thing I seen in my squad last night. Was a Squad member running around with the Crewman kit because it had binocs in it :p I thought I took a screen shot of it but cant find it :roll:

Re: Your Best 'Nam Screenshots/Videos?

Posted: 2012-04-17 20:41
by K4on
:arrow: that would be cool ...