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Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-11 22:58
by Xerxes
So since when did the hateful remarks move from Project Reality Vietnam to this thread?
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-11 23:02
by Lordbaldur
Xerxes wrote:So since when did the hateful remarks move from Project Reality Vietnam to this thread?
when canadia got involved
Noddy - Fail post... Fail spelling..Fail attitude... 'nuff said.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-11 23:12
by NuclearBanane
Gunslinger1127 wrote:Not any better then the first guy.
Please stop fighting and biccuring and having a " He said she said " fight.
Hateful remarks directed at you is a problem, if not its just people having fun
Back to the forums, This thread has gone no where.
Now I'd say lock it however I think people NEED to apologize to OP.
He might of brought up something that is in the " Grey Zone " BUT that doesn't mean we had to go all history and 1812 or WW2.
Warnings should be issued and people should apologize, this isn't how this community worked in the past and IT NOT HOW WE WILL RUN IT NOW.
I feel like I have to be the responsible one for you Kids.
Moderator please step in, NOW would be a splendid time.
Smiddey723 wrote:This.
I think its just roleplaying most of the time, people dont actually mean it and if you asked someone to stop saying it because it was offensive to them, im sure they would
This should be left at this, someone who has some sense. Of-course that remark about Americans could be left alone, its best to ignore stupid comments
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-11 23:41
by IINoddyII
Too busy at work to sort this mess out now.
Hopefully some time away will allow some people to calm down.. including me
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 00:29
by Gaz
Well lots of people died in conflicts, from Asia to Afgahnistan. Unfortunately those who watch too many movies or haven't been there to actually appreciate any kind of respect for others' culture also have access to TeamSpeak/Mumble. It's not big or clever. If you don't respect your enemy you can't hate them for the purposes of what armies do. Above all, roleplaying shouldn't roll into illegal actions. Have a little respect for your fellow human beings, whilst shooting at pixels. As that's all you're doing....nothing more. So don't kid yourselves.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 06:52
by IINoddyII
I've reopened this thread now. Please be civil. Please stay on topic.
On our server I would expect the admins to Warn, Kick, Ban anybody using racially motivated language. Roleplaying is not an excuse. It's like saying 'don't take offence but...' Of course you mean offence or you know what you are about to say is offensive.... If you wouldn't say it to a strangers face then you probably are best not saying it ingame.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 07:10
by [508th_PIR] Grey
There is no justification for racist remarks made in-game, period.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 07:26
by NoxNoctum
I think people are just "roleplaying" a bit tbh like Tarranauha said. On insurgent matches you always see people talking about the infidels, and "Allah ackbar" and all that. Or like how in a WW2 game you would see people talking about the Krauts and Japs.
That said if someone's going on some rant about Asians that's obviously different.
You def don't want to end up with PCness though either.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 11:19
by Spec
In my opinion, roleplaying ends where people may be insulted. If people are insulted by racism, then do not include that aspect into your roleplay. I know a thing or two about roleplaying in all its forms, and in no role playing environment, anything that could offend the players will be tolerated.
Roleplaying is fine with me, but it ends where other peoples fun may suffer.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 12:22
by [508th_PIR] Grey
[R-MOD]Spec wrote:In my opinion, roleplaying ends where people may be insulted.
Absolutely. It is a slippery slope. Attempting to justify this noxious behavior by labeling it "role-playing" is straight-up ignorant. The "n-word" was pretty popular back in the late 60's - should we be using it in the name or RPing, as well?
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 18:55
by Souls Of Mischief
Human_001 wrote:On real-life note, in School I went a History teacher (or least one I learned from) taught us although US lost the war officially, we actually won the war because we killed more Vietcong than US soldiers got killed. The heavy part of that story is that there was Vietnamese exchange student in that classroom.
There are no winners in wars only losers (well, apart from the companies who supply either side). Both sides in any conflict suffer losses. The question is not who won the most but who lost the least, kid. And even that is a subject for a discussion. The loss of 50'000 human lives might have had a terrible impact on one side, but none for the other.
Anyway... I haven't really encountered any racist/derogatory term since I play on "decent" servers where such behavior is strongly forbidden.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 21:51
by TheOldBreed
I have a good friend who's part Vietnamese. I call him a dirty gook all the time. We laugh it off. However, there's obviously a time and a place for such slurs.
[R-DEV]Gaz wrote:Well lots of people died in conflicts, from Asia to Afgahnistan.
Isn't Afghanistan IN Asia?
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 22:45
by MaSSive
I completely agree with what Noddy, Gaz and Chief said, so I'm just going to add, that racism should not be tolerated on any level. Wars suck, I know it. And I never used any of those phrases mentioned here. To be clear I'm not liberal but I'm not a damn ignorant fool either.
Persons using these phrases possibly never saw a war, never lost anyone in one, or are immature enough so they cant see what wrong they are doing. There is fun, but there is a thin red line when fun turns to something else. Don't cross that line, be a human, not a pig.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 23:25
by ExeTick
I havent had any problem with this on NwA.(not what Ive seen). And Im an admin on NwA servers.
I would kick/ban someone saying something like that.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-12 23:42
by =Romagnolo=
Dude, nobody is restraining anybody from playing the game because of his or her origins, it is called FUN!
Have you ever heard a joke about blonde or lawyers ?
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-13 00:41
by Trooper909
Fine with shooting people in the face,Offended by roleplay.
"racism" vs whatever team is the enemy is fine by me,In fact I never seen it as racism.
does that make you more racist than me?
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-13 01:27
by MaSSive
Trooper909 wrote:Fine with shooting people in the face,Offended by roleplay.
"racism" vs whatever team is the enemy is fine by me,In fact I never seen it as racism.
does that make you more racist than me?
Ive heard a lot and mostly on US servers. So saying ragheads or gooks is not racism, but saying jeews or niggas is?
Word of advice, dont use any, its not polite, its not politically correct, its always offending someone, be it hes nation, beliefs, or just pure culture. There is nothing fun in that. That being said I'm done with this thread.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-13 01:33
by Jolly
Roleplaying is fine, I don't mind whatever they call PLA in Game.
We do it either, but contain no insult.
But I heard someone call another Chinese player---Monkey on mumble once, that's unacceptable and made me angry.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-13 01:37
by Jolly
[R-COM]MaSSive wrote:I completely agree with what Noddy, Gaz and Chief said, so I'm just going to add, that racism should not be tolerated on any level. Wars suck, I know it. And I never used any of those phrases mentioned here. To be clear I'm not liberal but I'm not a damn ignorant fool either.
Persons using these phrases possibly never saw a war, never lost anyone in one, or are immature enough so they cant see what wrong they are doing. There is fun, but there is a thin red line when fun turns to something else. Don't cross that line, be a human, not a pig.
Agreed, Most of guys play this Game never saw a war or lost someone during WAR.
WAR is horrible, we treat others human not some aliens!
That's how humanity works.
Re: A bit too much racism on the servers
Posted: 2012-04-13 03:05
by Murphy
The best part is how "we" kicked "your" asses back in X war. You daft children, none of us were in any of these wars and those of us that were probably look back onto those days/years with much regret. Show some respect for the honorable men (on both sides of every conflict) who have paid the ultimate price and quit acting like you have something to be proud of.
We're playing a game not conducting a war, tension rise and people become heated but there is no excuse for crossing the line. Poking fun is just that, fun...but if it's not fun anymore it's just outright ignorance. And if you go beyond just a few ironic/cliche comments you have already crossed the line.