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Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-24 07:39
by KingKong.CCCP
Seriously, will there be only 64 players? :confused:

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-24 10:17
by Tiger1
Yeah, do whatever it is you need to do and make it 100 player battle instead of jus 64

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-24 12:39
by Mineral
Devs didn't allow it.

Me also sadface... I have the greatest memories of the 200p battle!

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-24 15:31
by Nugiman
GP_MineralWouter wrote:Devs didn't allow it.

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-29 15:37
by Oskar
Hey guys! Operation Phoenix is today! If you signed up at, remember to be present in TeamSpeak ( at 17:30 GMT/PRT, half an hour before the event starts or you might be replaced!

Have fun!

- Oskar, USMC Commander

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-29 15:55
by Wicca
If you failed to sign up, and still want to play. Stay on the PRTA TS:

And wait for a slot if there is one avalible. We will also be running a few more matches after the event. So stick around.

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-29 19:45
by 40mmrain
god damn it I didnt even see this thread. My mic is broken couldnt play anyways.

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-29 19:59
by emmannuelaaye13
man i didn't had a chance to play..... waiting 5 mins till TS confrimd me as a player,askd for password and than got kicked twice by my fault for joining late which is true i didn't plan on joining late but that was my fate and enterd the resarves as a man......later on whan they had at last a slot whan finishd loading the map my game crashd which mad me go on a rampage and cry like a lil girl........and thats my story hope you enjoyed.......... -_-

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-29 20:37
by Elvin
Can anyone post the password here? Don't know if event is over but I can see that it's 53/63 atm.

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-29 20:49
Thanks for alot of fun! I know it was kinda unbalanced but still. It was really fun.

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-30 10:12
by Wicca
Mec team Lineup. Paine looks faboulus as always.


Karez Offensive - Operation Phoenix MEC start Picture - YouTube

Re: PRTA Operation Phoenix - The Karez Offensive Test Match

Posted: 2012-07-30 12:03
by Tiger1
Good fun, good fighting. GREAT teamwork.

End result 105 - 0 for USMC !

Now we just need 128+ battles again and a lot of us will be very happy.

Cheers from Tiger Platoon ! We had a good time.