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re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 16:07
by Navo
Any specific hardware required?
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 16:24
by Phoenixo_Idaho
Yeah Alt-tab crash is boring, especially when using TS or Xfire
But i'll keep it anyway. After having played with the ENB during one hour, it was hard for me to put back default settings. I was having impression to play BF2 with Sepia colors.
Navo wrote:Any specific hardware required?
Just a CG card

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 16:31
by Pronck
SAM609 For DEV! Anyway, I will start using it when the Alt+Tab bug is gone since I "tab" a lot when playing PR.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 16:32
by Nugiman
Amazing light effects, but not being able to alt+tab kills it for me!
Will there be a fix for it?
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 16:36
by Bluedrake42
as soon as I saw ENB in the title I fucking came
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 16:44
by Rabbit
GP_MineralWouter wrote:no you will not. tried it out, but the fact that you can't alt tab kills it for me

too bad
windowed mode ftw.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 17:19
by nAyo
I'll give it a try, just to see because it looks amazing! but the alt-tab crash will definitely prevent me from keeping it
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 17:22
by UTurista
Tried, didn't like it.
The alt-Tab is one of the main problem but I could live without it (almost)
2 things I notice and they're annoying:
The first some times it would seem it was very dark and I needed to look to the sky to light up the same area, the only game I saw that was Arma2 were we can see the transition from light to dark very badly.
The other problem is the fact the game colours can be very warm but then when we open the map is bright as s**t and I don't like it.
Ignoring this 2 factors Its not bad
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 17:51
by baltimore
SAM609 For DEV! Im downloading this awesome mod ,but its a fact that the ALT+TAB problem must be solved + it could be added to the 1.0 I mention.
Somebody tried window key+TAB?Possibly working(eh windows 7)
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 18:51
by Phoenixo_Idaho
O_turista_portugues wrote:
2 things I notice and they're annoying:
The first some times it would seem it was very dark and I needed to look to the sky to light up the same area, the only game I saw that was Arma2 were we can see the transition from light to dark very badly.
The other problem is the fact the game colours can be very warm but then when we open the map is bright as s**t and I don't like it.
Ignoring this 2 factors Its not bad
you can disable it instantly by pressing SHIFT + F12 and vice versa
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 18:54
by baltimore
after 10-20 min the game crashed.It's a little bugy

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 18:58
by ShockUnitBlack
Is there any chance a program like this might be included in an official PR release in the future? It looks like it has potential.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 19:01
by Subscyed
This does not work for me at all.
Most of the times it's a CTD without a report right before the BlackSand Studios logo appears.
Other times it's a freeze followed by the usual "Windows is trying to get the program to respond" stuff and followed by a solid CTD.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 19:04
by Bluedrake42
worked fine for me
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 19:14
by tankninja1
Kinda looks like graphics in FH2 much better than before. But won't this hurt computer performances a lot?
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 19:17
by Hamology
tankninja1 wrote:Kinda looks like graphics in FH2 much better than before. But won't this hurt computer performances a lot?
doesn't hurt mine at all, in fact it seems to run a bit smoother
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 19:39
by mOsInNaGaNt
Punkbuster kicked me at first attempt of joining a server for d3d9.dll.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 19:45
by Rabbit
Crashed after starting it up from my pr.exe, my fh2.exe loads fine though.
Edit: Never mind, didn't save when I disabled xfire ingame.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 20:11
by Subscyed
After several hours (aprox. 3hrs 30min) of whacking my head against the issue and trying everything >including< a fresh install of BF2 and PR, it still refuses to work.
I have no overlays on, not even mumble.
No other programs running at the same time.
Still nothing.
CTD/Freeze few secs in.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-03-22 20:13
by English_infidel
Cheers mate. About time this stopped playing for the peasants . It's 2013 man