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Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2015-03-24 19:32
by H.sta
Daniel wrote:Can I help coding (I have basic Java knowledge) or texturing or mapping?
I would love some help :D Other factions as well :)

Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2015-10-28 08:48
by Ivancic1941
Whats status?

Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2015-10-31 17:00
by ddeo
There are no community tasks available for this faction. Although if someone insist we could use help of weapon animator or coder or hud artist. ;D

In other words, it's going all well but we are still missing few things.

Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2015-10-31 18:12
by Mr.VdHeide
Awesome, cant wait for the Polish Forces!


Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2015-11-01 10:27
by Arab
Daniel wrote:Can I help coding (I have basic Java knowledge) or texturing or mapping?
It's not coding per-se, it's more like arranging ObjectTemplate codes around using tools to compare files to each other and just tweaking values and customizing things, using a list of BF2 Object Template code and a program to compare your changes to. Anyone can do it, doesn't need Java, C or anything :) Just practice, and trail-and-error.

WinMerge is a tool everyone uses to compare files called .cons, .tweaks to one another which are basically .txt files, and everyone uses Notepad++

You can use BF2Editor as a supplement to view your changes quickly, which is especially useful for positioning effects; wheels, testing out physics, hitpoints, changing materials, viewing animations, viewing levels, object placements and more but of course make a backup as the program does add, modify and remove things you don't tell it to modify.

Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2016-03-19 15:19
by ddeo
Any texture artists available? We would like to improve few of the textures.

If someone is interested, shoot me a PM for more info.

Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2017-01-13 16:56
by ddeo
Bump, anybody wants to make texture for Leopard 2A5?

Let me know if You are interested and I'll provide the details.

Re: Polish Forces Community Tasks

Posted: 2017-01-15 06:52
by FFG
[R-DEV]ddeo wrote:Bump, anybody wants to make texture for Leopard 2A5?

Let me know if You are interested and I'll provide the details.
I'll give it a crack, Never done a texture for a model but I'd be willing to have a go.