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Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-03-13 20:52
by X-Alt
piratepengu wrote:It would be kind of cool to see one where the British main is the southwest FOB and a cache spawns at the airport.
INS Large please

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-03-14 20:08
by LordHenryWotton
It'll be interesting to see how these changes turn out. I hope there won't be anything too drastic, we'll see what happens.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-03-17 00:21
by MIA89
fan-freakin-tastic..glad 4 boat

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-15 06:18
by hamish05064
Fine look not bad to see this thing, thanks for the update

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-21 04:56
by Roque_THE_GAMER
the Std layout does not seems to be a good idea, brits would just camp with their assets around the island sniping they with thermals and trap they on the island, sure they can swim out of there but seems to risky and slow.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-22 15:05
by WeeGeez
Geronimo wrote:Nice work!

However, I am a bit sceptical about the improved view distance because of the APCs. I think this map would be more fun in a low view distance "sandstorm" environment.
Like vanilla Karkand maybe? That would be something, reminds of Street from 0.6.. or was that .7?

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-22 23:23
by Rabbit
WeeGeez wrote:Like vanilla Karkand maybe? That would be something, reminds of Street from 0.6.. or was that .7?
Like Fallujah outskirts.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-23 22:06
by Mats391
Roque_THE_GAMER wrote:the Std layout does not seems to be a good idea, brits would just camp with their assets around the island sniping they with thermals and trap they on the island, sure they can swim out of there but seems to risky and slow.
If you leave over the east bridge and then go into city and you pretty much got same route as with current main. The new location also allows for way more cache positions inside the city which are more enjoyable for insurgents than those in the fields.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-24 11:15
by sweedensniiperr
I'm glad that you kept the British, instead of using US as the mapper originally did.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-24 13:35
by Rabbit
sweedensniiperr wrote:I'm glad that you kept the British, instead of using US as the mapper originally did.
Damn .5 was soooo long ago.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-24 20:05
by Outlawz7
Rabbit wrote:Damn .5 was soooo long ago.
Nah, I think he means Basrah v2 used US Army when Terror first released it around 2010.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-04-25 11:48
by TeRR0R
I said in 2012 that I would revert to brits, if I create a build for official release.
And so I did it. It just took a while. ;)

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-05-05 22:52
by DesmoLocke
I've dreamed of this for a while. The only thing that could make it better is add an alternate layer with the US back on it with the A-10!

That was the "It" moment for me when I first played PR many years ago. I was a newbie rifleman walking east along the major boulevard on the south side of the city. My squad was moving well and using BF2's built-in VOIP (remember that) to call out targets. Then an A-10 comes screaming by with it's gun lighting up an enemy sniper on the hotel roof. Good times! :)

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-06-10 15:09
by Psyko
Request: please put a ladder on the side of the garage building G11kp9

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-06-18 22:00
by Gerfand
one thing that need to be fixed is the Gas/Oil Pipeline were the Apcs get Stuck

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-06-24 05:03
by Glocknade
Could you possibly add some building just south of the palace?

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-06-29 19:18
by Wispin
I absolutely loved Basrah v2, and I'm soooo happy it's making a return into the actual game, omg.

It just seems like a natural move. Are we getting any other "upgraded" maps that have been created over the years, too? Jabal, etc.? Those would be super cool.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-07-29 07:05
by DrHaX
What's stopping enemy snipers, ARs and APCs camping exit of INS main? Seems just like more work for admins. Insurgents can either swim or cross a bridge. At least when the main is inside the city they have multiple exits that have cover.

Re: Al Basrah Map Update

Posted: 2016-07-29 10:18
by Smiley1967
Ok we will see intersting changes you got here but I think insurgence will get camped in their base as soon they are moving out. And when the brits get a cache in the city they gonna stay there cause of easy kills.