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Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-08 10:20
by LiamBai
Roque_THE_GAMER wrote:does that mean if they trow out their bombs they will turn better and all other jets will have this feature as well? otherwise is a step back, just let the jets flying at their best (no bomb loads or any other extra load)
The engine doesn't allow changing turn rate dynamically based on bombs dropped, afaik.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-08 15:44
by rPoXoTauJIo
[R-CON]LiamBai wrote:The engine doesn't allow changing turn rate dynamically based on bombs dropped, afaik.
In some very special cases it could be done via python(pr opressor). :)

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-08 17:43
by LiamBai
Can we make it so that the more kills you have the slower your jet turns?

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-08 19:05
by rPoXoTauJIo
Yes, but again - only under very specific conditions, it will be quite load of python hardcode, etc.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-15 05:54
So i tried out Tthe MIG29 ASF on HP.

It turns slower than the eurofighter and the tornado (and the harrier on SR), it literally has no advantage over them, it is inferior in every regard.

Doesn't take an expert to see that it needs a buff in some form, be it turn speed or more aa missiles.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-15 11:04
by PatrickLA_CA
If anything, the MIG-29 needs a nerf. Just because it is ASF doesn't mean that it is better than any other jet out there, especially not better in turning than the eurofighter.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-15 21:06
PatrickLA_CA wrote:If anything, the MIG-29 needs a nerf. Just because it is ASF doesn't mean that it is better than any other jet out there, especially not better in turning than the eurofighter.
I think you are confusing the MEC MIG 29 with the russian MIG 29 ASF which have both totally different flight characteristics for whatever reason.

The russian MIG 29 is indeed outturned by the eurofighter ingame, test it yourself on HP.

My argument is AGAIN, that the russian MIG 29 ASF is in every way inferior to the jets it is up against on the maps it is featured in, other than maybe the amount of aa missiles in SR when up against the Harrier GR9.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-15 23:49
by PatrickLA_CA
I know they have different handling for whatever reason or bug but IMO any MIG29 should have the handling of the russian MIG29. A MIG29 shouldn't be able to out turn a Eurofighter.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-16 00:50
PatrickLA_CA wrote:I know they have different handling for whatever reason or bug but IMO any MIG29 should have the handling of the russian MIG29. A MIG29 shouldn't be able to out turn a Eurofighter.
Fair enough, even though the MIG 29 is one of the most manouverable jets irl and said to even outturn many modern jets in a close range 1v1 dogfight (bvr is another story), but do you really think a tornado or a harrier should be able to outturn the MIG 29 too?

Because that is what they do atm.

Also my main point is to give the MIG29 something else to be worthy of its ASF designation, preferably 2 more close range aa missiles.

Right now the normal multi role fighters have the same amount of aa missiles equipped but get 2 additional bombs without sacraficing any manouverablity (thanks BF2 engine), it would be nice to have weaponry that is more specialized for the ASF role, so the name actually carries any meaning.

If that is for some unknown reason not acceptable for the devs they should just give us a normal MIG29 with two bombs imo.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-16 12:29
by PatrickLA_CA
Well a possible workaround can be to remove the long range AA missiles from the jets on the enemy team and the ASF will get its perk.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-18 23:32
I think it would be better to increase the the turn rate on the MIG 29 ASF, since it is pretty good irl, but you are right, it shouldn't be able to outturn the eurofighter.

Why nerf the other jets' aa missiles though?
Why not just buff the missile amount on the MIG 29 ASF?

Afaik irl it has at least 1 more hardpoint left.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-18 23:42
by PatrickLA_CA
Adding 1 or 2 extra missiles won't really give it any bigger advantage. But being able to see the enemy from further distances will. Although this way the other side might have a bigger handicap.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-19 01:52
by X-Alt
DogACTUAL wrote:I think it would be better to increase the the turn rate on the MIG 29 ASF, since it is pretty good irl, but you are right, it shouldn't be able to outturn the eurofighter.

Why nerf the other jets' aa missiles though?
Why not just buff the missile amount on the MIG 29 ASF?

Afaik irl it has at least 1 more hardpoint left.
No. The Eurofighter just needs to go back to it's pre 1.3 state, and it's all good since they just fixed the ASF.

Re: Air supremacy fighters

Posted: 2016-06-19 17:12
X-Alt wrote:No. The Eurofighter just needs to go back to it's pre 1.3 state, and it's all good since they just fixed the ASF.
So the tornado outturning the MIG 29 ASF is ok then?