Ok no worries - there are some BF2 road textures which have big wheel tracks that look similar to tractor tyres and I was hoping to add it near the road. I already have the modern plough in the middle of some of my fields!I don't think there are any tractors in BF2, or even static ones. The only tractor I've ever come across is in FH2, but that's a WW2 era tractor .
Perhaps you could use a plough though, there's a modern one, which was part of one of the xpacks, so I think that's in the xpack folder. There's also a somewhat older plough, which is used in PR:WW2.
Can anyone help me with these questions?I was going through the available road textures and came across the rubber matting that I've seen in the map Kashan Desert. What is it actually used for? I would love to add it to my US base but I'm not sure how to go around it?
there's a lot of lovely road textures which would bring a lot of extra detail into the map (such as oil spills & sand e.c.t). Would this be performance friendly?
what helipad would you recommend I use?
Also, any construction type vehicles like fork lifts e.c.t?