Re: PR:BF2 v1.5.2.0 Changelog
Posted: 2018-02-08 18:25
It should be more accurate than both.[R-DEV]AlonTavor wrote:Yes, min deviation on the beryl is slightly higher than M4 and AK74.
It should be more accurate than both.[R-DEV]AlonTavor wrote:Yes, min deviation on the beryl is slightly higher than M4 and AK74.
Why?123Frontliner wrote:It should be more accurate than both.
Barrel length doesn't determine accuracy (within reasonable limits).Frontliner wrote:Superior caliber and barrel length compared to AK74M.
Superior barrel length compared to M4.
Work in ProgressCpl.Sheldon Lee wrote:When the rest of polish maps will be added to co-op?
Going to work on itForestBrother wrote:Mineral, you guys should also fix the russian Tiger armoured vehicle engine sound. In real life, it does not sound like a humvee, but in PR it was released with a humvee engine sound.