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Posted: 2007-07-08 01:43
by daranz
Well, the mod isn't called Project Lets-see-what-crazy-stunt-that-would-get-us-killed-in-real-life-we-can-pull-off...
Posted: 2007-07-08 01:44
by eddie
No, but at the same time it is a video game
Posted: 2007-07-08 02:44
by Outlawz7
'[R-PUB wrote:Masaq']
*Every* tactic in the game you can think of, there's a decent counter for. If the other side is loading 6 guys into a transport chopper and using it as a gunship, all power to 'em! It just proves the other side aren't working together as a team- because with a little work and some co-ordination, they'd have the buggers down within 10 minutes. Kill the chopper and its crew two or three times, they'll stop doing it.
Reminds me of 0.5 Basrah, where every time, that USMC came to Facility, they parked the tank facing the north gate, and we destroyed it with C4 by jumping over the wall or actually waiting in the corner for the tank to park there and they constanly came back on that same spot and the tanker had no idea, where we are and they still kept camping there, altough they got destroyed every time
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:46
by El_Vikingo
We've been doing this for a long time.
There's already a thread on this.
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:48
by eddie
Christ Vikingo, give it a rest.
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:52
by Skullening.Chris
Either way, lame tactic that shouldn't be used in a REALITY mod.
Just 'cause you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD...
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:52
by eddie
If you could do it and get away with it irl, would you?
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:53
by Skullening.Chris
No, because in real life, the backblast would take out everyone in the helo...
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:54
by eddie
If you could do it irl and get away with it, would you do it?
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:54
by El_Vikingo
what if you dropped the rocket? A la WWI bomber planes?
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:56
by eddie
What if you got a box of WP grenades, pulled the string and through them in the cockpit?
Posted: 2007-07-08 04:59
by El_Vikingo
The only strings I can thikn of are the potato mashers.
Posted: 2007-07-08 05:03
by eddie
I mean attached to all the pin, so when you pull the string all of the pins release.
What would happen if you threw paint out of the helicopter?
Posted: 2007-07-08 12:39
by daranz
What if you mounted stub wings with weapon hardpoints and then attached a bunch of Hellfires?
Posted: 2007-07-08 13:32
by eddie
Hellfires? Nah, CVRs.
Posted: 2007-07-08 16:10
by AppleJuice4u2
Skullening.Chris wrote:This is reality mod. For some reason, I can't imagine this ever being attempted in the history of mankind in reality. Plz dun do it.
I hope thats sarcasm
Posted: 2007-07-08 20:12
by Masaq
Well since you can launch stingers, hellfires and TOWs from an H-6, I see no reason why a well-strapped on chappy on one of the skids wouldn't be able to launch a shoulder-launched missile of some kind, so long as the tailpipe was pointed along the chopper's fore-aft axis rather than pointing towards the bird itself
Posted: 2007-07-19 20:37
by TF6049
Cp20000 wrote:Hehe. Thanks TF6049.
We didnt "waste" an asset, we were about to cap the MEC main base and no one was using the blackhawks so we had some fun
The blackhawk is better for this than the LB because it resupplys ammo
Until I ran out.
It's not a factory, just has a limited ammobox.
Posted: 2007-07-19 20:42
by TF6049
Leo wrote:Something fun we did while waiting for everyone to get to practice (or filming, forgot which) in 0.5 Basrah was to have a spec ops on the side of a chopper and have a Humvee driver around randomly inside the airport, get low enough with the LB, drop a slam in the Humvee's flat bed and fly away. Sort of the same idea and lots of fun if you're with friends in a non-pub or empty server.