Guess why sniper rifle is called

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Post by OiSkout »

Isn't the nade launcher called the noob tube ...?

Most satisfying thing is when I'm in a sniper battle. Usually it's me and my friend vs an enemy sniper reinforced by a small squad(whether they are coordinating or not isn't apparent). Get a shot or two in if you're lucky, and someone always runs away. But you have to run too unless you're positive you didn't get spotted. At the same time, you have to watch out for incoming troops. And then when the enemy sniper does die, whoever the spotter is always makes a mad dash for the enemy's rifle haha. Fuckin sweet treasure and intense combat with few kills.
Posts: 43
Joined: 2007-07-17 23:13

Post by vibes »

TF6049 wrote:I was hiding in grass
you do realise that grass doesn't render at range, so you were in effect sitting in the open? gg.
Posts: 4877
Joined: 2006-11-27 01:50

Post by El_Vikingo »

Let him dream on.

If you are reading this dont stop, cause if you do, I'll kick you in the balls.
Red Halibut
Posts: 543
Joined: 2006-08-10 16:45

Post by Red Halibut »

Playing "Nanjing" last night we were approaching the Estate and encountered a sniper West - yes West - of us. I'll give the guy this, he was a good shot and took the squad out in short order when we stupidly got caught out in the open.

However, he did not shoot and move and died a minute after we respawned from a grenade barrage. The kit we picked up was put to very good use in defending the flag once we had taken it, and certainly killed more of them than it had of us.

Moral of the story, snipers can be incredibly effective, but a bad sniper who doesn't practice evasion can be worse than useless. Enjoy your sniping chaps, just remember to watch your back every so often! ;)
"It is not the responsibility of a defender to leave the objective unguarded just so his opponent sucks less."
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